Forgotten 80s Mystery ClickI see the problem start
I watch the tension grow
I see you keeping it to yourself
And then instead of reaching conclusions
I see you reaching for something else

Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton babble on about the tempest in a teapot that is the Goldberg files, the economy, including tariffs, that is improving, deportations are lovely, Crockett2028, the deep state hanging on like leeches, and more!
I feel bad about this but I'm going to have to post about Rachel Zegler again...
Masih Alinejad "Where are @AOC, @IlhanMN, the left-wing activists who called me an Islamophobe, and the campus protesters chanting "I am Hamas"? The killers sent by the Islamic Republic to assassinate a woman on US soil were convicted in federal court, You're silent. Why?" [CBD]

Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton discuss the pending Ukraine ceasefire, Israel going back into Gaza, should President Trump simply ignore the courts, Roberts is a crap Chief Justice, violence directed at Tesla (and others) by the left, and more!
Black Conservative Perspective has a hot take on the Harry Sisson "cancellation" -- he thinks it's all a psyopHe thinks Democrats trying to portray the very femmy Sisson as
straight to appeal to the young straight male voters Democrats need, despite widespread belief that he's as gay as a peacock at high tea. He thinks they've arranged for female Democrats to accuse him of Toxic Masculinity and Absolutely RECKING That Poon.
This is a silly theory, except for when you remember that literally every single messaging offensive by the Democrat Party is 1 fake and 2 gay