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Cutting The Cord And Email Security
Moron Meet-Ups
Andre Carson: You're a Racist If You Don't Like Infrastructure Projects
Overnight Open Thread
DoJ Gets to Pick Corporate Winners and Losers Too
Updates On Obama, Palin Speeches Obama Accepts September 8th Date
Why Be a Global Warming Skeptic - Greatest Hits [ArthurK]
Well That Makes Sense: Park51 Group Requests $5 Million In Federal Taxpayer Money For Their Victory Mosque
George H.W. Bush (41) Promised A Big Speech on Turning The Economy Around, Too
Hottest iPhone App? SCOAMF
Green Jobs Are To Real Jobs as Unicorns Are To Horses: Another Vaunted Green Jobs Plant Shutters
Next Step: Does Obama Request That Dingy Harry Host Him In The Senate?
More On Indianola Screw-Ups: “The truth of the matter is you’ve got a couple old cowboys running a Tea Party and we’re not professional politicians"
Boehner: How Does Thursday Sound?
Man Decapitates Self When Police Come Following Domestic Disturbance
The AoSHQ Pepe Serna Interview. [dri]
More On The Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index
Obama: Hey, Little Favor. Can I Deliver a Droning Speech to a Joint Session of Congress At the Exact Same Time As the Much-Anticipated Republican Debate? UPDATE: Carney Gives Permission to GOP to Reschedule Debate
Palin's Tea Party Speech In Indianola "On Hold"
Huntsman To Produce Sweeping Changes To Tax Code, Eliminate All Deductions, Drop Top Rate to 23%
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Frets Crazy, Unreasonable, Fringe Self-Defense Rules (Which Seem Popular Among Their Readers)
DOOM: The truth will set you free...or kill you.
Top Headline Comments 8-31-11
Overnight Open Thread
Dick Cheney on Hannity/ Fun Sounding Show on ABC
This Is How Science Gets Settled
The Dumbest Thing I've Ever Read
How Much Political Trouble Is Obama In? If You Look At The Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index, He's In Even More Trouble Than You Thought
Perry on Hannity's Radio Show, Now
3M Claims Democratic Lobbyist, Talking Head, and Former Clinton Staffer Lanny Davis Tried to Extort $30 Million From It
That Dummy Perry [ArthurK]
Feds Raid Gibson Guitar Factory, Without Explaining Why
Another Shock: Obama's White House Reassigns Acting ATF Director Ken Melson
Shock: Mental Illness Linked To Global Warming
Grading Obama's Post-Graduate Writing Ability
Horrible Childhood Open Thread [krakatoa]
DOOM: Will the last one out please turn off the lights?
Ann Walsh Bradley is a Decidedly Unjust Justice
Top Headline Comments 8-30-11
Random Thought/Question
Wikileaks Releases Thousands Of Cables Containing Unredacted Names of Agents and Sources
The Rod Serling Economy [ArthurK]
Open Overnight Thread - I Hate Mondays Edition
Hotbed of Bull-Connor-Era Racism Discovered At CERN Physics Laboratories
NYT Columnist Nick Kristof Suddenly Realizes That Unemployment Is Really Bad; Wonders Why The Media Haven't Fully Explored This Issue
Breaking: Philosopher of Economics Realizes That Work Is, Um, "Work," And People Tend To Work For... Money
NYT: Let's Make the Ugly a Protected Class
Democrat Running To Replace Anthony Weiner Thinks The Government's Debt Is... $4 Trillion
Why Was Irene So Hyped By The Media?
Lies Liberals Tell Themselves To Get Through The Day: Social Security Is Not A Ponzi Scheme
Obama's Big Important Jobs Speech Delayed Plus: Downfall, the Obama Edition
And just when we thought Irene was gone... (tmi3rd)
The DNC's Daily Newsletter "Politico" Wonders: "Is Rick Perry Dumb?"
Multiple Layers of Fact Checking Confirm: Raw Sewage Tastes Like Shite... [krakatoa]
Top Headline Comments 8-29-11
Gallup: Obama's Disapproval Hits Record High of 55%
National Geographic Channel Interview With George W. Bush About September 11, 2001
Overnight Open Thread
Wrapping Up Irene (tmi3rd)
Beautiful Time-Lapse Videos
SCOAMFOTUS' Greatest Hits
Obama Finally Makes Good on a Promise: The Sea Levels Are Dropping
Reposting: Why Is Pamela Geller Faking Quotes?
Obama Has Been Hurt by the Media's Leniency
Tropical Storm Irene Update (tmi3rd)
Sunday Book Thread
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Planned Maintenance - All Done!
What I Got Wrong On The Aga Khan Matter
Nightside Hurricane Irene Update and ONT (tmi3rd)
The Sentinel
Excessive Govt. regulation isn't a problem. Not when you compare it to what's coming, that is. [ArthurK]
Correction -- And One More Coming
Your Memory Fails You, Ms. Geller
Good News/Bad News. The Good News: Al Qaeda's New Number 2 Killed In Pakistan. Bad News: Actually, It's Just Good News
Question for Liberals On the Atkins Diet (Or Its Variants)
Idiot Reporters Standing Out In Irene Calling People Idiots For...Standing Out In Irene
R.O.U.S.'s Open Thread. [krakatoa]
10 AM EDT Irene Update (tmi3rd)
Win the Culture. [ArthurK]
Ed Schultz Uses Racial Dog Whistle To Harp on Marco Rubio's Race, Suggesting He Is Dangerous Hispanic Criminal
Schadenboner: Liberals Finally Begin To Realize That Maybe Obama's Not So Hot, Huh?
Nightside Hurricane Irene Update (tmi3rd)
Overnight Open Thread - Friday [Ben]
Friday Thread: Hey, Let's Slam All The Candidates
Stimulus: Stores Sell Out In Anticipation of ARRA Project "Irene"
Extremely Well-Rested and Relaxed President Cuts 10 Day Vacation Short By One Day
Hey Here Is This Post I Found on Hot Air
This Is Why The Argument Over Michelle Obama Confuses Me (And Why I Am Often Confused In Arguments)
Science (TM): Lefty Has Great Plan To Reduce Obesity-- Government-Imposed Hikes In Food Prices
Unexpectedly, Q2 GDP Estimates Revised Downward
Hurricane Irene Morning Update (tmi3rd)
Obama Is the Left's Chicxulub
Top Headline Comments 8-26-11
So.... Yeah... The New Smear Is That Rick Perry Is a Dhimmi, Huh?
BUMPED: Rhode Island Moron Meetup CANCELLED.
Overnight Open Thread - Pre-Hurricane Edition
Likely Liberal Plants Continue Heckling Romney
CERN publishes their Cosmic Ray/Cloud Formation research. Global Warming Cultists Hardest Hit. [ArthurK]
Our Proudest Moment
Will Romney Have To Swing at Perry?
You Won't Have Contessa Brewer To Kick Around Anymore
Perry: I'm In Support of Free Trade, But More In Support of Fair Trade
Verum Serum: Here Are 20 Questions, Which I'm Sure Bill Keller Will Endorse, To Ask of Obama
"Today We Finish. Today We End That:" Rebels Claim They Have Gadaffy Surrounded
Hurricane Irene (tmi3rd)
It Begins: WND Challenging Marco Rubio's Eligibility to Be President
Bill Keller of the NYT: I Demand the Media Closely Question Barack Obama About The Depths of His Purported Christian Faith, The Influences He May Have Received While in a Religious School in Indonesia, and His Beliefs About Rev. Wright's Conception of God
Jim Carrey Proposes To Emma Stone
Brave New Creepy, Invasive World
The RedState/Dan Riehl/Jamie Radtke Fur-Pile
Bad Science's Latest Target: Dryer Sheets
Perry Knocks Romney on RomneyCare
Bill Keller Of The NY Times Wants His Readers To Know Most Of The GOP Candidates Are Crazy Religious Nuts
Cheney Advised Bush to Bomb Syria
DOOM: Quick hits
Straw Poll: Who do you want in 2012?
Top Headline Comments 8-25-11
Overnight Open Thread
Navy Board Decides To Allow Fired Skipper Of USS Enterprise To Stay In Navy
Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO
Senator Barack Hussein Obama: You Know What's Unpatriotric? Sorta... Unamerican? Racking Up $4 Trillion in Debt In Seven and a Half Years, That's What
Um, Open Thread?
Joe the Plumber May Challenge Mary Kaptur for Congress In Ohio-9?
That Krugman Google Message: Fake, But Accurate
Perry Leads The Field By... 12
It's Totally Not Symbolic And Totally Not God Trying To Tell Us Something: Washington Monument Cracks
CBO: Deficit Projected To Fall If We Assume A Great Many Preposterous Things Will Happen Plus: Is Obama's Payroll Tax Cut The Hill To Die On?
Alec Baldwin: 9/11 Was Perpetrated by US Military
Illinois Loses More Jobs Than Any Other State
Open Thread 'em if you Got 'em -- PETA officially becomes Integral Part of AoSHQtm Lifestyle. [krakatoa]
DOOM: Sun's gonna shine in my backdoor some day
Biden: "Your [one child] policy has been one which I fully understand; I’m not second-guessing." White House: "Biden was arguing against the One Child Policy to a Chinese audience.”
Top Headline Comments 8-24-11
Overnight Open Thread
Unexpectedly, Democrats Begin Demonizing the Tea Party and Playing the Race Card
Oh My: Obama Took Conference Call About DC Earthquake... While Remaining Resolutely On Golf Course
Caption Contest! - Updated! [ArthurK]
Byron York: Hey, You Know What the Current Main Driver Of Our Deficit Is? Not Entitlements-- Spending
38%: SCOAMFOTUS Hits New Low In Gallup Approval; Also Hits New Low on Rasmussen
Estimated 5.8 5.9 Earthquake Strikes Virginia, Felt In SC and NY
The Myth of the Myth of the Texas Miracle
Researchers: Tea Partiers Are Xenophobic, Fear Change, And Cling Bitterly To Their Guns and Religion
The Feminist Goal Was Never Equal Pay for Equal Work; It Was More Pay for Less Work
And a very merry DOOM to you too, sir!
Top Headline Comments 8-23-11
Overnight Open Thread - Upgraded Version
Obama Three Weeks Ago: I'll Present a Detailed Plan Obama Recently: I'll Spitball Some Doodles
Warning: The Conan the Barbarian Remake Is The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen In A Theater
NYT: We Can't Stop Canada From Producing Tar-Sands Petroleum, But We Can Force Them To Sell Their Dirty Tar Sand Oil to China!
Qadaffy's State-Owned Media Offers Preview Of Our Media In 2012
Gallup Shock: Romney Tops Obama, Perry Ties; Bachmann & Ron Paul Close-ish John Ziegler: Having Failed To Embrace Pawlenty, Romney Is the Party's Only Hope of Defeating Obama
Ryan Will Not Run for President; Decision is "Final"
In Race To Replace Anthony Weiner, NYT Surprised To Find That The New Yorkers They're Supposed To Cover Aren't Thrilled With Obama
Obama: The Public Is Discontented With Me Because They're So Goshdarn Mad At Congress
You Know Who Hates Rick Perry? Trial Lawyers, That's Who.
Libya: Rebels Gain Control Of Tripoli
Eric Cantor: Hey, Maybe Obama Should Stop Killing Jobs Before Wasting More Money Trying To Create Them
DOOM: Trouble In Mind
Top Headline Comments 8-22-11
Overnight Open Thread
Lazy Sunday Political Nonsense. - UPDATE [ArthurK]
Ghaddafi Dead?
Open Thread
President Obama wants to Kill the Poor. [krakatoa]
Sunday Book Thread
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Blogging After America - Day Ten Epilogue - The Hope of Audacity[ArthurK]
Overnight Thread-Hodgepodge Edition [CDR M]
August 13, 1961: The Day Communism Admitted Its Complete and Total Failure
SCOAMF: The Buck Stops Over There
Hard times ain't gonna rule my mind no more
Blogging After America - Day Nine Chapter Eight - After [ArthurK]
Overnight Thread-The Eighth Plague Edition [CDR M]
Taxpayers Funded Obamacare Propaganda
Secret Racism Running Wild in Our Government. [ArthurK]
Why is the GOP Not Demanding We Open Up ANWR and Repeal ObamaCare?
More Christie Rumors: Pawlenty's Former Staffers Talking to Jersey Governor
TV's Andy Levy Responds To the Department of Corrections' Chris Brown
Fore! Obama's Playing Golf Today
Gallup: 40/53 (Disapproval Up One Since Yesterday, Approval Unchanged)
"The White House’s worst-case scenario for the economy on Election Day next year has become Wall Street’s baseline scenario."
Stupid Vermin Tricks: Muslim Fanatic Threats Letterman Over Joke
Midday Open Thread
Top Headline Comments 8-19-11
Blogging After America - Day Eight Chapter Seven - The New Jerusalem [ArthurK]
The Miserable Failure's War in Libya May Result In Victory
Overnight Open Thread
Random Thought
So How Is That "Summer Where We Just Sit Back and Appreciate the Splendor of Obama" Working Out?
Oh Boy: Obama Orders End to Deportation of Illegal Aliens
UPDATE: 8 Dead in Israel, Dozens Wounded Rumors Are That Israel Has Fired Into Egypt Not Israel, but "Gunmen"?
Obama's Job Creation up 5.2%! (in regulators) [ArthurK]
Indoor Skydiving
IBM Says It's Built Chips That Actually Think and Learn
Coburn: Obama Likes Programs That Increase Dependency Because Obama Has Benefited From These Programs
College Student Tries To Get Fellow Students to "Redistribute" Some GPA Points To Their Lower-Grade Classmates; Finds Few Willing Donors
Replicant: Ridley Scott To Produce, Direct New "Blade Runner" Film, Either Prequel or Sequel
I Think We're In A Second Recession
Perry On Softening Remarks About Obama: I Love My Country More Than I Care About The President's Feelings
Obama Calls On Syria's Assad To Resign
Gorbachev: Time to Get Rid of Putin
DOOM knocked me down and took my lunch money
DEVELOPING: Multi-stage Terrorist Attack In Israel
Top Headline Comments 8-18-11
Blogging After America - Day Seven Chapter Six - Fall [ArthurK]
Farmer to Obama: Lie to Me. Obama to Farmer: Not A Problem
Overnight Open Thread
Christine O'Donnell Walks Off Piers Morgan
Review: Limitless
Evening Open Thread
German Growth At A Standstill; Europe About To Enter New Recession
Chesterton's Fence
New Hampshire Poll: Romney Maintains Strong Lead, But Perry Jumps Into Second
Plummet: Confidence In Obama On The Economy Falls Sharply To... 26%
Jesus Demands You Impose a Socialist Economy Or Something, Wingnuts
(BUMPED) Local NE Moron Meetup Announcement
Now It Can Be Told: Hollywood Studio Responsible For All of the Kitten Clips on the Internet Explains How They Create Video Magic
Maxine Waters: Blacks Are Getting Tired of Making Excuses For Obama
Gallup: Yup, 39 or 40% Seems Like Obama's New Mark
Claim: Chris Christie Convening Focus-Group With Eye To Determining Viability As a Presidential Candidate Update: "Not True," Says Christie Man; Alter Retracts
Perry: The Troops Prefer A President Who's Worn The Uniform Obama: Watch Your Mouth, But I'll Cut You Some Slack Perry: You're Killing Jobs
Blogging After America - Day Six Chapter Five - The New Britannia - The Depraved City [ArthurK]
Rick Perry: Global Warming Is Based on Scientists Manipulating The Data Update: Actual Quotes Added
Now Rick Perry Pictured Eating a Corndog
Future Report Open Thread: Food Stamms Got me to Work. [krakatoa]
Your DOOM is blocking my driveway, sir.
Essential Reading on Gov. Perry
Top Headline Comments 8-17-11
Non-Union Boss Shot By Likely Union Member In Intimidation Operation
Overnight Open Thread
Wisconsin Recall Results Thread Damn: Both Dems Hold
Because You Demanded It
Beware the competent Technocrats [ArthurK]
New York Times: Pretty Much Perry Just Got Lucky With Job Creation Or Something
Cute Vid
Racism: Rick Perry Calls Barack Obama a "Big Black Cloud Hanging Over America"
Obama's Ag Secretary: We Do Have a Jobs Program. It's Called "Food Stamps."
Analysis: Don't Believe The Negative Spin on Texas' Unemployment Figure
Gallup: Obama Back Down to 39% Approval, Up to 53% Disapproval
Blogging After America - Day Five Chapter Four - Decline - American Idyll [ArthurK]
New Rasmussen Poll Will Tag Perry As Frontrunner
Obama Explains Bad Economy, Vice President's "Terrorist" Slur
Whoa....Paul Ryan Reconsidering Running For President?
Twinkle Twinkle Little DOOM
Palin's Oversensitivity to Bad Media Comes Back to Bite Her
Top Headline Comments 8-16-11
Overnight Open Thread
Unexpectedly, Consumer Confidence Plummets More Than Expected, Down To Unexpected Levels Not Expected Since Jimmy Carter
Does The Ames Straw Poll Mean Palin Isn't Running?
Media Runs Fair & Unbiased Photo of Bachmann Eating Corndog
Other Concessions Democrats Could Make To Actually Get a Grand Bargain Compromise
Paul Krugman: What The World Needs Now Is A Man Like Adrian Veidt
Obama Hits New Highs on Gallup
Flash Mob Loots 7-11, In America
Monday Hooligan Open Thread [krakatoa]
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One DOOM
Top Headline Comments 8-15-11
Blogging After America Day Four Chapter Three - The New Athens [ArthurK]
Overnight Open Thread
Note to WaPo's editorial board: pace yourselves, guys. It's still a long way to November 2012.
GALLUP: Jimmy Carter 2 (Open Thread)
Sunday Book Thread
One Down: T-Paw Drops Presidential Bid
Blogging After America Day Three Chapter Two - Undreaming America [ArthurK]
Overnight Thread-Caturday Edition [CDR M]
This Thing Just Pisses Me Off UPDATED
Ames Straw Poll Results. Bachmann Wins
Pictures From Perry's Announcement Speech; Plus, Full Text of Speech
ICYMI: Rick Perry's Speech
Blogging After America Day Two Chapter One - The New Rome [ArthurK]
Rick Perry's Announcement Speech
Ronald Regan, Redux?
Jimmy Carter, Redux
More "Rick Perry, Unhinged!"
Overnight Thread- Cram & Puke Edition [CDR M]
How will "petroshekels" change the world? [stuiec]
Blogging After America Day One Prologue - The Stupidity of Broke [ArthurK]
Sarah Palin: Hey Iowa! Remember Me? Of Course You Do.
11th Circuit Court Of Appeals Rules ObmaCare Individual Mandate Unconstitutional
Rick Perry: I'm Here To Chew Bubblegum And Kick Ass And I'm All Out Of Bubblegum
Impressions From Last Night's Debate
Nor Rain, Nor Snow, Nor Mass Layoff [Ben]
The Liberal Need to Round on Obama
Top Headline Comments 8-12-11
Overnight Open Thread
Corn-fed GOP Debate Liveblog
Open Blog For Tomorrow
46% of Registered Voters (44% of Adults) Say They Will Definitely Vote Against Barack Obama
Gallup Issues Party Affiliation by State Results
Nancy Pelosi's Super Committee Picks Are Totally Open To Compromise
Can Anyone Explain Colbert's Ads To Me?
Breaking: Perry Will In Fact Announce His Candidacy In SC on Saturday
Is Obama Not, In Fact, The Smartest Man In The History Of Mankind?
Shock: When Joe Wilson Said "You Lie," The President Was In Fact Lying
Pentagon Releases Names and Hometowns of Troops Killed In Helicopter Massacre, Including SEALs
Democrats Want Obama To Be "Bolder" On The Economy Or Some Such Shit
Perry Interview: Yeah I'm Running
Rasmussen: President Obama Approval Rating: 56%
Felonious Munk: "Stop Being a Dickhead and Balance the F****** Budget"
Families Of The Fallen: We Don't Want Any Media Coverage Of Our Loved Ones Return To Dover. White House To Families: We Don't Care What You Want
Just put some Gold Bond medicated power on that DOOM; it'll clear right up.
The Left is Absolutely Going to Lose Its Mind Over Rick Perry
Top Headline Comments 8-11-11
Overnight Open Thread
Iowahawk Headline: "London Rioters Resent Media Image of Hooded Teen Thug" UPDATED
The Third Day. [ArthurK]
Are Obama's Fundraisers A Form of Ego-Rejuvenating Therapy?
Suckers: Dow Loses 519, Easily Eclipsing Yesterday's Buy-Off-The-Bottom Sucker's Rally
DePaul University Professors Attempt to Shut Down Tea Party Event Utilizing University Resources, Inherent Hotness
Last Stand For Tim Pawlenty In Iowa?
Obama Disapproval Back Up To 51%
Question For Mickey Kaus
Breaking News, Breaking Wind: Anchors Struggle To Get Through Report on Flatulence-Based Arrest More Fart Based News: Did Barney Frank Fart on Rachel Maddow?
London Rioters: "We're Getting Our Taxes Back"
PPP: Democrats Have 7 Point Advantage In Generic Congressional Ballot; Blogger Opines They'd Win House If Elections Were Held Today
McConnell Names Senate GOP Debt Committee Members. ADDED: Boehner Announces His Picks As Well
GOP Victory In Wisconsin Could Reverberate Around Country
Payback: US Special Forces Hunt Down Taliban Fighters Who Shot Down US Helicopter And Blow Them To Hell
Oh, say, can you see, by the DOOM's early light...
Top Headline Comments 8-10-11
"Not Much Further We Can Cut" and my neighborhood. [ArthurK]
Wisconsin Recall Thread GOP HOLDS SENATE BY 1 SEAT
Top Shot Starts Again
Overnight Open Thread
On That Poll About Congress: Most Don't Want Their Own Representative Reelected
Reid Appoints First 3 Members Of Debt Super Committee
Poll: Debt Debate Hurts Republicans
Has Obama Met His Economic Sadr City?
"Not Much Further We Can Cut" & The Dog That Didn't Bark
50 Dirtiest Players of All Time
Newsweek Runs "Lunatic" Cover Story, Setting Conservative Blogosphere Abuzz, Angering Tea Partiers and Bachmann Supporters
Paul Ryan To Run Ads In... Iowa
Afternoon Open Thread
Obama Is Not Smart
DOOM gets in your eyes
Top Headline Comments 8-9-11
Overnight Open Thread
An Ace of Spades Commenter Has Something In Common With Bill Maher: The Onion Stole Their Jokes
Britain Burning: Underclass/Youth Riots For Third Night
Media Banned From Dover Air Force Base For Return Services Of Those Killed In Afghanistan This Weekend
The Return of Debate
Dow Down 634
Soon To Be Released Tapes: Jacqueline Kennedy Believed Her Husband Was Killed By Conspiracy Authored by President Lyndon Johnson
American Federation of Teachers Caught Screwing Over Parents In Connecticut
If This Is Obama's Low Point, It Might Be Well-Timed For Him
LOLBama: Republicans Are To Blame For Downgrade, Economic Standstill
One Term Proposition: Axelrod Squirms Over Obama's Old Quote That He's Got Three Years to "Fix This"
Blah Blah Blahbetty Freakin' Blah: Obama To Talk On TV Some More at 1 PM
The New Tone Sinks In: 29% Of Public Now Agrees That Tea Partiers Are, In Fact, "Economic Terrorists "
Recalls Against WI Republicans TOMORROW (PPP FINAL POLLING)
Shall We Play a Game?* [krakatoa]
The Harm of Leaking KIA Information to the Press
DOOM: Drown in my own tears.
Top Headline Comments 8-8-11
Overnight Open Thread
The "Tea Party Downgrade" UPDATED
Sunday Afternoon Open Thread
Sunday Book Thread
Sunday Morning Non-Book Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread-Just Another Caturday Edition [CDR M]
Liberals Express Frustration That President Awesome Won't Up His Game
The Iraq War Was Wrong Blog Also Covers Economics [ArthurK]
Saturday Afternoon Open Thread
Nor Rain, Nor Snow, Nor Taxpayer Revolt ...
Worst Boss Ever
Oh God...31 Americans And 7 Afghans Killed In Helicopter Crash
Unemployment Followup - Was it Really Not All That Bad?
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread-Zombies, Brains and Boobeh's Edition [CDR M]
"Thank God For The Atom Bomb" [ArthurK]
Flashback: S&P Raised Texas' Bond Ratings from AA to AA+ In 2009
Unprecedented: S&P Downgrades US Debt to AA+
NYT Essentially Ignores Its Own Poll Findings
"Oh My:" ATF Almost "Single-Handedly" Responsible For Arming Drug Cartel For "War;" Mexican Officials Lied to Left and Right About Massive US Government Arms Smuggling to the Cartels
The New Civility, Continued: Leftist Protester Shouts John Wilkes Booth's Assassination Motto, "Sic Semper Tyrannis," At Scott Walker
Government Official: We're Expecting An S&P Downgrade
Will Obama Be Primaried? Ralph Nader Believes So; A Former Obama Supporter Hopes So
Obama Ally Goldman Sachs Reduces Growth, Employment Forecasts Again
How To Add $1 Trillion To The Economy With The Stroke of a Pen
They Didn't Really Kill Peter Parker, You Know
Obama Pivoting To Job Creation For Seventh Time Now
John F'n Kerry: Media Has Duty To Not Give Equal Time To Tea Party
Finally! Media Gets Around To Vetting Obama And Finds His College Transcripts
AoSHQ Style Guide - Open Thread [krakatoa]
Unemployment Rate for July 2011 - Can We Fire Them Now?
Top Headline Comments 8-5-11
Overnight Open Thread
With Obama's Approval Numbers Flagging, It Must Be Time For Another "We've Given Up On Government" Piece
"... the summer of 2011 is the summer of Obama" [ArthurK]
Honey Badger Guy Takes On... Washington Spending
And Yet More Liberal Civility Update: She Stands Behind Column, Claiming That Tea Partiers Are , As a Factual Matter, Terrorists
Old and Busted: The White House Will Soon Be Creating 500,000 Jobs A Month New Hotness: The White House Does Not Create Jobs
Is Obama Doomed? And: Will He Bother Even Running?
Dow Down 512, 6% Since Tuesday; 10th Biggest One Day Drop On Record
Wisconsin Recall Elections Begin Next Week
Media "Vetting" Of Perry Begins
Meltdown: DOW Loses 400; Year's Modest Gains Wiped Out
Cantor: The President "Just Doesn't Get It"
How To Cut $1 Trillion a Year
CNBC describes the current state of the economy as "a rough patch." [krakatoa]
You're no daisy! You're no daisy at all. [krakatoa]
You'd Best Strap Yourself In. DOOM! Is Behind the Wheel.
Top Headline Comments 8-4-11
ABC's Jake Tapper Takes a Little Shot at the God King.[ArthurK]
Overnight Open Thread
Borrowing Now At 100% of GDP
The Government's Cereal Killers
The Progressive Crisis
Obama's Mouthpiece: No Threat of Double-Dip Obama's Former Obama Economic Adviser: Threat of Double Dip Is 1 in 3
Any Recent Obama Converts? [ArthurK]
Michael Goodwin: The Country Is Giving Up On Obama
Civility, Liberal-Style
Niece of a Man Called "L.D. Cooper" Comes Forward To Claim She's Solved The Mystery of D.B. Cooper
Paradigm Shift Open Thread [krakatoa]
Texas Drought Reveals Shuttle Columbia Wreckage
Ohai, DOOM! Didn't See You Standing There.
Top Headline Comments 8-3-11
Overnight Open Thread
I inherited a mess from Bush, just like Reagan from Carter [ArthurK]
From Politics To "Economic Realities:" Wall Street Tanks, Moody's Issues "Negative" Outlook
In Three-Way Race of Romney, Bachmann, and Perry, Romney Would Be Ahead
Two-Faced: Don Lemon of CNN Demands To Know Why Rand Paul Won't Compromise, And Yet Interrogates a Liberal House Member As To Why They Didn't Fight Harder
Tucson Cartoonist Indulges In Fantasy Of Having Obama Send in the SEALs to Kill Tea Party Terrorists
If You Think You're Upset About the Deal, Read the Liberals
Obama's Speech: I'm The Only One Thinking About Jobs, And Oh, By The Way, I Think This Recession I Have Caused Was Really Caused By Republicans Fighting Over The Debt Ceiling
Chris Matthews, Who Just Yesterday Blamed Gabby Giffords' Shooting On A Climate Of Hate, Can't Get Enough "Hostage-Taking" and "War" Talk
The New York Times, Very Upset By The "Violent" Rhetoric In Politics Just Six Months Ago, Loves Biden's "Terrorists" Talk
Matt. Damon. Open. Thread. [krak]
Shall I compare thee to a summer's DOOM?
Dems Plan Pivot to Jobs
Top Headline Comments 8-2-11
Overnight Open Thread
Open Thread [Truman North]
Old Message: Compromise and Bipartisanship Are Super-Important Mew Message: It's Okay For Democrats To Play Political Games With The Debt Ceiling
MSNBC Writer: The Double-Dip Has Already Begun
The New Tone: Biden Says Tea Partiers "Acted Like Terrorists"
The 41% Extremist Fringe: Conservative Self-Identification At 20-Year High,Remains Higher Than Identification as "Moderate" or "Liberal"
Where Am I Going Wrong on a National Sales Tax?
Norah O'Donnell Goes After Jay Carney With Tough Questions
Porn Causes Less Rape, But More Dysfunction?
Sign of the Times: Illegal Immigrants Moving Back to Mexico To Take Advantage of Mexico's Low 4.9% Unemployment Rate
Carney: Hey, We Can Absolutely Get New Tax Revenue From This Joint Committee
"That Guy" Open Thread. [krak]
Madam, DOOM has arrived to escort you to the ball.
ACU's Disappointing GOProud Decision
Top Headline Comments 8-1-11 Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day. This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit
Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Chuck Grassley
NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10
Senate floor vote comes next
Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize! -- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital
JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.
You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
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ShainS -- The Deep State Dies in Daylight AND Dharma [/b][/i][/s][/u] :
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"DEI strikes again, the fire captain was murdered b ..."
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""I'll harm you!"
Oooh! I'll give you such a pin ..."
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Bloggers in Arms
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