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Overnight Open Thread (7-31-2012)
"What About Your Gaffes"/"Show Some Respect" Songs, Now With Videos
Texas Senate Runoff Night: Cruzin' or Losin' update: CRUZ WINS
CNN Nonpologizes For Sarah Palin "Stupid Girl" Intro; In Completely Unrelated News, CNN's Ratings Down 20% From 2011, And They Were Bad in 2011 Too
No Coordination Whatsoever Between Harry Reid's "Investor" Story And A New Obama Ad Calling Romney a Felon on Taxes
Harry Reid Unbound: A Conspiracy of Seventeen Old White Venal Men Is Putting In Their Dentures To Feast on the Meal of America They've Purchased
The New Dance Smash, Presstitutes ("What About Your Gaffes?") Uh-Oh: Competition From "Show Some Respect"
DNC Counterprograms Itself: Bill Clinton Will Give Keynote Speech Explaining What He Did In the 90s To Make The Economy Cook, And Then Elizabeth Warren Will Explain Why We Need To Do The Exact Opposite
Star Trek Stars Narrate NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Grand Entrance Video
Longer Trailer For James Bond Movie Suggests It Might Actually Be Interesting
Dana Carvey, Jon Lovitz Note Comics Refuse To Make Jokes About Barack Obama
Guy Assaults Girlfreind, Smashes Computer, Because He Thinks She's Stepping Out With... Mitt Romney
Any Musicians/Sound Editors Like This Idea?
"Kiss My Ass," Romney Aide Instructs Press, When They Shout Questions At Him At Poland's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
New Ad Hits Obama on Broken Campaign Promise on Israel's Capital
Colorado Democrat Ed Perlmutter: Damn, the Aurora Theater Massacre Makes Me Stoked About ObamaCare
UK Experts To Assist In Destruction of Saddam Hussein's Remaining Stores of Chemical Weapons
Turnover in GM Management Suggests Rough Sledding Ahead
Milton Friedman's Centenary
Top Headline Comments 7-31-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-30-2012)
DEA To TSA, ATF, GSA ... : Hey, We'd Like Some Attention Too!
Red Horseshoe Loves Red Star?: Wall Street Now Betting On Romney Victory?
Palestinians Angered By Romney's Disparaging Remarks About Their Culture Plus: Drew's Twitter Argument With Palestinian Activists
Obama Quietly Revises Growth Projections... Downwards
The Bro's Gotta Go!
Double Dip By Election Day?
So I Read The First Chapter or Whatever of Fifty Shades of Gray
From Indian Princess to Heroic Industrialess: Elizabeth Warren Declares That Some People Consider Her To Be The Savior of Capitalism
How Many Pollacks Does It Take To Influence A Large-Ish Demographic In the US?
Krauthammer: Hey, The White House Kind of Lied Its Ass Off About the Churchill Bust, Eh?
Oh, God's Sake: Already Bloat-ish Two-Film Hobbit To Now Become Three Film Trilogy
What Newsweek's Wimp Cover Would Have Looked Like, If It Weren't a Bought-for-a-Buck Subsidiary of, Um, The Daily Beast
The Wimp Factor: Crybaby Obama Asks His Mommy to Check Her Numbers and Make Sure There Aren't Some Super Secret Mystery Jobs She Forgot To Count, Boo Hoo Hoo
Hey, Let's Call Romney Dumb. Wait, That Won't Fly; Everyone Knows It's Not True. How About Evil? Good, Let's Go With Heartless Vampire. Shit! That's Not Working. I Know, "Out of Touch" Has Worked Before. But Damnit, It's Not Working Now.
Insanely Hot Chick Isn't At Olympics
Dick Cheney: Obama's Worse Than Carter; One of our Weakest Presidents
Hey, Remember When I Kept Saying This Would Happen?
New Romney Ad: "These Hands: Ohio"
Top Headline Comments 7-30-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-29-2012) - Hasty Edition
Conclusive Proof Of Manmade Global Warming
Oh No...BuzzFeed's got the goods on Mitt...or Not [Journolist]
The NHS and the Opening Ceremonies
Cheney: Palin Was Not Ready to Be President
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
A Big Massive...Olympic Opening Ceremony [Journolist]
Saturday Afternoon Open Thread
July 30, 1945: The USS Indianapolis CA-35
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
On second thought...Facebook may not be worth $38/share [Journolist]
Friday Evening Open Thread
Grocery Store Launches 'Man Aisle'
It Worked?
Stunningly Stupid Thought Of The Day...Obama's "You Didn't Build That" Resonates Because, He Was Speaking In, "A Black Dialect"
Piers Morgan has Mitt Romney's back . . . [Guest Blogger] Founder Gives $2.5 Million To Pro-Same Sex Marriage Effort, GOP Mayors And Governors Vow To Prevent Them From Doing Business
More Good News
We Take A Break From Our Usual Terrible Unemployment Rate Stories To Report On Even Worse GDP Numbers
Top Headline Comments 7-27-12
Hey there, Britain!
Overnight Open Thread
Big Gulp: Scott Brown Snags Key Michael Bloomberg Endorsement (JWF)
Obama Meets With His Cabinet For The First Time Since January
Chick-fil-A Shocker: Rahm Reverses, Embraces Traditional Marriage Proponents
In Full Context
Obama Spokestool Jay Carney Has Another Bad Day At The Office
Mumbles Menino Must've Been Taken Out of Context Too
Adam Carolla's observation that chicks aren't funny . . . [Guest Blogger]
Democratic Enthusiasm Craters
Elections and Gun Control
Judge: Maj. Hasan Will Be Forcibly Shaved If He Doesn't Get Rid of Regs-Defying Beard Himself
Ohio Occupy Bomber Pleads Guilty, Will Testify Against Former Comrades
WaPo Blogger: "Senate Dems Sneak Middle Class Tax Cuts Past GOP"
Let America Be America Again
Top Headline Comments 7-26-12
Overnight Open Thread 7-25-2012
Who's Up For Three Presidential Debates?
The Chick-fil-A Gay Marriage Controversy
Headline: "The Tea Party Did It!" Correction: "The Tea Party Didn't Do It."
To slake my pangs of libertarianism . . . [Guest Blogger]
New Ad: "Obama Isn't Working"
Birth of a Meme (As Predicted By Drew)
Seasoned To Death
To Answer Drew's Post Yesterday About Michigan
American Crossroads Ad Eviscerates Obama (JWF)
Obama: "If you don’t like folks talking about you, you probably shouldn’t run for president" (JWF)
Unprecedented!!11! Greenland Ice Melt (Every 150 Years)
Top Headline Comments 7-25-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-24-2012) - Tactical Tuesday Edition
Michael Eric Dyson brings the stupid . . . --Guest Blogger
Wisconsin State Senate Majority is...
BuzzFeed: Romney Is Kind Of Hypocrite In Going After Obama On Leaks. Reality: No He's Not
Team Obama: Uh, Um, We're In Trouble
Is Mitt In Striking Distance In Michigan?
Mike Bloomberg: Cops Should Go On Strike Until Gun Control Laws Are Toughened. BONUS: Bloomberg Pretty Sweet On Communist Vietnam
This Just Doesn't Seem Right
Was the Aurora Shooter Really Wearing Body Armor?
Weird News Links
Diane Feinstein (D-CA): Of Course Some Of The National Security Leaks Are Coming From The White House
Middle Class Hero Lizzie Warren: "I love little businesses" (JWF)
Obama Still Hanging With His Green Pals
Top Headline Comments 7-24-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-23-2012)
Doubling down: GOP wins big [Fritzworth]
Sally Ride (1951-2012)
The "No Labels" Terrorist: James Holmes Has "Middle-of-the-Road" Political Views (JWF)
"34 Glorious, American Years"
Poll: Voters Say Bush Obama Is To Blame For Economy
Is Minnesota Actually In Play?
Dear Imbeciles: No, There Isn't a Stimulus Plan Designed to Pay Your Utility Bills (JWF)
BREAKING! Mitt Romney's Views Are "American-centric" And Wait For It.....He's A MORMON!
The Tea Party Did It!
Penn State Sanctions [Ben]
Top Headline Comments 7-23-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-22-2012)
Another Recession Approaching?
Some Liberals Already Calling for Gun Control
Olympics Preview: Hot Australian Hurdler Edition (JWF)
Penn State Removes Paterno Statue
Sunday Morning Book Thread 07-22-2012: eReader Edition [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Open Thread
July 21, 1950 - The Fall of Taejon
Open Thread Sat. Morning 07-21-2012 [OregonMuse]
Ag Secretary Prays For Rain, Immediately Rebuked by Atheists (JWF)
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Let's set aside the "obviously insane" conclusion for now [Fritzworth]
Overnight Open Thread
Salman Rushdie: My Safety Is More Important Than Yours
Killer Set Up Booby-Trapped Apartment As A Distraction?
Maybe We Should Ban Comic Books
July 20, 1969
Louis Gohmert Rips a Stonewalling Janet Napolitano
Unemployment Rates Rise in 27 States
Aurora Cops: Don't Believe What You See On Social Media
New Thread: Killer Holmes Claimed He Was "The Joker" FoxNews: Second Source Confirms Holmes' Hair Was Painted Red
JOKER MOTIVE? ABCNews: Gee, Sorry We Reported James E. Holmes Was a Tea Partier Without Having Confirmed It
Time to bring back public drawing and quartering [Fritzworth]
Some Humor for a Dark Morning
Top Headline Comments 7-20-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-19-2012)
Tablet Magazine Refuses To Apologize To Readers For Anti-Holocaust-Survivor Screed
Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants: Of Course Romney Should Release His Tax Returns. Of Course I Won't Be Releasing My Own. That's a Distraction.
AOSHQDD July 2012 Presidential Projection
Great: America Is Now The Second-Poorest Country In North America
Watershed: Ebooks Outsold Hardcover (Real) Books
Breathless: New Obama Pitch Says President Would Just LoveLoveLove To Be In Your Family Photo!
Afternoon Dumb: Batman Is "Reactionary;" Fred Willard Busted For Wackin' It In Porno Theater
The Light Worker: Why Hasn't Obama Met With His Jobs Council In Six Months? Because He's Got a Lot on His Plate
YES! Drones Now Rechargeable By Laser
As I Said: You Didn't Build That Quickly Becomes I Didn't Say That
Rasmussen: Obama's Approval Rating With Uncommitted Voters Is A Glittering 63% Wait, Did I Say 63%? My Error, I Meant 29%.
Top Ten Pieces of Bad Economic News The Media Isn't Covering
Publishers Porning Up Public Domain Works
Obama Goes Off Prompter
New Romney Ad: "These Hands"
GIGANTIC HORROR POLL: Obama Favorability In the Dumps, Bain Attack Ineffective
Top Headline Comments 7-19-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-18-2012)
CBS/NYT Poll: Romney, Obama In Statistical Tie (Romney Nominally Ahead) Among... Registered Voters
Flashback: Obama Didn't Support Clinton's Welfare Reform in 1999, Either
Democrats Pushing To Make It a Law That Obama Must Release His College Transcripts
Hey, If We're Talking About Political Parallels In Movies, Let's Talk About The Obama Effect -- A Bloody Disaster, Mate
Romney: Obama's "You Didn't Build That" Statement Could Only Be Spoken By a SCOAMF
Israel Blames Iran For Terrorist Attack in Sofia, Bulgaria
Well, This Is Dumb, But We're Talking About Not Just Bain but Bane
Adam Carolla: Obama Is "Anti-American"
Obama: "You Don't Hear Me Complaining A Lot About What's Been Said About Me"
Shocker: Canadian Muslim Woman Who Campaigned Against Stereotypes of Muslims as Terrorists... Arrested For Supplying Weapons To Terrorists
Where Did the Obama Stimulus Money Go?
Chris Matthews: I Know There's An "Ethnic Piece" to the Puzzle of Why Republcians Attack Obama, Because He Is, Quote, "The Perfect American"
Syrian Defense Minister Killed in Suicide Bombing
LA Times Claims Romney Speech Hitting Obama on "You Didn't Build That," and Discussing American Capitalism, Somehow "Invokes Birtherism"
Operation Husky, July 9 to August 17 1943
Study: Obama And Democrats Proposed Tax Hikes Would Cost 700,000 Jobs And Cut Economic Growth
Top Headline Comments 7-18-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-17-2012)
Breaking: People Who Are Constantly Online May Develop Mental Disorders
Catch Of The Decade
Very Brief Review of "Wrath of the Titans"
So There's Finally Another James Bond Movie Coming
Citizen With a Concealed Carry Permit (And, You Know, a Gun) Chases Off Two Bandits In Thwarted Internet Cafe Holdup
Gawker Writer: You Know, A Made-Up Character on Breaking Bad Justifies My Belief That Holocaust Victims Are Twisted, Remorsemless Sociopaths
The Obamas Have $450,000 Invested In Companies That Outsource
Alan Greenspan: The Stimulus Was A Fail
Sununu: I Wish Obama Would Learn "How To Be An American"
John Travolta and Kelly Preston Seek To Put Gay Sex Scandal Behind Them, By Vacationing In Romantic... Mykonos, Greece
"Encyclopedia Brown" Author Donald J. Sobol, RIP
Howie Kurtz: It Looks "To Many People" Like the Press Is Giving More Aggressive Scrutiny To Mitt Romney's Background Than It Ever Gave to Barack Obama
Liberalism Is A Cargo Cult
Top Headline Comments 7-17-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-16-2012)
Blogger Calls Kate Upton "Fat" "Piggie;" Upton Says She's Not Fat
Democrats: Hey, in Batman? Yeah, The New Movie? There's a Villain Named Bane, So, You Know. Draw Your Own Conclusions.
Chris Matthews' Son Meets JFK's Nephew's Daughter on Set of Aaron Sorkin's Liberal Porno "The Newsroom;" Now They're Dating
"Take the Mitts Off, Mitt"
Angela Corey: Hey, Maybe I Should Release Some Completely Unrelated, Legally Inadmissible, Uncorroborated Claims That George Zimmerman Sexually Abused a Female Relative, Eh?
Did Media Really Band Together To Protect The Chevy Malibu?
Obama On American Achievement: You're Welcome
US Navy Ship Fires On Approaching Boat Which Refused Warnings To Stay Away; One Dead
Anthony Weiner Considering Run For Mayor
Midday Smile: Action. Cat. Photography.
Romney's Made His Choice, And It's Definitely Pawlenty Unless It's Jindal Or Ryan
$100 Million In Negative Ads, And All Obama Managed Was A Deadlock
"Democrats threaten to go over ‘fiscal cliff’ if GOP fails to raise taxes"
Top Headline Comments 7-16-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-15-2012)
Sunday Morning Book Thread 07-15-2012: MOAR LONGMIRE! [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Ronald Reagan And Pope John Paul II
Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest
The Real Cause of the San Diego Big Boom Fireworks Fiasco
Open Thread: Longmire! [OregonMuse]
Mitt Romney: Attacks Are "Beneath [Obama's] Dignity"
AEI's Carbon Tax Flirtations
Saturday Morning Open Thread
The Walking Dead Season 3 Comic-Con Trailer [dri]
Overnight Open Thread
Head of Professional Women's Empowerment Group Accused of... Sexually Harassing The Women Who Work For Her
FAQ: If I'm A Jihadist, And I Want To Stick A Lot of Bomb Material In My Bung, But My Bung Isn't Big Enough, Is It Islamic To Get Sodomized Unti My Bung Is Large Enough To Accomodate a Larger Bomb?
New Rules of Engagement For Border Patrol Agents (Seriously): 1. Run 2. Hide 3. If 1 and 2 Fail To Work, In Extreme Cases, You Are Permitted to "Throw Things" At Your Attackers
Four Former Bain Hands, Now Obama Supporters, Say Romney Walked Away For the Winter Olympics And Never Came Back
Will Condoleeza Be a Pleeza?
Professor Demands Students (Including High Schoolers) Masturbate & Tell Him About It, For Credit
Lead Detective In Zimmerman Case: I Was Pressured To Bring Charges, But I Didn't Think There Was Enough Evidence
New National Concern: Autonomous, Self-Driven SUVs
Obama Unilaterally Ends Welfare-To-Work Reforms, Via Illegal "Waiver" of Congressional Law
Democratic Underground Friday Comedy Jam
Angela Corey's Latest Required-by-Law Disclosure Release: Oh, By The Way, George Zimmerman Had No Racial Bias, According to the FBI
Obama's Appeal Is Not Dwindling. It's Just Becoming More Selective.
Obama: Why, This Mitt Romney Newcomer Doesn't Have the Qualifications To Run a National Economy
Obama: I Regret Not Speaking Slower And Using Smaller Words. If I Had, You'd Realize How Lucky You Are I Let You Have Me As Your PresidentBumped
Romney Attack Ad On Obama Paints Him As Soulless Gangster-Government Hypocrite
Breaking: The Word "Kitchen" Is Also Racist
Top Headline Comments 7-13-2012
Overnight Open Thread (7-12-2012)
Someone Has To Post It...Drudge: Condi Rice Leading Choice To Be Mitt's VP
"Other Things Mitt Romney Does"
New Lost Verse To Alannis Morrisette's "Ironic" Discovered 17 Years Later
Jay Carney: Why No, The Most Unprecedentedly Transparent President In History Won't Release His College Transcripts
The Big One: San Bernadino Earth-Shaker Sends Aftershocks to LA
Did Joe Biden Praise Reverend Wright In His NAACP Speech? Sure Looks Like a No
Hey, You Guys Up For Another Superhero Movie?!?!
Louis Freeh's Damning Report On the Criminal Conspiracy at Penn State University
New Romney Ad: Obama Lied
Obese, Unemployed Woman To Remain Obese, Unemployed
Jay Cost: You Know, 94% of the Decision-Making In This Election Is Already Finished
Daily Beast's Idiot of Last Resort Michael Tomasky: Boy, Mitt Romney Sure Was Racist By Letting Black Voters Know That He Was Competing Against Barack Obama, Huh?
Top Headline Comments 7-12-2012
Overnight Open Thread (7-11-2012)
Jesse Jackson Jr. Enters Rehab for Alcoholism, Public Relations for Ethics Investigation
DNA Collected From Occupy Protest Matches DNA From Scene of 2004 Murder of Co-Ed
Obama's Support Among Blue Collar White Men Falls... Lower Than Walter F'n' Mondale's
Romney to NAACP: "If you want a president who will make things better in the African-American community, you are looking at him" Heckler: "For real?!" Romney: "You take a look!"
Uh-Oh: Tree Ring Evidence Indicates World Was Warmer In Roman Era, Middle Ages
Five Democrats Join Republicans In House Vote To Repeal ObamaTax
Dick Morris: Obama's About To Agree To A "Back-Door Gun Control" Act, Via Treaty, Which Will Trump The Second Amendment
Oh, Boy: PEPCO Hitting Cutstomers With Special Charge... To Cover The Income They Lost When They Couldn't Sell Power During Their Blackout
Jay Leno: It Was So Hot, Eric Holder Was Smuggling Water Pistols!
Mitt Romney At The NAACP And Media Malpractice
Health Care Explained [OregonMuse]
Lousy Economy....Rich Hit Hardest. Plus...Harry Reid Won't Let Senate Vote On Obama's Tax Hike Plan Because Of Republican Obstructionism Or Something
Top Headline Comments 7-11-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-10-2012)
Former Obama Bundler Now Fundraising From Former Obama Donors... For Romney
Fervent Liberal Polemicist: Why, This Obama Character Certainly Murders A Lot of Innocents With His Drone Attacks, Doesn't He
Australian Woman Robs Gas Station At Knife-Point
Hey, How About Gaining The Honey Badger's Mutant Power of Immunity To All Poisons?
Egyptian Fundamentalist Parties: Hey, Let's Blow Up The Great Pyramids Once and For All
Nobody Wants To See Paul Krugman Get Discredited and Embarassed To His Face, Do They?
Gallup: Confidence In TV News Drops to All-Time Low
Liberal Group: This Election Is Entirely About Race (And Religion)
Andrea Mitchell Carries Obama's Water, But Loses About Three Quarters Of It On Her Bumbling Way
Zombie Reviews/Rebuts George Lakoff's "Little Blue Blook"
Gallup: Obama, Romney Tied at 46 Each
Rahm Emmanuel Has A Unique Solution To Chicago's Soaring Murder Rate: More Considerate Gang Thugs
It's Not The Gridlock, Stupid. It's Obama
Joe Biden's Hometown Of Scranton, PA Is Broke So Mayor Cuts Everyone's Pay To Minimum Wage
Top Headline Comments 7-10-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-9-2012)
Lanny Davis to Morgan Fairchild: Hey, Now That I'm DMing You, We're Completely Alone and In Private
Romney Senior Staff: Why That Obama Is a Liar , and We Plan To Start Calling Him Such
Judge Orders Indictments Against Brian Terry's Murderers Unsealed; Brian Terry Fired Bean Bag Ammunition Against Heavily (US-) Armed Drug Gangsters, Per Standing RoE
Creepy Democratic Operatives/Freelance Lunatics Now Stalking Republican Candidates at Home
Real AP News Story (Not Opinion): "Conservatives Make It Rough For Business"
The LIBOR Scandal: Banks Dishonestly Manipulated Key Interbank Lending Rate In Order To Make Their Own Outsized Borrowing Seem Less Risky
Soledad O'Brien: You Know, All My Friends Say That The Poor Economy Isn't Obama's Fault
Poll: Majority of Americans Say Obama Transformed The Country... For the Worse Plus: Majority Agrees With Contempt Vote Against Eric Holder
Wayne Brady: I Would Gladly Slap The Sh** Out of Bill Maher, And Then See What He Would Do Also Suggests Bill Maher Hires Transexual Prostitute
Obama: "I Tried Real Hard"
Suburbanites: Reptile-Brained, Or Just Heartless Bastards?
Breaking Broken: Obama, For The Approximately 10 Millionth Time, To Call For Tax Hikes
Top Headline Comments 7-9-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-8-2012)
"We Can't Drill Our Way Out"
Obama Campaign Font, "Revolution Gothic," Derived From Soviet-Era Propaganda Posters
Analysis: Every State That Elected a GOP Governor in 2010 Saw a Drop In Unemployment
Sunday Morning Book Thread 07-08-2012 [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Guy films self at age 12, argues with old self at age 32
Open Thread, Creature Feature
Obama: Most People 'Would Acknowledge That I've Tried Real Hard'
A Short History of Rock n' Roll [OregonMuse]
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Far More Important than the Higgs Boson
Chris Christie Gets Downright Angry On NJ Boardwalk
"Let's Finish What We Started In 2008," Obama Threatens
Bill Kristol: If Romney Keeps Talking About the Economy, He's Going To Lose
Kimberlin's Phony "Peace Order" Against Aaron Walker Vacated
Cities Considering Using Eminent Domain To Seize Mortgages And Lower Payments For Residents
Flashback: Obama Attacked Bush's Job Creation Record
Why Do People Think Conceptual Artists Are Really Just Goldbrickers Working A Con?
McConnell: Guys Seriously, We'll Repeal ObamaCare
June Jobs Report Unexpectedly! Worse Than Lowered Expectations
Top Headline Comments 7-6-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-5-2012)
Utah Suing Federal Government
Was Marilyn Monroe an Extra in When Worlds Collide ?
Have You Stopped Beating Your Wife? [Ben]
Thread Zero [OregonMuse]
Open Blog
Top Headline Comments 7-5-2012
Overnight Open Thread (7-4-2012) - Independence Day Edition
Most Embarrassing Doctor Stories [OregonMuse]
Higgs Boson Confirmed
Happy Independence Day!
The Wit and Wisdom of P. J. O'Rourke [OregonMuse]
Benjamin Netanyahu's Independence Day Greetings
236 Years Ago Today
Overnight Open Thread (7-3-2012) Pre-4th Edition
Two More Democrats Won't Endorse Obama; A Third Won't Attend Convention
Salon: Yup, The "Dissent" Was Mostly Roberts' Old Majority Opinion
Chris Christie: Why Sure, I'd Entertain a Run For Vice President
NC Fracking Bill Passes
Feds Cancel Oregon Town's Fireworks Display, Fearing It Will "Disrupt" Nearby Seabirds; Also Seek Injunction Against Thor For Lightning Storms, Thunder
Allen West: Romney Needs To Get Better Counsel From His Advisers; ObamaTax Is a Tax
Roberts the Coward
Andy Griffith, RIP
Unpatriotic Debt
Top Headline Comments 7-3-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-2-2012)
Bad News: 2009's Star of CPAC, 13 Year Old Conservative Wunderkind Jonathan Krohn, Is Now a Liberal
Poll Shock: CNN Poll of Battleground States Shows Romney With Eight Point Lead, 51-43
Elizabeth Warren's Mother, Aunt Listed as "White" On Official Documents
Who Leaked Roberts' Vote-Flip?
Weekly Jobless Claims On The Rise, Pointing Towards Bad June Jobs Number
Double Dip Watch: Manufacturing Shrank For First Time in Three Years
Washington Post: When We Said "Romney's Bain Capital" Outsourced Jobs, We Never Intended To Imply Romney Was Running It At The Time
Anderson Cooper: I'm White
Obamacare Delenda Est
Top Headline Comments 7-2-12
Overnight Open Thread (7-1-2012)
July 1, 1898, Near Santiago, Cuba
Open Thread and Cheese
Reverse Jurisprudence: Arguing Backward from a Desired Outcome
Your Lovable Hug Box of a Gaming Thread
Roberts Switched His Vote in May
Sunday Zero Content Open Thread [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Book Thread 07-01-2012: Independence Day Edition [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Open Thread Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Forgotten 80s Mystery Click I see the problem start
I watch the tension grow
I see you keeping it to yourself
And then instead of reaching conclusions
I see you reaching for something else
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton babble on about the tempest in a teapot that is the Goldberg files, the economy, including tariffs, that is improving, deportations are lovely, Crockett2028, the deep state hanging on like leeches, and more!
I feel bad about this but I'm going to have to post about Rachel Zegler again...
Masih Alinejad "Where are @AOC, @IlhanMN, the left-wing activists who called me an Islamophobe, and the campus protesters chanting "I am Hamas"? The killers sent by the Islamic Republic to assassinate a woman on US soil were convicted in federal court, You're silent. Why?" [CBD]
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton discuss the pending Ukraine ceasefire, Israel going back into Gaza, should President Trump simply ignore the courts, Roberts is a crap Chief Justice, violence directed at Tesla (and others) by the left, and more!
Black Conservative Perspective has a hot take on the Harry Sisson "cancellation" -- he thinks it's all a psyop He thinks Democrats trying to portray the very femmy Sisson as
straight to appeal to the young straight male voters Democrats need, despite widespread belief that he's as gay as a peacock at high tea. He thinks they've arranged for female Democrats to accuse him of Toxic Masculinity and Absolutely RECKING That Poon.
This is a silly theory, except for when you remember that literally every single messaging offensive by the Democrat Party is 1 fake and 2 gay
The Ivy Exodus "As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap." "Jewish" academics rejected their religion and culture long ago, and chose instead to worship progressivism. And they are paying for it! It would take a heart of stone not to laugh! [CBD]
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton dig into the Ukraine cease fire, the Z-man bending the knee to Trump, deporting a Hamas cheerleader from Columbia University, Taxing the rich by taxing endowments, egg prices, tariffs, and more!
Recent Comments
Bloggers in Arms
Some Humorous Asides