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July 15, 2012
Sunday Morning Book Thread 07-15-2012: MOAR LONGMIRE! [OregonMuse]
Good morning morons and moronettes. Welcome to this week's witty and urbane book thread.
Apropos of nothing in particular, here's a poster image I stole from the witty and urbane People's Cube website:

The guy who runs the People's Cube, Oleg Atbashian, is a Soviet-bloc immigrant who has been force-fed the crap sandwich of socialism all his life, and he came here to get away from it. So you can imagine that he's not real happy that he is now seeing the same policies that have destroyed his homeland being implemented here. And couched in the same rhetoric.
Fortunately for us, Oleg has compiled his witty and urbane thoughts on such matters into a book, Shakedown Socialism, which sounds like it's worth checking out.
Books Recommended By Morons In Earlier Threads
In yesterday's Ronald Reagan and John Paul II thread, moron "BS Inc." commented:
Also, I'll put in a book plug since the guy who wrote it is Polish. "The Captive Mind" by Czeslaw Milosz. Dude knew his way around Communist BS, that's for sure. One of the last good selections by the Nobel Prize Literature committee
I've never heard of this book before, but as it turns out, it's still in print. May God bless the Poles. They've always been our stalwart allies, and I believe that's perhaps one thing that President Ladies' Tee hasn't managed to screw up. Yet.
Also, in the Longmire thread from yesterday, several morons pointed out that the A&E series is based on books written by mystery author Craig Johnson, which they very much recommended. I believe this one is the first book in the series, out of 7 so far. I intend to put this on my stack ASAP.
The Longmire character is, of course, a real man's man. Below the fold is some eye candy for the moronettes, another shot of Australian actor Robert Taylor who plays him. You can thank me later.

What are you looking at, petunia?
Fun fact: Taylor was "Agent Jones" in The Matrix. I'd never have known.
That's all I have for this week.
As always, book thread tips may be sent to aoshqbookthread@gmail.com
Hopefully, you all have been reading some good stuff this week. So let's hear about it.

posted by Open Blogger at
10:59 AM
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