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July 25, 2012
Headline: "The Tea Party Did It!"
Correction: "The Tea Party Didn't Do It."
Becket Adams and the folks over at the Blaze looked at six of the instances of media mythmaking about the Tea Party that I wrote about in the NY Post yesterday.
A taste:
University of Alabama in Huntsville professor Dr. Amy Bishop on February 12, 2010, opened fire on 12 of her colleagues with 9-millimeter handgun, killing three and wounding three more. After the horrific incident, Reuters Foundation Fellow Jonathan Curiel pondered her motivation: “Does racism explain the tenure shooting and the tea party movement?”
No. It doesn’t.
Had Curiel done a little legwork, he would have discovered not only Bishop’s long history of violence, but the fact that, according to one family source, she “was a far-left political extremist who was obsessed with President Obama,” the Boston Herald reported.
Go read the whole outstanding piece.