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July 22, 2012
Penn State Removes Paterno Statue
Penn State has removed Joe Paterno's statue from outside the stadium. They had initially planned to move it to the Paterno library, which would have been ridiculous.
The Joe Paterno statue was removed Sunday morning from its pedestal outside Beaver Stadium, and it will be stored in an unnamed "secure location," Penn State president Rodney Erickson announced. Erickson also said the Paterno name will remain on the university's library.
Shortly before dawn in State College, Pa., a work crew installed chain-link fences to barricade access to Porter Road outside Beaver Stadium and covered the fence with a blue tarp.
The work crew then removed the 7-foot, 900-pound bronze statue by forklift and placed it into the lower level of the stadium. Erickson released his highly sensitive decision to the public at 7 a.m. ET Sunday.
Paterno's name will remain on the library? These people are tone deaf.
CBS News is reporting that the penalties that will be announced tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. are "unprecedented", according to an NCAA source.
CBS News has learned that the NCAA will announce what a high-ranking association source called "unprecedented" penalties against both the Penn State University football team and the school.
"I've never seen anything like it," the source told correspondent Armen Keteyian.
ESPN has reported that there will be no "death penalty", but that the penalties are so severe that the death penalty would have been preferable.
We can only hope so.
It's interesting that they finally removed the statue only 24 hours before the NCAA announcement, isn't it?

posted by JohnE. at
12:07 PM
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