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July 24, 2012
Diane Feinstein (D-CA): Of Course Some Of The National Security Leaks Are Coming From The White House
I think everyone can agree this is treason. Of course, some will think it's treason against the US and others will think Feinsteinis the traitor for throwing the Obama administration under the bus. Tomato/Tomahto I guess.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said that although she is sure the president is not disclosing secret information to the public, she wasn’t as sure about other White House staff.
“I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from their ranks,” she said at a World Affairs Council forum, according to AP. But on Obama, she said, “I don’t believe for a moment that he goes out and talks about it.”
Not only is Feinstein a senior Senate Democrat she's also the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Mitt Romney, in a burst of bi-partisanship, is set to pounce on this issue today in a speech to the VFW.
"Whoever provided classified information to the media, seeking political advantage for the administration, must be exposed, dismissed, and punished. The time for stonewalling is over," Romney will say, according to advanced excerpts released by his campaign.
"It is not enough to say the matter is being looked into, and leave it at that," Romney will say. "When the issue is the political use of highly sensitive national security information, it is unacceptable to say, 'We'll report our findings after Election Day.'"
To help back up his argument, Romney quotes Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, who said at an event Monday the leaks were coming from within the White House.
AEI compiled a list of the top 5 security leaks in the last year alone. Some people need to go to jail.
Of course the problem is...none of this leaking may be illegal. Clasification and declasification are purely executive functions. If the President, or someone he designates, says, "this is no longer classified" it's not illegal to release it. Of course there will be and should political hell to pay for that.

posted by DrewM. at
11:03 AM
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