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July 29, 2012
Oh No...BuzzFeed's got the goods on Mitt...or Not [Journolist]
Oh no, say it ain't so... the doughty BuzzFeed is reporting by headline that Mitt Romney may have been a day off when signing Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu's official guest book. A stellar mimograph artist writing for the BF under the moniker, Zeke Miller inspected and stamped the latest BF meme.
Recall Obama's 2008 is the new 2011 faux paus scribbled in the guest book at Westminster Abbey? That was just a liberal 3 year miscalculation...that was chalked up to good intentions. For after all, Obama's with the government and he's here to help.
BuzzFeed...journalism by meme...if you build it...a liberal may come.
If someone else want's to link feel free. I ain't worthy.

posted by Open Blogger at
05:40 PM
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