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New Thread: Killer Holmes Claimed He Was "The Joker"
FoxNews: Second Source Confirms Holmes' Hair Was Painted Red »
July 20, 2012
ABCNews: Gee, Sorry We Reported James E. Holmes Was a Tea Partier Without Having Confirmed It
See end of post for big updates, including "Dog that didn't bark."

Yup. Couldn't wait to make that connection.
By the way: There are 24 James Holmes located in Aurora, Colorado alone. Idiots, like Brian Ross, who find a record on Google but don't exclude the possibility it's another James Holmes are amateurs. Even I know better than that.
Pro-Tip: Your job is to find the James Holmes, not merely a James Holmes. I've got a page open with around 6000 James Holmes in the US. Several of them, I'm sure, are Occupiers.
A few of them might traffic the racist hate-site ABCNews!
Is that where James Holmes got his sick ideas from? Stay tuned.
The Brian Ross Experience: Iowahawk has studied the techniques of master news investigator Brian Ross -- 33rd degree black belt in looking things up on Google -- and is emulating him.
In his Twitter feed, IowaHawkBlog is posting every single mention of a "Brian Ross" he finds in public records.
Hey, This Must Be Rush Limbaugh's Fault: So sayeth the genius lefties on Twitter, complied by Twitchy.
Breitbart Interviews the Completely Innocent James Holmes Smeared by Brian Ross. Well-played.
ABCNews and Ross initially blamed this mistake on "social media" -- i.e. "we got from our crazy liberal buddies on Twitter so it's their fault."
Um, no I get lots of tips during things like this. I don't just post them immediately because "CharlieBrownsDildo" found a single MySpace reference to a James Holmes.
And, by the way, CharlieBrownsDildo has three times the credibility of Brian Ross. And yet, I wouldn't just throw up a Wild Ass Guess on a whim.
The Dog That Didn't Bark: Given we now know his birthdate and both of his street addresses (his family's, and his own, in Aurora), and yet we have no records of political activism after hours of digging, I'm going to guess myself: This is a Loughner situation.
But There Was Some Barking Of a Different Kind: A source for the FBI says he was obsessed with Batman.
As I said above, we should have some partisan activism records on him by now, if there were such records. So I think we should consider that, like Loughner, he had an entirely different trip, a weird psycho thing animated by strange mindthoughts that would sound crazy to us, so we don't even consider them.
Not for nothing, but he was a neuroscience student, and then dropped out. Not to impugn those who work in neuroscience, but there is an old bit of Wives Tale Wisdom that says mentally unwell people are very attracted to psychology. They want to fix themselves, you know?
Neuroscience is not quite the same as psychology, but it's pretty close. Clarification: I meant that if you buy the Crazy People Are Attracted To the Science of Crazy, it's "pretty close" in that respect. If you want to know why the Voices In Your Head tell you to Kill, Kill, Kill, neuroscience is a good bet.
I didn't mean that neuroscience (which is a rigorous science) was just the same as psychology (which is 20 credits of mostly bullshit courses in college, then you get to write a book called "Crazy Hungry: How the New Science of Obesity Can Help You Lose 20 Pounds In Time For That Wedding!").
Joker Killing? Tony Aiello, a reporter with CBSNews-NY, says:
Tony Aiello @TonyAielloNY 12m
NYPD Commissioner Kelly is said to be tight w/Aurora Chief Dan Oates, who rose to Dep. Chief during 21 years w/NYPD
#BREAKING: NYPD Cmsr Kelly says CO suspect Holmes had "hair painted red, he said he was The Joker." Armed w/shotgun, AK47, 9mm, knife.
Like I said, while everyone starts attempting to anti-draft this character on to the other team, we forget the basic rule of lunatics: They are filled with lunacy, and do not act according to the sorts of things rational people would consider sound motives.
Update: Business Insider notes this angle, but only repeats Tony Aiello's twitter mentions of a possible Joker Motive.