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Cutting The Cord And Email Security
Moron Meet-Ups
Are You Computer Savvy?
Pluto (Sigh): Three Moons, Not One
Entry 9,526 in the 'Are You Shitting Me?' File
Borking Alito
Judge Alito's Family
John Roberts Calls "Sloppy-Seconds" Remark A "Poor Choice of Words"
Top Ten Other Media Responses To Judge Alito's Nomination
Internet Killed The Video Star
Schumer: Alito Would Support Jim Crow!
Victor Davis Hanson Slices Like An F'n' Hammer
CBS' John Roberts: Alito Is "Sloppy Seconds"
Open Thread for Alito Nomination
It's a Bird, It's a Plane... It's SuperPrecedent!
$30+ Million Opening Weekend For... Saw II ?
Curmudgeon Gamer Moment
Iraqi Sunnis Sign Up To Stand In Coming Elections
If you are human, this will make you sick.
Onward, Muslim Soldiers!
Arab Leaders Queered Saddam-Exile Plan
Babs Boxer's New Novel
Making National Security Fun
Descendants Of Bubonic Plague Survivors Resistant To AIDS?
Did The Left "Celebrate" The Death of the 2000th Hero?
What's An Economy Gotta Do To Get A Table Dance?
Beset By Boundless Bad News, But We Still Boast Bbeck's Bountiful Boobage
Quote of the Week
Scientists Discover Dyslexia Gene
CNN Continues Referring to Plame as "Undercover," "Female James Bond"
Trick or Groping?: ACLU Protects Sex-Offenders' Right To Participate In Kids' Holiday of Halloween
Miller Mystery Solved?
Russia Cautions Iran
New Yorkers Alarmed That City Smells Nice
Early Thoughts On Libby Indictment, Fitzgerald
Bastards: New York Times Defiles Dead Hero By Selectively Editing His Last Letter
Drinking May Reduce Libido, Shrink Testicles
Fitzgerald: Plame's Association With CIA Was "Classified," But Refuese To Say Either Way If She Was Covert
Andrew Sullivan Outraged
Why No One Ages In The Marvel Universe
Libby Indicted On, Well, Nothing Involving National Security
Tony Blair Issues Military Threat Warning To Iran
Really Scary Halloween Costumes
Automatic Translators Debut
What Are The Real Rules Of Vampires?
Ancient Giant Pyramid Discovered In… Europe?
Shock: NYT Publishes Op-Ed From Conservative, Attacking Conservatives
No Charges Against Rove, But Libby Likely To Be Indicted
Nifty Website
Bobbie Bristles at Verbiage of Bruised Brit's Brief
Captain Sulu-- Gay
Jury: N.Y. Port Authority 2/3's Responsible For 1993 WTC Bombings
Miers Reactions
First Person Annoyer: Computer Game Simulates "Nonviolent Protest"
Thursday Cowbell: Economy Projected To Grow At Nice 3.25% Rate
Al Sadr's Militia Clashes With Sunni Militants
Another Article on Prick-Pic Dick
Sam Shepard ("Who?") Writes Anti-American Play (Yawn)
Miers Withdraws!
Somebody Needs a Beating
White Sox Win Series
Bad News: Them's Ain't Jimmies On Yer Donuts
Bush: No Appeasement, No Surrender
Miers, From Speeches in 90's: Goverment "Should Not Act" In Cases Where Religious Views Differ
Body of WWII Airman Found Frozen In Glacier
Crazy Concept Royalty Money
Bad Poetry Exhibits
"Cabal" Hijacked The Foreign Policy of the US, Consisting Of The President, Vice President, Sec. Def., and National Security Advisor
Funny Headline Overload
Stupid Media Tricks
ABCNews Reporter: Black Conspiracy Mongering About Blowing Up Levees in NO a "Reasonable Theory"
BBC: The Disco "One of the Most Important Inventions" of the 20th Century
The New York Times Lied, People Died
How about a little perspective folks?
Today’s Plame Gate Round Up - Updated
If you missed the show...
Soldier! Why Did You Reenlist?
Hoist The Black Flag In 30 Minutes
[ F A K E ] Bungee Jump Into Crocodile's Mouth
20 Fined For Using Letters W and Q In Turkey
Oil Money Found In George Galloway's Wife's Accounts
New Bond: I am a Pussy
Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Cheney Told Libby About Valerie Plame, Notes Say
39 Iraqi Battallions "In The Lead" In Combat Against Terrorists
End of An Era: Stern Beginning Departure From Radio
UN Assassination Report, Unredacted
Greenhouse Gas Runaway-Warming Causes Greenland Ice Caps To Thicken
Multicultural Murder-Cult: Honor Killings Come To Britain
Again: British Psychologist Prescribes Having Sex With Him In Parked Cars As "Therapy"
Ministry of Silly Links: Wax Off David Hasselhoff's Verdant Chest Hair
And There Was Much Rejoicing
Ace of Spades Lifestyle (TM) Double-Alert
Hugh Hewitt v. George Will on Harriet Miers
Reminder: UN Report On Hariri Assassination Whitewashed To Remove References To Syrian Bigs
Cindy Sheehan To Tie Herself To White House Fence
TIME's List of the 100 Greatest Novels
Bush Taps Bernanke to Succeed Greenspan at Fed. Reserve
Chuck Schumer: Miers Does Not Have The Votes For Confirmation
Air America's Ratings Worsen
"Sheboygan, We've Got a Problem"
Bridges Of The Past
Fake Menstrual Blood Simple: Tarranto Rips Exciteable Andy Over Menses-Monomania
Redhanded: Computer Snafu Reveals UN Whitewashing Harari Assassination Report
Democrats, Please Explain Wet Foot, Dry Foot To Me
Multiculturalism Fails Yet Again
Convict Asks For Additional Three Years of Prison, So That Sentence Will Match Larry Bird's Jersey Number
Other Hilarious "Practical Jokes" Involving Your Trouser Ferret
Fall Guy?: WH Claims Scooter Libby Acted (Nearly) Alone
Hilarious Practical Joke
White Supremacists To Blame For Nigerian Scam-Spam
Black Panther Bomb Threat On Capitol Hill
Top Ten Signs You're Being Looted By "White Supremacists"
More Video Fun: "White Supremacists" Loot in Toledo
Chris Matthews ♥ Rove & Libby
PayPal Questions, Woes
Will Wonders Never Cease: UN Blames Syrian Officials For Hariri Assassination
Saddam Defense Lawyer Kidnapped, Killed
Rove, Libby May Face Perjury & Obstruction Charges
“Turn To The Left, Pleaseâ€
Thank You For The Donations
Russert Returns: Did Libby Hear About Plame From Tim?
"Senator in Tennis Shoes" Patty Murray Threatens Those Who Would Cut Pork
Man Arrested For Playing Strip Poker With 12 Year Old Girls He Was Babysitting
Update To NYT Plays Johnny Cochran For Saddam Hussein
Eeesh: Harriet Miers Blows An Easy Question
Man Thwarts Carjacker By Throwing Hot Coffee In His Face
Enrviros Sue Navy For Using Sonar; Claim It Confuses Whales And Dolphins
New York Times Plays Johnny Cochran For Saddam Hussein
Jump The Shark?: Rock Star In Negotiations To Find New Frontman For... Van Halen!!!
Dead Air America: No Measurable Listenership In DC
Those Were The Days
Right On Cue: The Excitable One Gets, Well, Excited
I'm Rubber, You're Glue: Iran Claims That Britain Is Behind Iraq Bombings
Sen. Tom Coburn Goes After Alaska's Porktacular "Bridge To Nowhere"
American Troops "Descecrate" Two Taliban Bodies By Burning Them
South Park Spoofs MSM's Katrina Coverage
Color Printers ID Themselves
Magician David Copperfield To Impregnate Woman On Stage Without Even Touching Her
Canadian Law Enforcement: Stuck On Stupid
Blogging Predicted By 19th Century Russian Prince/Sci-Fi Writer?
Fox Slammed For Family-Unfriendly Shows
NYT's Profits Drop 52%
Just To Cheese Off Monty and John
"warning: desturbing facist imagry/contents"
Rumors Fly: Cheney To Resign, Condi To Be Elevated To Veep
This Blog is Worth... $617,000. Right.
Plame-Gate Daily Speculation Round Up
Dick Morris on Hoist The Black Flag At 4PM ET
Addendum: Another Sign That Europeans Are Batshit Crazy
Obligatory Miers Post: She Supported Amendment To Ban Most Abortions
McDonald's To Outsource... Drive-Through Order-Takers?
Whoa: DHS Chief Vows To "Expel Every Illegal (Alien) Entrant"
White Supremacists Riot In Ohio
Will Montgomery Scott Get the Credit?
Delay Refused Pre-Indictment Plea Bargain to Misdemeanor
Murder Rate Lowest Since 1965
Viagra Saves Endangered Species
Madonna Says We Will All Go To Hell If We Do Not Turn From "Wicked Behavior," All While Wearing Nothing But Thong And Pasties Made From Ninja-Stars
The Hooters Effect: Study Finds That Attractive Women Are Better At Garnering Charitable Contributions!
Chinese Produce New SUV With Innovative Feature -- Shattering To Pieces At 40 MPH
Top Ten Signs Europeans Have Gone Batshit Crazy
More Than One-Quarter Of Europeans Are, Clinically, "Batshit Crazy"
Miers Again
Ace of Spades HQ Fall-Fundraising Bonanza!!!
Judith Miller Had A Security Clearance ?
Sen. Kennedy Attempts To Rescue Fisherman Trapped On A Jetty Before Giving Up
Embryos Spurred To Produce Stem Cells Without Being Destroyed
Stealth No More: Miers Pals Vow She'll Overturn Roe
What does the 'A' in AP stand for? A**HOLE?!
British Clan Wins Coveted Title Of "The Faggot Family"
Comapny Offers Pen Loaded With Pig's Blood As A Deterrent To Suicide Bombers
Elderly Man Crashes Car Into Burger King, Then Orders Breakfast
Elite Opinion
Outstanding Recap of Niger-Uranium-Wilson-Plame Kerfuffle
Iraqis Dance As Constitution Seems Likely To Pass
While "Insurgents" Behead Schoolteachers In Iraq, "Protesters" Loot Convenience Stores In Ohio
Farrakhan: UFO's Beamed Me Up, Prophesized US Strike On Libya, Offered Me Some Tranya
Bridges of the Future
It Never Gets "Old"
Mother Peace, Meet Father Saddam
American Soldier In Iraq Interview: We Weren't Coached
61% Turnout For Iraqi Vote On Day Of Relative Peace
Syrian Foreign Minister Refers To Interior Minister's "Sucide" As An "Assassination" -- Twice
James Bond Haiku Contest
Three From Excitable Andy
Paging Dr. Johnny Fever!
Why I Won't Try Out For Bond
Staged Heroic Photos of Terrorists?
Another B+ From Hugh Hewitt
Terror Bust In The Netherlands
More Media Flood Hyping
Meet Dr. Claw
Chechen Terrorists Attack City In Major Assault
Shock: Democrats Outnumber Republicans 8 to 1 In Faculty At Elite Law Schools
Open Thread
Peggy Noonan Endorses Miers... For Federal Appellate Judge
Re-Link, Because I'm Just Not "Feeling Da Funny" Lately
Harold ("Who?") Pinter Wins Nobel Prize For Lunatic Crankery
Rich Russians Pay Millions For Outsized Penises
Cool (Old) Thing I Just Found Out About
Gerry Daly at RedState: Opposing Miers Could Have Very Bad Consequences
Put Some Ditties In Your Titties
Wooden Shoes and Burkas
Repeating Myself
Is That An M4, or are You Just Happy to See Me?
Syrian Minister "Commits Suicide;" Was Questioned Regarding Hariri Assassination
Deal Reached On Iraqi Constitution; One Sunni Group Announces Support
NYT Guest Opinion: We're Winning
Daily French Bashing, Part Deux
Schroeder wins "Biggest Crybaby in the World" Prize.
The Miers Gamble
Today's Human Rights Guessing Game
Harass Republicans From Beyond the Grave
Nostalgia Time. The Avenue of Flags; Do You Remember?
Most Impressive!
UNICEF Bombs the Smurfs
Pravda Health Alert
NO Cops' Beating Victim: It's Not Racial Bias, Just Some "Rotten Apples"
Oregon's Supreme Court: Public Live Sex Acts Contitutionally Protected "Speech"
Hoist The Black Flag at 4PM ET
Giuliani: I Shall Return
IED Found Near UCLA
Tim Roth Picked As New James Bond
Wiccan Wackies
What Else? More Miers
"Toothing," The Hoax That Became Real
The Flat Tax & GDP Growth
Python vs. Cat: Python Wins
NYC Subway Threat: Hoax
Bad Motives and Miers
Elitism and the Blogger Poll
Questions For Steve Forbes
Bloggers Overwhelmingly Against Miers
The Miers Cipher: Conservatives Are Right To Be Wary
Three Bombs At Georgia Tech Part a "Terrorist Act"
If It Worked For the Nazis and Soviets, Why Not PETA?
First Adult-Rated Smurf Cartoon
New Orleans Cops Stole Cadillacs To Desert Their Posts
Pentagon Hosts Driverless Car Race
Good Word from The Mesopotamian
New Urban Fad Afoot
Bolivia Appreciation Day
Political Correctness at Odds with Itself
Stupid Product Alert
If You Like Puns
Sex Offenders Have a Friend in Sacramento!
Giuliani Pimping, Continued
Unknown Group Kidnaps Three Hamas Members in Gaza
Open Thread For Baseball Fags
The President's Speech
Keith ("Who?") Olbermann Says Terror Threat Contrived
What? Too much?
In Favor of Affirmative Action: We Need a Black, Jewish, or Catholic Supreme Court Nominee
Miers' Favorite Justice? "Warren"
Al Qaeda Detainees: 80% of Northern Iraq Network Is "Devastated"
Top Ten Requirements For Employment With Al Qaeda
Last Day: Bad Poetry Slam!
Lion vs. Bear
Help Wanted
What's the Word I'm Looking For 2: Electric Boogaloo
Liveblogging NYC Subway Threat
The Great Ramadan "Offensive"?
Mule vs. Cougar: Mule Wins
Seven Words That Are Totally Hot: Playing Hide the Salami With Howard Dean
Sam Brownback Supports BRAC-Style Porkbusting Committee
Good Piece on "Public" Art And The Chastening Of The MSM
Rove May Be Indicted
Bush Supports Cutting The Budget... Rhetorically
Queasy Feeling
"Miss Havisham Democrats"
Speaking of Bad Poetry...
Face/On: Doctors Vet Patients For World's First Facial Transplants
Tall Chicks All Business?
Sex Offender Attempts To Rape Baby In Public Library
Repurpose those Moonbat Protest Signs
BBC To Be Whitewash-Cleared Fully Investigated For Anti-Israel Bias
Brainwashed Chimpy Drones Spill Their Guts
Spy At 1600
Python Vs. Alligator: Python Wins... Kinda
I Hate Posting Rumors From "Sources" of Dubious Credibility, But...
Tom DeLay Update
Cool Stuff
OU Bomber: It's Begining To Look A Lot Like Jihad
Minuteman Founder in California Congressional Race
Bad Hair Wednesday
Proposed Indiana Law Would Criminalize Artificial Means of Impregnation For Unmarried Couples
Hockey Returns, With New Innovation-- Offense!
What is a Planet? Controversy Re-ignited by New Find
My Three Sons
Commenters, I Feel Your Pain
Video Game Promotes Murdering Police Officers
Motorhead's "Ace of Spades" With Adorable Kittens
Prescription For Back Pain? Sex With Your Doctor
Hoist The Black Flag, Today at 4:05 Eastern Time
New Data: Katrina Was Cat 3, Cat 1 At Landfall?
OU Bomber Was Jihadist (???)
Washington State Proposed Law Would Require Leaving One Room In Your Home Without Heat
Richard Cohen Is On F'n' Fire
Kelo Unbound: 2000 Homes To Be Condemned In Order To Build Yacht Club
Mom, I Need A Bigger Allowance
BLOGGER ALERT. Check Your Blood-Alcohol Level Before You Hit 'Send'
Game Show Great, Nipsey Russell: Dead
DeLay Now Indicted For "Money Laundering"
Nicholas Cage Names Son "Kal-El"
Miers In Law School
Bush's Big Boner
The Anchoress Defends The Miers Nomination
Hospital Therapy Burns Man's Penis With Microwave, Then Cuts A Lot of It Off
30 Second Re-Enactment With Bunnies: This Time, Highlander
Krugman Error Finally Corrected, Kinda
More on Miers for SCOTUS
SCOTUS Pick Open Thread
Bicycle Boom
Newsweek: What Really Changed Judy's Mind
The Underclass and its Lack of Fathers
Captain Obvious Writes for the NY Times
ACLU Fights To Get Abu Ghraib Pictures Released, But Fights To Suppress Pictures of Convicted Prostitutes
What’s the Word I’m Looking For?
Judith Miller and the Year Old Waiver
Daily Kos Diarist Calls For Streets Awash In Blood
Louisiana Democrats Know How To Get Buses Moving, When It's Important
The Shining: The Feel Good Family Fun-Ride of the Fall! Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day. This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit
Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Chuck Grassley
NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10
Senate floor vote comes next
Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize! -- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital
JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.
You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
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ShainS -- The Deep State Dies in Daylight AND Dharma [/b][/i][/s][/u] :
"The stab-happy wife is now missing, and is suspect ..."
Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon :
"DEI strikes again, the fire captain was murdered b ..."
Chelsea Clinton :
"The Left has run out of ideas. Harris, Buttijudge, ..."
one hour sober :
"Delta Adds A Little Hanging Tennis Ball To End Of ..."
Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar :
"I liked the story well enough but figured the whol ..."
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"Looks like she needed the company a protective dyk ..."
Paco :
"[i]264 Another is the Mazda Miata, once known as ..."
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"Not the Bee
California school dis ..."
Stinky Davis. :
""I'll harm you!"
Oooh! I'll give you such a pin ..."
Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon :
"Perhaps I am the only one who finds an 11-year sen ..."
Josephistan :
"Because I think I would be hesitant to get involve ..."
Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison :
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