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October 21, 2005
Top Ten Signs You're Being Looted By "White Supremacists"
Right... so, Michelle Malkin noted that ABCNews had reported...

The crack investigative team pinned the rioting and looting on "white supremacists," looking past the fact that the rioters and looters weren't wearing Nazi paraphrenalia, weren't part of the small delegation of Neo-Nazis at the demonstration, and weren't, uhh, what's the word?, white.
So, just in case you're not sure if you're being looted by white supremacists, here are the Top Ten Signs You're Being Looted by "White Supremacists."
10. They keep calling you "cracker-ass cracker," which is old Ku Klux Klan slang for "traitor to the White Race"
9. A lot of them are wearing NBA jerseys, but not a single Celtics jersey in sight, because Nazis hate the Boston Celtics for that whole Robert Parrish betrayal
8. They make off with thousands of dollars worth of rap CD's, because Nazis ♥ gin n' juice, nines, & Escalades (also known as "Hitlermobiles")
7. One of them wears a big clock necklace like Flava-Flav, which is a Nazi symbol indicating it's time for the War of Racial Purity
6. After the riot, the looters go back to their headquarters to watch How Stella Got Her Groove Back, often called "the Triumph of the Will of the New Nazi Generation"
5. Frequent use of racial slur "nigga" -- what a giveaway
4. Some Nazis carry Jeri-Curl, the preferred accelerant for cross-burnings
3. The ringleader is a roadie for Sinbad, identified by the FBI as "the court jester of Holy White Race War Movement"
2. Al Sharpton believed sighted near the riot, and you know how he feels about Jews
...and the Number One Sign You're Being Looted by "White Supremacists"...
1. Presence of Malcom X t-shirts just further evidence of Neo-Nazis' famously droll sense of deliciously campy irony
Okay, So Maybe There Are Black Nazis After All: Seems this cat -- a "Dr. Kambon" -- is proposing the, let us say, Final Solution to the whole "white" problem, and it involves nothing less than the "extermination" (that's a quote) of the white race.
Thanks to the Shadow.