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October 28, 2005
Why No One Ages In The Marvel Universe
Arthur hips me to this:
In the regular Marvel Universe (as opposed to Ultimate) they have a new, standard explanation for his and (everybody elses) lack of aging. The 15 year rule. The Big Event (the creation of the Fantastic Four when Reed & friends were exposed the cosmic rays) happened 15 years ago.
ALWAYS 15 years ago.
So for a comic taking place today, the BE happened in 1990. 5 years from now, in a similar comic, the BE happened in 1995.
I suppose there's some explanation for why that should be. That's just what they've always been sort of doing, without explaining it.
I think the DC Universe similarly restarted the clock and claimed (for some reason or another) that the previous continuity was scrapped and that Superman first appeared about fifteen years ago. Probably something to do with Crisis on Infinite Earths. It's the Big Cosmic Explanation that keeps on giving.
Meanwhile, James Bond just turned 118 years old.