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October 11, 2005
Giuliani: I Shall Return
No one is shocked by his announcement that he "may return to political life." Sometime around the rev-up for the 2008 presidential campaign.
"Do I plan to return to politics? In the back of my mind, I'd like to do that," he said before a United Way benefit in Austin. "But I learned after September 11 and having prostate cancer, you don't plan the future with that type of specificity. I may return to politics, or I may someday be manager of the Yankees."
Last time I checked, the Yankees were consistently in the playoffs and often the world champs. So, I'm thinking, Option B is the less likely.
Then he plays the disaster-response competency card:
He discussed his response to the terrorist attacks in New York on Sept. 11, when he grew to national fame as "America's Mayor." He said that the same lessons learned from Sept. 11 should be used to respond to natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina.
"The key to reducing the number of things that go wrong in an emergency is relentless preparation: doing drills and taking emergencies you've gone through, analyzing them to determine what you did right and what you did wrong, and improving," he told reporters before his speech.
Texas' response to Hurricane Rita was an example of a disaster plan that "worked very well," Giuliani said. He avoided criticizing the federal, state and local response to Hurricane Katrina but said that the problems should be addressed by a nonpolitical commission in six months.
Now he just has to say something big and bold about cutting spending and about leaving politics to the elected politicians (rather than unelected judges) and we've got the makings of a serious run.