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The murder thriller Deathtrap with Michael Caine is free on YouTube
I like it. The guy who wrote Sleuth wrote this. It does have a bit of a gay vibe, but it's good.
BTW Sleuth is also available, illegally, on YouTube, but it's such a terrible low quality (240 p!) that I turned it off.
Funny article by Emily Yoffe:
She points out the media is continuing to gaslight us, and then notes that the White House is calling those who want Biden to step down the "Bed-Wetter Brigade."
But you don't have to be a doctor, or even a Google doctor like most of us, to conclude that these explanations sound like cover-ups. The people around Biden have also decided to turn the tables on the growing number of commentators and others who have concluded, based on recent observation, that Biden is unfit to have a second term. They have diagnosed those calling for Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race as being "bed-wetters." It does seem to be a bad idea to inject the notion of incontinence into this discussion.

"Bed-wetters"... isn't that a political internet insult from like 1998? Isn't that what the left called people worried or offended by Clinton's perjuries and alternative methods of cigar storage?
Even this gang's insults are 25 years past their prime.
Julie Kelly @julie_kelly2 Joe Biden can authorize Seal Team Six to assassinate his political opponent but only between 10am and 4pm
I'll be taking off July 4 and most of July 5. I have a lot of open threads prepared. On Friday, I will post news, if it's big news. (I guess if there's really big news on the Fourth, I'll post that too.)
But I won't search for news if it's a slow news day, which is what it probably will be. The hardest work is on slow news days and I'm not going to put the work on Friday for that. I'll just post open threads of posts with thin content (a link and a quote, basically). I need a little time off. It's Biden Time (TM). I'm going to go for a bike-fall.
If any cobs want to post on Friday (or on July 4), then please do. But don't think you have to or anything. I will be around to cover the site.
Larry O'Connor: Weird that Morning Joe was absent from his own show yesterday after his on-air quarrel with his whorewife Mika
Does this mean anything? I sure hope not. I sure want the best for these nice kids. Joe Scarborough rocks! He plays guitar and has a poofy pompadour
Workin 10 to 4
Man, this job is really easy
Eat ice cream and shit my pants
Hey, my wife looks kinda sleazy

Posted by: Joe "Dolly" Biden
"C'mon, man! You just don' don't see how much we've done! How more employment for soft-shell monkey sandwich in a giggly-hole...and the little girls who can now smell like banana pudding because of my border mind control..." Posted by: ZOD
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
-- Alvin Toffler
Observation: We on the right, and I definitely include myself here, made a tactical error in setting the expectations for Joe Biden so low that only a truly cognitively challenged man could fail to clear them. We set the victory conditions for Biden as just requiring that he form some coherent sentences, some of the time.
We screwed up.
But he still failed to beat the low, low expectations we set. We spotted him thirty points and he still threw six interceptions for touchdowns.
A commenter (sorry, I forget the name) pointed this out: if Biden had "a cold," why did he go to the Waffle House and touch people? Remember a "season of death," Joe? Once again we see the left's highly-contingent rules of "quarantine:" You must quarantine yourselves while they get haircuts, super-luxe French dinners, and chicken and waffles. Not to mention burning down businesses and killing cops.
Greg Gutfeld: They lied, they all lied
Good and necessary mockery and gloating. Liars should be mocked and despised.
Bari Weiss: "They Knew."
Rarely are so many lies dispelled in a single moment. Rarely are so many people exposed as liars and sycophants. Last night's debate was a watershed on both counts. The debate was not just a catastrophe for President Biden. And boy--oy--was it ever. But it was more than that. It was a catastrophe for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits, who have, since 2020, insisted that Biden was sharp as a tack, on top of his game, basically doing handstands while peppering his staff with tough questions about care for migrant children and aid to Ukraine. Anyone who committed the sin of using their own eyes on the 46th president was accused, variously, of being Trumpers; MAGA cult members who don't want American democracy to survive; ageists; or just dummies easily duped by "disinformation," "misinformation," "fake news," and, most recently, "cheapfakes."
Hat tip David Strom at Hot Air. Strom adds:
We need to remind people that they have been lied to. Forty-eight million people watched the debate according to the ratings, and they saw what they saw: that the media lied. We need to focus on that.

Indeed. Do not let them evade responsibility for their own remorseless, conscienceless, unceasing lying by claiming they were mere "dupes" of the White House.
The Scrolletter: Who's really running the White House? Because we now know for certain it isn't Turnip Truck Joe.
Never one for modesty, Obama also--as David Samuels observed in Tablet last August --made sure to drop O.J. Simpson If I Did It-style hints about how a "hypothetical" surrogate presidency might work: "That Obama might enjoy serving as a third-term president in all but name, running the government from his iPhone, was a thought expressed in public by Obama himself, both before and after he left office. "I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony," he told Steven Colbert in 2015, "I'd be fine with that because I found the work fascinating." Even with all these clues, the Washington press corps--fresh off their years of broadcasting fantasies about secret communications links between Trump Tower and the Kremlin--seemed unable to imagine, let alone report on, Obama's role in government."

Thanks to Dave Reaboi again
Unedited: Biden's post-debate interview from the Waffle House
"I had a sore throat." Thanks to former guest blogger @NiceDeb, now at AmGreatness
Holy Crap, Ex-CNN Thumb Chris Cillizza attacks the White House for lying: "They knew."
They knew.
The big takeaway from last night is that the Biden White House knew the president was clearly a step (or three) slower.
And they spent months attacking ANYONE who suggested age was an issue and should be discussed openly.
Democrats should be FURIOUS.

So we've got a Blame Game going on. The media, which ALSO knew, is pretending they were totally DUPED by the White House, rather than being knowing co-conspirators in the psyop, which is what they were. But they're not going to admit that, so they're going to claim that Joe Biden is such a remarkable persuader that he just fooled them all.
If you were fooled by something so unbelievable: What is the point of you?
Note he's also pretending the Democrat party didn't know. The only bad actors here, this new psyop goes, were Joe Biden and his inner circle. All other Democrats and their media infiltrators were blameless, faultless, uncorrupted, pure.
Recent Comments
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