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Ace of Spades Pet Thread, July 20 »
July 20, 2024
Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, July 20
Jump Scare Lilies
KT, here's a splendiferous lily that just bloomed yesterday in my pollinator garden. I'd forgotten what manner of lily it was and BOOM, some sort of savage tiger, burning bright!
Sorta goes along with our weather! Gorgeous!
Edible Gardening/Putting Things By
A bunch of yard photos for you to peruse from Chez Moron Analyst.
Most are labeled pretty clearly on what they are...but a few notes:
I saw a chipmunk high up in a mulberry tree while out running. I always assumed they COULD climb, but don't recall ever seeing them do it.
Most of my native plum trees have done pretty well (as you'd expect), but the one that has grown the most, and fastest, has split into multiple stalks that are too flimsy to support themselves. Do I need to cut some, support it, or maybe they'll thicken up over time?
One of my medlar trees just...died? Leaves started withering, while everything else around it is doing fine. No damage from critters gnawing on the trunk, so...no idea.
I planted asparagus from seed 3(?) years ago. I thought I remembered reading it would take a few years before it was mature enough to harvest, so I mostly leave it alone...it, like the plum tree, grows very tall, thin, and stringy.
My Chicago hardy fig tree SHOULD be fine for my zone (central Iowa), but every year it starts fresh from the root. Every year, it grows a bit taller and thicker before the winter, so I'm hoping eventually it'll get enough mass to survive the winter and continue growing instead of starting all over again.
Youngest daughter (16) made a cherry pie out of the cherries. Sweet, and right on the edge of being too tart.
We'll save some of the photos for later. Moron Analyst may appreciate some comments or tips from The Horde concerning the ones included below:
NATIVE PLUM - Any tips?
SAD MEDLAR TREE - any ideas what happened?
2 OR 3 YEAR ASPARAGUS - any tips?
CHICAGO HARDY FIG - anyone growing one?
CHERRY PIE - Looks great to me!
Treats for Ducks and Watermelon Art
Making fallen leaves into roses
Beach Art
Gardens of The Horde
Hi KT! Maybe for the next garden thread, attached are pics of Mrs. Boswell's lovely garden - she works so hard every year to make a lovely garden setting for the family - we love looking out from our deck to see her flowers and bushes she has meticulously groomed - she has a wonderful green thumb!
AOSHQ Nic Boswell
Lovely garden. Looks cool and inviting. And a lovely sketch, too.
Thanks for sending them in.
I love these parakeet flowers. They are also called "false bird of paradise" and "parrot's beak". They bloom abundantly and the flowers last a long time. Plus the plants are maintenance free.
Dirk Bohunk
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
If you would like to send photos, stories, links, etc. for the Saturday Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, the address is:
ktinthegarden at g mail dot com
Remember to include the nic or name by which you wish to be known at AoSHQ, or let us know if you want to remain a lurker.
Week in Review
What has changed since last week's thread? Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, July 13
Any thoughts or questions?
I closed the comments on this post so you wouldn't get banned for commenting on a week-old post, but don't try it anyway.