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July 27, 2024

The Classical Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival


I bet the coffee was anything but awful..............

Good morning Horde. Here we are again on another Saturday morning. Before we get to Annie's hard work with the Prayer Request List just a few house keeping matters to go over. (Rulz for those of you in Kenosha)

1) This is an open thread. Feel free to lurk, opine and/or bloviate away.
2) Be nice to one another. And for heaven's sake, please don't jump on the furniture.
3) Running with sharp objects will not be encouraged here.
4) Have a wonderful weekend!


AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:

6/15 – Jewells posted that she has decided to end her cancer treatments. She had 6 months to go on her 2 year palliative care program, but the chemo drug is ruining her quality of life.
7/13 Update – Jewells posted that the new CT scan showed some growth of the cancer, but for not having treatments for 3 months, it wasn’t bad. She likes the new doctor, and they are figuring out next steps, but Jewells still does not want more chemo.

6/15 – Grumpy and Recalcitrant asked for continued prayers for J.J. Sefton of the Morning Report. He is about to begin chemo and radiation therapy.
7/13 – J.J. posted that he was halfway through the 6-week treatment phase. Aside from being fatigued, there were no serious side effects, thank goodness. He will be having regular MRIs to monitor for any recurrence. He said he cannot thank everyone enough for their kindnesses, prayers, and expressions of support. He also sends prayers for all who are suffering, for complete and speedy recovery.
7/17 Update – J.J. said he is about the same – fatigued, but powering through as best he can.

6/25 – TP asked for prayers for JT, who is ill and in need of prayer.
7/13 Update – JT is in a rehab facility. No one has been able to speak with him, but prayers are still requested.

6/29 – bluebell passed along a request from grammie winger, who asked for prayers for her husband, Rev, who is having open heart surgery on 7/8 to take care of his aortic aneurysm. Recovery time is expected to be 6-8 weeks.
7/20 Update – Rev is still in the hospital. After recovering from the bowel obstruction, he got Covid.

7/6 – Miklos requested prayers for Old Mama, who at the age of almost 86, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which has apparently already spread.
7/11 Update – Old Mama was discharged from the hospital today. This is one of the cases in which the cancer can be surgically removed, and arrangements are underway. Miklos sends his thanks.

7/6 – neverenoughcaffiene brought up prayers for lousagirl, whose husband passed away a few weeks ago.

7/6 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers for Jessie, the former church organist, who was hospitalized with a UTI.
7/13 Update – Jessie is out of the hospital, but still is dehydrated and her UTI medication was making her nauseous. She sends her thanks for the prayers, as does FenelonSpoke.

7/7 – mindful webworker was hospitalized again with intestinal issues. It was resolved without surgery.

7/8 – Tonypete’s friend’s granddaughter was in a severe car crash. She is gravely injured with massive head and leg injuries, and is in a coma. Prayers for her and for the rest of the family, including Tony’s friend Rudy, are appreciated.

7/11 – Stateless posted that he was at a low point, and could use some encouragement.

7/12 – AnnaS posted a request for prayers. Her husband was very sick.

7/13 – NR Pax asked for prayers for his mother-in-law, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. They have found a second mass, so she will be having another biopsy. Hopefully after that, surgery can be planned out.

7/13 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers for a job for FenSon, as well as all the other recent college grads.

7/13 – Ruthless asked for prayers for an upcoming heart procedure on 7/23, to replace his aortic valve. It turned out that he had a birth defect that was never detected, but has caused some physical limitations over his 83 years, which were becoming worse.
7/24 Update – The valve replacement went well. Thanks for the prayers. He also got a pacemaker as well.

7/13 – Someone Else requested prayers for Bull Dog of Maggie’s Farm ,who is going through the same thing that JJ Sefton is.

7/13 – Chris C, a loyal lurker (and prayer) requests prayers for his bride, Melanie, who was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She needs support as she is exhausted from caring for Chris and his 23 days in the hospital for a triple bypass that “went south”.

7/18 – Annie’s Stew sends prayers of thanks for God’s protection of President Trump.

7/18 – “Norman Spiny” requested prayers for his lovely wife, Cindy (married 33 years) who passed away on 7/20 due to metastatic breast cancer.

7/20 – Defenestratus asked for prayers for an aunt and uncle. The aunt just passed away after battling her second round of brain cancer. Her first bout was 34 years ago. The uncle has been distraught, and now they found a benign tumor at the base of his skull that is causing a blood vessel to be pinched. This is causing vision issues for him. They have to wait until next month to see of it is operable.

7/20 – barbarausa asked for prayers for her son. He has gone off the deep end again, and just got kicked out of rehab, after being kicked out of his last group home. He is calling her, asking her to come get him, and she cannot. She can’t take care of him, or keep him on his psych meds, or keep him in treatment, or live with the psychotic breaks.

7/21 – Nan in AZ asked for prayers for her doctors and her mom. Nan is in the hospital with possible cardiac issues. Nan’s dad passed away last month, so they are still dealing with that loss.

7/22 – Sponge’s First Lady is home and resting comfortably. The surgery went well and the doctor was pleased. They did remove some lymph nodes that looked suspect, but did not have to remove much mass around the cancer. They will have the results of the tests on the nodes next week. Thank you for the continued prayers as she has only just begun this whole thing.
7/24 – Pooky’sGirl requested prayers for her SiL, who lost her mother to an MS-related aneurysm a few months ago, just found out that her father has pancreatic cancer.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

Thank you Annie for your service.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 08:15 AM

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