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Cutting The Cord And Email Security
Moron Meet-Ups
George W. Bush: Anti-Christ, Superstar
Vagina Dentata-- Literally
Those Crafty Jews Alert: Israel First To Offer Katrina Assistance
What's Playing Right Now At The HQ
A Lot Of Blacks Are Looting... But Then, 67.25% of New Orleans Proper Is Black
Storms: All Caused By Global Warming
White People "Find" Goods, Black People "Loot" Them
BOLO For Bonzo
Looting For Survival
Now Daily Californian Pundit Calls For Assassination... Of American Citizen Paul Wolfowitz
RFK Jr.: God Directed Katrina To Slam Mississippi Out Of Vengeance
Massive Death Toll in Iraq Potentially Linked to Zarqawi.
Too Rude For a Headline
Titan Rain: Chinese Hackers Launch Most Significant Spy Threat In Decades
Katrina: Hell On Earth
Subway Flasher Again: Europeans Want To Know What The Big Deal Is
I dedicate this thread to Rosie O'Donnell.
Reposting: John Kerry, Drunken Bear
Margaret Cho: Still Not Funny
Spiderman, For Real?
Katrina Kills
Hoist The Black Flag At 4 PM Eastern
A Titan Versus A Titan, II: George Galloway To Debate Chris Hitchens
Saint Cindy Slams Mothers Of Lost Sons Who Support The War
Keith ("Who?") Olbermann: I Believe The French, Lance Armstrong Juiced
Al Sharpton Paid To Campaign For Kerry
9/11 Commission Suppressed Evidence of Links Between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein
Breaking News: Starbucks Is A Liberal Corporation
Subway Flasher ID'd?
14-Year-Old Palestinian Boy Caught At Checkpoint With Shrapnel-Explosive Bombs
How Guiliani Can Win, Redux
Weekly Warporn
UK Schools Get Tough: No More Than Five Uses Of The F-Word To Your Teacher Per Lesson!
Hurricane Katrina: All Bush's Fault
This one's for all the Howard Deans in the audience.
The Iraqi Draft Constitution
Assassination: Only Bad When A Conservative Religious Figure Suggests It
Katrina Roudup
F---ing and You: Perfect Together
F*ck the CIA
UK Set To Begin Deportations of Jihadist Imams
Regime Change For Germany? Schroeder Trails By 12 To 14 Points
Gallup: Rudy Guiliani Tops Potential Nominees Among Republicans
Eleanor Clift Calls US Forces "Mercenary Army"
Southerners, Run Like Hell
AP Reports On Fred Phelps' Protesting of GI's Funerals; Seems Silent on Code Pink's Protest Outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Shock: Palestinian Suicide Bomber Strikes Post-Gaza Pullout
Greg Gutfeld On Hoist The Black Flag
Sunnis Reject Draft Constitution
Iran Behind 9-11?
Camera Phone Captures Subway Flasher
Norm Minetta Proposes Higher Fuel Efficiency Standards For Light Trucks and SUV's
Charles Murray On Differences In Male and Female (Group) IQ
Feds Raid Maryland Home of Nigerian VP
Chrissy "Lord Haw-Haw" Matthews sinks to new low!
Third Source Says Able Danger ID'd Atta
New definition for "Puppy Chow."
If Nazis And Left-Wing Malconents Both Agree, They've Gotta Be Right!!
Airstrikes Level Safehouse Containing Up To 50 Terrorists
Presumably He'll Be Sponsored By Kodak
The Real Deal
Heartbreaking Letters By Little Girl To Iraq-Casualty Father-- A Hoax
Video from the Mars Rover
Saint Cindy's Got Deep, Presumably Holy, Pockets Behind Her
Now Pat Boone Is On F'n' Fire
He Rocks. He Rocks Hard.
Saint Cindy Gains New Disciple: Holy Joe Wilson of the Immaculate Niger Report
Recruitment Up, Especially For Units Assigned To Iraq
Father of Slain War Hero Challenges Saint Cindy To Debate
Chuck Hagel: Ready To Run For President As An Independent?
Lefties Speak out against Cops, Wooden Shampoos
There goes the neighborhood!
The Lessons Of Fallujah, Forgotten: Why Is Moqtar "Mookie" Al-Sadr Still A Free, And Living, Man?
Blog Justice For Seattle Soldier-Stomping Thugs?
"Maverick" McCain Supports Mentioning Intelligent Design In School
The Year of Horrible Weather
Not Exactly Mike Wallace: Reporter Embedded In Iraq Grabs Gun, Fires On Terrorists
Interesting: A Debunking of the Kitty Genovese Legend
London (Where Else?) Zoo To Feature Human Exhibit
Expert Gun Handling, Continued
A Titan Versus A Titan! Victor Davis Hanson To Debate Arianna Huffington
Soxblog Punditry: William Weld Will Be The Next Governor of New York
"Stop Snitchin'" T-Shirts Chill Citizens' Urge To Cooperate With Cops
George Will Is On F'n' Fire
Code Pink Protests War Wounded
Ridden Hard And Put Away Dead: Man Dies After Being F'ed By Horse
SUVs: Time To Increase Fuel Efficiency Standards?
Michael Graham Fired As Radio Host For Making Anti-Muslim Statements; Hired By Rightalk Radio
Pat Robertson And (Sigh) Media Double-Standards
Open Thread
Australia To Islamists: Love It Or Leave It
Muslim Leaders Warn Extremist-Crackdown Will Produce Terrorist Martyrs
APBB (All Points Blogging Bulletin): Thugs Beat The Hell Out Of Soldiers Returned From War, Seattle-Tacoma Area
I know that a senator from Massachusetts has family in France.
I Think They Need A New School Mascot
Thai MP Launches Investigation Into Fellow MP's Penile Enlargement
More Downtime
Not Quite Open Thread: Sci Fi/Fantasy Geekery
You'll Never Do Lunch In This Town Again
How To Blog, By Iowahawk
Reprogramming Adult Skin Cells Via Fusion With Embryonic Stem Cells?
Able Danger Officer Shaffer Didn't Name Atta (?)
On "Peak Oil"
Pardon The Downtime
R2, Do You Is Fucking?
Why Of Course He'd Say That
Saudi Journalist Declares Radical Islam Worse Than Naziism
Elizabeth Edwards now feels a connection to Cindy Sheehan.
Oil: All Tapped Out?
Model Missing In Ohio
Hitler ended hyperinflation, therefore he was a good leader.
Lindsay Graham Continues Evolving, This Time On Global Warming
Open Thread
Saint Cindy's Immaculate Antisemitism
Military Lawyers Fretted About Bin Ladin's Comfort Following Possible Capture
Mighty Murderin' Power Rangers!
Bad news/ Good news
Wait a second! Wasn't Canadian healthcare supposed to be free?
Dick Cheney, Scarface
There's Hope For You Mutants Yet: Geeks, Freaks, & Gaywads The Hot Hunks In Japan
Cindy Sheehan Wins A Convert!
Two "Mohammed Attas?
The Summer of Cindy
Ted Kennedy and Walter Cronkite Want To Ruin Your Property Values
Frowny-face Diplomacy
Whom are you going to believe? Me or your own eyes?
More On Iraqi Spies Targeting American Interests
Studt: Pornographj Cam Makr You Blind
More Conservative Movies
Be nice to the help...
Behold his Noodliness
Stupid is as stupid does.
Can you be a refugee from a country you were never in?
You Guys All Know Andrea Harris Is, Like, Twice As Mean As Me, Right?
Again: Brosnan Out As Bond, Supposedly
Top Ten "Questions" Saint Cindy Sheehan Wants "Answered" By President Bush
Saint Cindy's "Sacrifice"
Hello Billy, Hello Tracy, Life Is Good Here, At Camp Casey
Bill From INDC's Got A Point
Saint Cindy Opposed Afghanistan Operation, Too
Again: Iraqi Spies In Germany Arrested On Suspicion Of Planning Attacks On US In Concert With "Fundamentalist Extremists"
Valerie Plame: The Biggest Story of Our Age
UN Funds Palestinian Incitement-Propaganda
Intel Officer Stands By Story: Able Danger Info Blocked
Saint Cindy's Diaries
Saint Cindy Gains A New Disciple: David Duke
Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2
Steven Den Beste On The Turkish Complication
P Diddy, nee Puff Daddy, Changing His Name Again
"Breaking News"
Smearing Cindy Sheehan By Accurately Quoting Her
Hoist The Black Flag at 4PM Eastern
The End of Treason
"Moderate" British Muslims Seem To Threaten British Government
Top Conservative Films?
Why I hate lawyers.
Iraq Constitution Delayed
The Press, Torn Between Innocence and Power
Ministry of Silly Links
Curious Juxtaposition
Lodi Imam being deported
Chutzpah of the Year Award: Bill Clinton Claims He Would Have Attacked Bin Ladin Before 9/11, Had He Been President
Saint Cindy's Face Appears On Grilled Cheese Sandwich!
All Grieving Parents Are Equal, But Some Are More Equal Than Others
Anyone Know Greg Gutfeld's Email?
Justice Roberts Also Helped Colleagues On Playboy TV Case
World Net Daily Scoop: "Walken For President" May Be Some Sort of Hoax or Parody!!!
Congressional Budget Office Reduces Deficit Forecast By $88 Billion This Year
Greg Gutfeld Slams Fellow HuffPo Cindyghouls
And Then There Were Three: Kofi Annan's Brother Now Also Under Investigation In Oil-For-Kickbacks Scam
Turley Offers Taped Proof Of Durbin's Anti-Catholic Question
Bill Clinton Signs Record Deal
Iraq Constitution May Be Sent To Assembly Without Unanimity, Over Sunni Protests
Newsweek On The President's Meetings With The Families of the Fallen
I think the National Enquirer is more reputable than the French media.
Screamin' Dean: Women Don't Know How Good They Had It Under Saddam Hussein
Makin' Friends All Over: PETA Compares Black People To Animals
Drunk Driving Laws... Unconstitutional?
Able Danger Scandal DOA? (Update: Signs of Life!)
Air America Scandal: NYT Corrects Franken Quote; AP Picks Up Story
UN, Fearing Terrorist Attack on NYC HQ, Builds... A Security Fence
Caretakers Forced To Show Koko The Sign-Language Gorilla Their Breasts
Cindy Sheehan, Demented Liar
Parkour Extreme Chase Sequence
So that's why we liberated Afghanistan!
Ready, set...
US Forces Raid Suspected Iraqi Chemical Factory
Not "Historically Significant:" 9/11 Panel Spins Able Danger Omission
A memo for Cindy Sheehan.
Bacteria are NOT people, too
A Cowbell In Every Home: Christopher Walken For President
Also Suppressed By 9/11 Commission: Iraqi Spies Arrested In Germany For Plotting Strikes Against The US
At Least He's Honest: Lefty George Monbiot Admits Contradiction Between Left-Liberalism and Patriotism
This Is So Wrong, But I Want It
Gorelick Warned By Clinton Prosecutor Mary Jo White That Her Wall Would Cost Lives
BREAKING NEWS: Michelle Malkin's Given Last Name Is "Maglalang"
Off Topic: Family Guy Is Really Funny
Able Danger: Background On The Gorelick Wall
(Parody) Country Joe & the Fish To Join Cindy Sheehan in Crawford "Grief-In"
Able Danger, Continued
NYT Finally, Uhhh, Covers Air America
For Those of You Who Missed The Able Danger Story...
Al-Guardian Publishes Editorial By Al Qaeda Financier
9/11 Commission Knew of "Able Danger" ID'ing Atta
Make Your Own DIY Flamethrower Out of PVC Piping and Lighter Fluid
Practice Discreet Ogling On-Line
Mr. Paul Anka On That Infamous Tape: "I love it. It's great."
Ill-Conceived Promotion For Pillsbury Products Takes Ugly Turn
Michelle Malkin Chills The Dissent Of Patriotic, Polite American
Ingmar Bergman's The Dukes of Hazzard
WarPorn Bukkake
Open Thread
Britain To Deport "Osama Bin Ladin's Spiritual Ambassador in Europe"
Syrians Spy On Phone Conversations... Even When Your Phone Is Off
The Ace of Spades Challenge
Terror-Apologism Summer Blockbusters!
And now for the greatest French export since perfidy...parkour!
For Any Who Watch Rock Star: INXS
MacGuyver Trap Catches Serial Panty Thief
No matter what happens...
Ace of Spades HQ, Now With 25% Less Ace Content
Support The Gay Judge Roberts!
Revival of 1991 Opera of Outrage Glorifies Terrorists, Murder of Leon Klinghoffer
Data-Mining Would Have ID'd All The 9-11 Terrorists?
Guardian UK: The British Did Not Have It Coming
Christopher Walken's Dream Role? A Zombie
July's Deficit Lowest In Three Years
My Obligatory Cindy Sheehan Post
Page Six Claims Kim Richards Had No Movie Credits; Legions of Horny Old Dudes Jump To Disagree
Ace of Spades: Morally Bankrupt Partisan Hack
Guantanamo Prisoners ♥ Harry Potter
Yet Another Column On Legalization
Dogs Used As Suicide Bombers In Iraq
ACLU Refuses Grant From United Way Because It Won't Comply With Anit-Terrorism Restrictions
Was Ann Coulter Right All Along About Judge Roberts?
Claim: Defense Intelligence Suspected Mohammed Atta & Co. in 1999, Did Not Share Info With FBI Due To Legal Considerations
Michael Schiavo Honored For Bravely Honoring His Wife's Made-Up Request
Hoist The Black Flag in One Hour
High-Fashion Swimware For the Discriminating Fundamentalist Muslim Woman
Man Dies After 50 Hour Video Game Marathon
Profile Or Die: PC Random Searches Will Get Us All Dead
Greg Gutfeld's Secret Blog
4-Star General Relieved of Command Due To "Unspecified Personal Conduct"
Update On August 6, 2001, "A Day Of Infamy"
The Space Shuttle Is a "Hoopty"
Ducks Redux
New York Times Sought Roberts' Adoption Records
UN Official Arrested In Connection With Oil For Food Scandal
What's On My iPod
Big Survey of Blogs and Blog-Readers
Pajamas Media: Rates May Increase If Traffic Does
Lunatic Dons Armor, Attacks Cops With Longsword
NYT Declares a New Holiday: The Anniversary of the August 6, 2001 PDB Report on Terrorism
We're So Pro-Choice That If You Disagree With Us We'll Kill You
Dirty Democrat Deeds: They Stole Our Beer Money!
NYT Mystified at Purported Lack of War Heroes In Iraq
Dan Rather Does Larry King
Breaking News: No One Likes The French
Blair Butches Up: Announces Tough Anti-Terrorism And Anti-Incitement Initiatives
Study: Men Don't Listen To Women, Because We Physically Have Difficulty Hearing Your Voices
A Reality Show For Men: Bobby Knight's Basketball Clinic
Middle-Management McGuyvering: Take Care of That Pederast Hanorhan With Your Very Own Cubicle Crossbow!
Lefty Blogger Venom
Naked Man In Compromising Position Dies In Car Crash
Air America Misses Another Payment To Employees
U.N.: "Let Us Beat Swords Into Illegal Kickbacks And Get Us Some High-Priced Callgirls"
Israeli Cabinet OK's First Stage of Pullout
Peter Jennings Dead At 67
He Wanted To Watch Sports, She Wanted To Cuddle... So He Killed Her
Tulane Study: Flirtation & Sex Hurt Women In The Workplace
Combat Video From Fallujah
TV Weekend
Someone To Read On The Huffington Post
Another (Literal) Nail For My Heart
GOP Vixen Crowns World's Sexiest Male (sigh) Leader
Open Thread
The Benefits of a Cleric-Run, Religous-Maniac Culture: Islamic Videogame Company Invents Galaga In 2005
Cowbell! More Cowbell For My Centurions!
"Vaginas R' Us"
Is It Real or Is It Scrappleface?
Breasty British Barmaids Blast Brussels Bureaucrats' Bosom-Busting Boobery
Bush's Approval Rating For Handling Iraq Drops to 38%, Lowest Yet
H.S. Coach (and Science Teacher) Reprimanded... For Licking Players' Bleeding Wounds
George Galloway Incites Muslim World Against West
Some Iraq Posts
Judge Throws The Book At HIV-Positive Lawyer For Soliciting Sex On Internet From, And Then Forcibly Sodomizing, 14-Year-Old Boy
The Daily Kos: "The Bob Shrum Of The Internet"
Ace of Spades HQ Censored By Another Stupid-Ass Screening Program
Novak Walks Off CNN Set (Video!)
Corzine Gave, And Forgave, $470,000 Loan To NJ Union Head
How To Get Linked
Mars To Make Closest Approach To Earth In Recorded History Last Fifteen Months
First-Hand Reportage: Cheap Lighters Can Explode
EU Considers Banning Beer-Garden Wenches' Cleavage
Young Boys Wankdorf erection relief
Suspicious Parcel In France Contains Elephant Poop
"Jihad is part of my religion:" Australian Imam Encourages Young Muslims To Go To Iraq To Fight... Australian Soldiers
Open Thread
Foreign Policy Masochism?
Bush: Yes, Virginia, There Is a War On Terror
Secret History of the British Secret Service
Why Didn't Anyone Think Of This Before? CBS Proudly Announces "Journalists-of-Talent" Program
Don't Blog, Damnit
Beauty-School Beat-Down, Revisited
Author Steven Vincent Killed In Iraq
What Else? Media Bias
She's A Tall Drink Of Water
Hackett Loses In Ohio; Kosmonauts Declare Victory
Cathy Seipp Bans Poster/Stalker Until She Gets Paid $50 Idiot Tax
Bush: Teach "Theory of Intelligent Design" Side By Side With Evolution
How BBeck Spent Her Weekend
Sorry, Karol: Six Feet Under Sucks
Best Spy Movies
The Talented Mr. Kim: Pens Operas, Possesses A Photographic Memory, Shoots Eleven Holes-In-One In Single Round of Golf
Paul Hackett Can WIN!!!
Hoist The Repeat Flag
Al Gore's Current TV: Catch The Fever!
Daily Howler Raps Daily Kos Diarist On Novak
Johnny Coldcuts Has Competition
Jimmy Stewart, Commie Hunter
Shocker: Ak-47 Training Held At Finsbury Park F'n' Mosque
Everett (Wa.) Teen USA Trades Tiara For Kevlar Helmet
Sir Sean Connery Blasts Hollywood Idiots; Announces Retirement
Recess Games
How 'Bout Some Fries With That Sheik?
Dean's Comments Too Deceptive Even For a Kosmonaut
Liberal Columnist: Bush "Lucky" On Economy
King Fahd Dies
Mohammad Atta's Request For A Loan: Hoax Or Real? Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day. This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit
Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Chuck Grassley
NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10
Senate floor vote comes next
Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize! -- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital
JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.
You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
Recent Comments
ShainS -- The Deep State Dies in Daylight AND Dharma [/b][/i][/s][/u] :
"The stab-happy wife is now missing, and is suspect ..."
Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon :
"DEI strikes again, the fire captain was murdered b ..."
Chelsea Clinton :
"The Left has run out of ideas. Harris, Buttijudge, ..."
one hour sober :
"Delta Adds A Little Hanging Tennis Ball To End Of ..."
Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar :
"I liked the story well enough but figured the whol ..."
News You Can Use :
"Looks like she needed the company a protective dyk ..."
Paco :
"[i]264 Another is the Mazda Miata, once known as ..."
Lady in Black[/i][/b][/u] :
"Not the Bee
California school dis ..."
Stinky Davis. :
""I'll harm you!"
Oooh! I'll give you such a pin ..."
Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon :
"Perhaps I am the only one who finds an 11-year sen ..."
Josephistan :
"Because I think I would be hesitant to get involve ..."
Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison :
"261 Harris, Buttijudge, Neewsome, AOC their best c ..."
Bloggers in Arms
Some Humorous Asides