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August 04, 2005
Foreign Policy Masochism?
A doctor of, um, "orgonomy" suggests that liberals have a co-dependent relationship with those who would kill them.
His point is interesting, but...
...okay, what the hell is a "orgonomy"? Merriam Webster didn't provide a definition for that word, but keying on the word "orgone" I found in another article, I got this definition:
Main Entry: or·gone
Pronunciation: 'or-"gOn
Function: noun
Etymology: German Orgon, from Orgasmus orgasm and organisch organic + -on 2-on
: a vital energy held to pervade nature and be a factor in health in the theories of Wilhelm Reich
That gives me some pause, as does the article titled " Lawful Relationship
Between the Rotation Of the Planets and the Galactic Plane:"
Reich discovered, however, that space is not empty but is filled with moving orgone energy. He discovered, through direct observation, that there is a stream of energy that circles the Earth from west to east. He called this the equatorial stream. Using observations of certain formations in the aurora Borealis, he deduced the existence of a second energy stream at 62 degree angle to the equatorial stream, which he called the galactic stream.
That's by the same Robert Harman, M.D., who Roger Simon quotes regarding liberals' foreign-policy masochism.
So, it's sort of a fun little zinger, but I wouldn't get to out on a limb on the authority of Robert Harman.
Thanks to Matt.