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This Is So Wrong, But I Want It »
August 12, 2005
Gorelick Warned By Clinton Prosecutor Mary Jo White That Her Wall Would Cost Lives
Oddly enough, this was omitted from the 9/11 report as well.
But [NY] The Post has learned that White was so upset that she bitterly protested with another memo β a scathing one β after Reno and Gorelick refused to tear down the wall.
With eerie foresight, White warned that the Reno-Gorelick wall hindered law enforcement and could cost lives, according to sources familiar with the memo β which is still secret.
The 9/11 Commission got that White memo, The Post was told β but omitted any mention of it from its much-publicized report. Nor does the report include the transcript of its staff interview with White.
What a shock, huh?
Thanks to Eric.