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Katrina Kills »
August 30, 2005
Hoist The Black Flag At 4 PM Eastern
A half hour from now, on Rightalk. Look for Channel One at or after 4 Eastern. 3 Central. 1 Pacific.
No one ever says what mountain time is. Because you guys have more important things to worry about, like skinnin' pumas.
Greg Gutfeld of Maxim UK and the Huffington Post will be on. We'll talk about... I'm not sure. He's got a lot to say but who knows what to ask him? He's a maniac.
He may slam the Huffington Post some. How much? He's not sure. I asked him how far he'd be willing to go, and he said, "I probably shouldn't say that, but I probably will anyway."
Call in to ask him a question at 866-884-TALK. Or ask Karol or I a question at the end of the show (the last twenty minutes).
As Bill O'Reilly says, "Keep it pithy."
As he also says, "I'm just lookin' out for 'the folks.'" You know, the common people, the hoi polloi. Morons, in other words. Morons like yourselves.