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August 14, 2005
Parkour Extreme Chase Sequence
Wanted to write a script about this for a while; looks like I was beaten to the punch. Very fun and exciting foot-chase featuring real stunts (by "real," I mean a lot of this was done without any photographic/cutting-away trickery; they were just filmed live as they happened).
So cool. Is it too late for me to learn parkour, the Sport of the Future?
Beats Gymkata all to hell.
Thanks to Craig.
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous Update: Two jackasses think it would be a good idea for one of them to shoot a bottle off the other's head.
The first question of every gun application should be, "Are you a retard?"
H/T Dave From It's Old, who finds that the Washington Post is in full Walter Cronkite mode in declaring Iraq unwinnable.
Funny Quip About Parkour: From Apoethesis:
If anyone was going to turn running away into an art form, it's a foregone conclusion it'd be the French.