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August 14, 2005
Cindy Sheehan, Demented Liar
My title, not Varifrank's.
What other conclusion can you come to when reading a quote like this?
“We need to get our troops out of Iraq. The only reason Bush wants to stay there is because his buddies are getting rich and feasting off the blood of our childrenâ€
Well, she certainly seems to have learned the lingo from her new anti-semitic buddies. "Feasting on the blood of children" is one of their favorite go-to slurs.
One question: Is heroism transferable by will? Casey Sheehan was a hero; Cindy Sheehan is someone coping with a horrible loss. She didn't volunteer to have her son killed, and she seems to not be acting particularly brave in becoming a media darling.
I'd love to be a media darling; don't get me wrong. Just not sure how that is indicative of courage.
But the left has decided she's a hero. A hero for risking getting her ass wetly kissed by Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, and a hundred dimwitted but good-looking celebrities that wouldn't otherwise piss on her if she were on fire.
Thanks to Jim.
More: Confederate Yankee notes that freshly-minted geopolitics expert Cindy Sheehan's toughtful foreign-policy platform is just one of genocide through pacificsm.
Question: If we are to credit Cindy Sheehan's opinions on war simply because she lost a son and now wishes an end to war...
...should we also listen to those who lost husbands and wives in the 9/11 attack and whose emotion-driven response was to wish for nuclear strikes on major Muslim cities and holy sites?
Just curious. Because there's a lot of strong emotion on both sides of this. I wonder -- I wonder so much -- why the LMSM is only willing to publicize the Give Peace a Chance sort of emotionalism.
Criticizing Cindy Sheehan-- The New "Hate Speech"!!! Talk about chilling my right to dissent. Protein Wisdom notes that the left is attempting (rather unsuccessfully, as the title of my post suggests) to place any sort of criticism of Cindy "Mr. DeMille, I'm Ready For My Close Up" Sheehan as beyond the pale.
After all, she lost someone in the War on Terror.
I guess that means that Ted Olson, who lost a wife in the sneak attack that began the hot phase of the War on Terror, should be empowered to call for carpet bombings of Muslim cities if it strikes his fancy... and no criticism of his decisions will be countenanced.