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Cutting The Cord And Email Security
Moron Meet-Ups
Rasmussen, Too: Obama's Dead-Cat Bounce All Gone
Don't Go Over There, But Sullivan Is Pushing (of Course!) Trig Trutherism Now
Dead Heat: Obama 49 McCain 48
Don Fowler on His "God is on Our Side" Hurricane Enthusiasm: I Was Being Satirical or Facetious, or Something
Good Readin': Beldar's All Palin This Weekend
Quoted at NRO: Camile Paglia on Palin
BREAKING: Gustav And The RNC. Monday Night's Activities Scaled Back
Hurricane Gustav Update with Linkishness (genghis)
NRO *Rebuttal* Thread
Thread Closed
NRO Frustration Thread [Edited by Ace]
Judge Rules Against City Ordinance Restricting Illegal Alien Tenants
Do You Know Why I Know that Sarah Palin was the Perfect Pick for VP?
Gymnast: Ortega Makes My Taco Pop [dri]
Hurricane Gustav vs. RNC: Just a quick question
Poll: Palin Pick Arrests Obama Bounce; McCain/Palin 47%, Obama/Biden 45%
New Orleans' Evacuation Ordered
Zogby: Obama "walloped" by WalMart voters
Energizing Palin Interview [dri]
Former DNC Chairman Don Fowler Yuks it Up over Gustav Heading for New Orleans
The Seven Million Dollar Woman
The Story Behind The Names Of Sarah Palin's Children
NBC Still Dreaming of a Hollywood President
Tale of the Tape: Palin vs. Obama on Experience
That "Fake Pregnancy Cover Up" Smear I've Been Avoiding...
Open Blog Weekend
Shocker: Historians who Donated to Obama Don't Like Palin
Hurricane Gustav
College Football/Open Thread (genghis)
The "Troopergate Scandal"
Well, Now He Gets to Wear it On His Jersey: Chad Johnson Legally Changes His Name to Chad Ocho Cinco
And the Hunt Is On!
Obama supporters and the "Lazio effect"
These Are Not the Supporters Barack Obama Thought He Knew
Our Very Smart Lefty Friends Don't Seem to Understand Irony
Damnit, Chris Mathews was Wrong
More Pics from Landstuhl FAQ: If I'm in Germany, Should I Visit the Troops in Landstuhl or Hit the Gym?
It's Too Much Cute, Stop Already
Moby of the Day
Sexism (For Real This Time!): "Is She Experienced Enough?" is Sexist Code for "Is She Tough and Manly Enough?"
The Perfect Storm? UPDATED
A Very Dour Chris Matthews Very Concerned About Experience
Unavoidable: Cool Facts About Sarah Palin
Funny: Noonan on MSM's "Fatuous Suck-Upping"
Russian Official: Russia Will Absorb South Ossetia, Eventually
Double-Standard in the MSM? Nah
Experience... On Pork
PUMAs Lovin' Palin
As Promised: CNN's John Roberts Immediately Frets That Sarah Palin Won't Be Able to Care for Baby Trig if She's Vice President
Note on Today's Posts...
Hmmm... So Palin, Before She Was Governor, Was Mayor of a Town With a Population of a Mere 9000?
Unhinged Nutroots Reaction Thread
Canadian Cyanide Guy: Suicide, No Terror Connection, Say Police
Giggle: Now Obama Wants to Talk About Experience
Speech Thread
CNN: How Can Sarah Palin Care for Her Chidren if She's Vice President? (Media Reax Thread) Heh: VPILF
VP Pick Craziness-FNC/NBC?Others: It's.....Palin.
Top Headline Comments 08-29-08
VP tea-leaves [someone]
Video: Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann React to Obama Speech
NBC and CBS Spike 2nd Quarter GDP Surge; ABC Gives it 13 Seconds
Marine Acquitted in Civilian Trial for Alleged Crimes Committed While In Iraq
Last Stupid Night of Stupid Convention; the Dawning of a New Stupid Age of Stupid Hope and Stupid Change
All About Keef: Olby Responds to Reports of His Bad Behavior (Without Expaining What He's Accused of)
Oddsmaker Lays Odds on Obama Phrases to Be Used in Speech
Jimmy Carter: McCain "Milking" POW Experiences
Claim: Carl Cameron Knows Name of VP Pick
Tonight's McCain Ad Will Congratulate Obama
Another "Dumb Criminal" Story
Fox Exclusive: Rick Davis Confirms McCain's Made His Decision
AP Raises Prices, Steals Stories in a Media Economic Crisis; What Could Go Wrong?
Finally: IE 8 to Incude "Porn Mode" Privacy Function
Gallup: Obama's Long-Anticipated Bounce Puts Him Up 48-42
First Person: Hey, I Don't Want to Be a Downer, But Barack Obama's Buddies Tried to Murder My Whole Family
Countdown... to Crash and Burn
Obama Unleashes Hope And Change Mob Of Drooling Supporters
McCain Veepstakes
Convention bounce, its real.
Cooking With Ace of Spades: Today’s Recipe is “Narrative au Gratin” (genghis)
Time for Some Turnabout
Top Headline Comments 08-28-08
NATO warships outnumber Soviet Russian in Black Sea
Angry Olbermann: "Let's Wrap Him Up, All Right?" Obama birth certificate is real
Stupid Second-to-Last Stupid Night of Stupid Convention Stupid Liveblog/Stupid Thread
Kucinich's Kooky Speech from Yesterday
Casey Anthony Update: Lab Finds Traces of Human Decomposition in Car's Trunk
California Ballot Initiative: We're Gonna Tax the Shit Out of You, and Then Really Tax the Hell Out of You If You Try to Leave
Star Sports Columnist Quits, Stating "Newspapers Are Dead" and Can't Compete with Web Update: Spin by Hissy-Fit Artist?
Hillary Moves to End Roll Call, for Nomination of Obama by Acclamation
Is this Something?
Keith Olbermann, World's Toughest Critic
Slublog's Perseus/Medusa Photoshop Gets on TV!
No -- He Wouldn't
Awesome: "Will.I.Am" Will Recreate "Yes We Can" Viral Video Before Obama's Speech
Liberal Fascism Watch: ABC Reporter/Producer Arrested for Snapping Pics of Senators, Big Donors at Secret Meeting
Halftime at Invesco Field - [Cuffy Meigs]
FNC: Hillary Releases Her Delegates
Okay, Seriously, I Am Beginning to Worry About Obama Stealing Our White Women Away
You Know Who's a Victim of High Gas Prices? P. Diddy, That's Who
A Close Look at the O-Cropolis
Democratic Convention or Banana Republic? [someone]
Ayers' Claim That He Only Wanted to Inflict Property Damage and Avoided Death "By Design"? Bullshit
Open Blog
Corrupt Bastard Ted Stevens Easily Wins Primary; Fat, Corrupt Bastard Don Young Wins Too, by 150 Votes
Page 6: Olbermann Trying to Get Tom Brokaw Banned from MSNBC
Grim Historic Milestone...US Set To Hand Over Anbar Province To Iraqis
Top Headline Comments 08-27-08
Chris And Keith Slap Fight On MSNBC
Bill Ayers in 2004: Bombings "Restrained," Not "a Big Deal"
More Pictures from Denver Demonstrations
Pictures of Obama's Temple Being Built
Stupid Second Night of Stupid Convention Thread
Obama To Elevate Into Miniature Greek Temple, With Fireworks
Disturbing Google Hit I Got Today
Hillary Rodham-Awesome : Aide Says She Won't "Lay the Wood" to Bush or McCain, Because She's Not the Party's Attack Dog (i.e., the VP); Also Won't Make Strong Case for Obama Either, Because That's Also "Not Her Job" (i.e., She's Not the Nominee)
Sources: McCain Veep Pick Coming in "Day or Two"
Breaking; Negotiations Between Hill and Obama Have "Ceased;" Obama Now Merely Telling Hillary What's Going to Happen
The Michelle Malkin Tape: Technically, There Was an Attack
Fantasy Politics: Petraeus for VP?
Delicious: Bill Clinton Ponders, Why Vote for a Changey Hopey Sort of Candidate Who Can't Actually Deliver or Win?
Finally , Obama Offers a Specific, Substantive Plan for Governance
This Is Not the Shady Mobbed-Up Machine Politican I Thought I Knew
Officials: Obama Assassination Plot Never Happened
Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants, Catholic Theologian: Edict Against Abortion Began "50 Years Ago or Something Like That"
Gallup & Rasmussen: McCain Up, Obama Down
Michael Totten: Georgia Didn't Start the War
NFL Moronpicks Update UPDATED
Top Headline Comments 08-26-08
Protest fun and wackiness [Alice H]
Sporting News: 9 Year-old Pitcher Disqualified for Awesomeness (genghis)
NYT Outs Swiss Agents Who Helped Thwart Iranian, Libyan Nuke Programs, and Undo AQ Khan Nuke-Trading Network
On-Air Spat at MSNBC
Assassination Plot in Denver?
Live Cam of Protests Outside Convention
(Bumped to Top for Most of Night) Stupid Democratic Convention Thread
Big Thread Dishing on Soap Stars
Stay Classy, Truthers and Lefties: Alex Jones and Lefty Thugs "Attack" Michelle Malkin?
Stay Classy, Kos Diarists: McCain Has Alzheimer's; Will Resign to Deliver Country to Joe Lieberman, and His Zionist Masters in Israel
Huckabee: Romney Could Have Just Ignored SJC Ruling
They Told Me That if George W. Bush Were Elected, the DoJ Would "Investigate" Groups Running Political Ads That High Party Officials Don't Like -- And They Were Right!
Stay Classy, Lefty Bloggers
Biden's Plagiarism Wasn't Just Plagiarism -- He Was Makin' Up Fake Shit That Someone Else Made Up Plus: Biden = Racist!
"Lethal" Klingon Blade Seized in British Knife Amnesty
Frank Lutz Focus Group of Undecideds: Obama Must Change Message or Lose Swing Voter
Trent Lott Finally Figures Out Porkbarrelling, Earmarking, and Drunken-Sailor Overspending Weren't Such Great Ideas
Lou Dobbs: Media Colleagues "Absolutely Biased," "Ridiculous"
Black Hillary Supporter Accuses Barack Obama's Mentor of Making Racist Awesome Remark
McCain Rolls Out Deadly Hill/Barack Ad
We Control the Vertical: Mutant Invasion of Denver
Lieberman Still Being Floated For McCain's VP
Jim Leach (R - get the hell out of here, really?) to speak at DNC tonight.
Freeze for upper Michigan. Al Gore sighted in vicinity.
Race Worriers: An Obama Presidency Might Be the End of Racial Preferences
McCain Woos The Ladies
NASA splashes two "one of a kind" payloads on untried launch vehicle
Top Headline Comments 08-25-08
Denver Protests: "This is a police state!"
Prof Who Fondled Students in Exchange for A's Found Dead in Park
Russian Babes Welcoming The Navy
Peace and Love
Joe Biden Has a Much Higher IQ Than You
No, Seriously, The "New Site" Is Not a Site at All, Come Back
McCain To Dems...Hillary Was Passed Over For VP For Telling The Truth
University of Mosul book donations
Hillary Clinton Loyalists "Outraged" She Wasn't Considered for, or Consulted on, VP Pick
"Barack America"
Attention PUMAs: Avenge Hillary! Important Action Alert Follows!
The smartest man in the senate
Obiden Joint Appearance Thread "Clinton Insider" on Biden Pick: "Maybe it's a death wish"
The Fascinating Foreign Policy Ideas of Joe Biden
Mooning College Debate Coach Tossed Out on His Ass
US: Hey, Let's Speed Up Georgia's Inclusion into NATO
"Refreshingly Patronizing Towards 'Those People,'" and Also Creepy and Strange
Oh. My. God. Update: Did This Moron Swipe from Kos?
The Wit and Wisdom of Joe Biden
Slate: Racism the Only Possible Reason for Obama Loss
McCain: Biden's Judgment You Should Trust
Obama's seal - new and improved [Alice H]
Bad Comedy: This is Gonna’ Hurt Me Worse Than it Hurts You (genghis)
Idiotic Friday Night "The Other One" Update: Kaine Is Out. Probably Bayh Too. UPDATE: Report...It's Biden More: ABC...Secret Service On The Way To Biden's House
Hey, Who Doesn't Appreciate the Delicate Symmetry of a Lovey Spider-Web?
Obama's Stage Stresses Democratic Planks of Unity, Hope, and Avante-Garde Lighting Concepts Plus: Biden and Bayh and Chet, Oh My! Obama's Veep-Pick Arouses Public Interest Not Seen Since Chupacabra Fever Last Week
McCain Camp "Predicts" Huge Obama Convention Bounce Nearly Equal to Clinton's 16 Point "Superbounce" in 1992
Dare We Dream? Obama Doesn't Have Nomination Locked Up
Oh No, Br'er Obama! Please Don't Pick Br'er Biden as Your VP!
Obama's Complex, Nuanced, Hopey-Changey Words on Infanticide
Shock: Rank Corruption and Kickbacks Hiding in Plain Sight in Histories of Ambitious Chicago Machine Pol and His Grasping Wife
Fuck-It-All-Friday Open Thread
Another AoSHQ Lifestyle Practitioner Makes the News
Obama Never Vetted Hillary For VP?
Lawsuit Claims Obama Constitutionally Ineligible for the Presidency UPDATED
ICE's Failed Self-Deportation Pilot Program
Major Ed "Too Tall" Freeman, Medal of Honor, RIP
Top Headline Comments 08-22-08
JDRF Fundraiser Request
Tough Economic News
Michael Totten in Georgia
Report: Inmate May Have Sent Threatening Notes to McCain Campaign "I Just Knew I Needed to Distract from McCain's House Gaffe," the Convict Tearfully Confesses
Two GOP Sources Say It's Romney Now?
Racist McCain Ad Questions Whether a Black Man Should Be Allowed to Buy a Nice House
Update: Second Envelope Sent to Manchester, NH Office Breaking: McCain's Denver Office Receives Envelope Containing White Powder, Threat More: DKos Diarist Wins Olympic Gold By Shattering Previous Record for Questioning Timing By 88.2 Seconds
Gratuitous Violence
Racist Ad Links Obama to White Man, Stirring Up Age-Old Fears of Homosexual Miscegenation
Kristol (Jewish): Obama's Pick Is Most Likely Jack Reed (Gentile-RI)
Fire Melts Steel: Google It!
In the Eyes of the Beholder: I Can't Believe D&D Has Actually Become a Presidential-Level Issue
Oh, Dear: Another Electoral College Projection Shows McCain Winning With 274
McCain...I'll Show You The Chicago Way
DNC: Eric Cantor Has a Funny Name, He's Inexperienced... And Did I Mention He's a Jew?
Still Like a Democratic Drawbridge: Going Down For Everybody
Court: First Amendment Protects Advertisement of Anti-War T-Shirts With Fallen Soldiers' Names
Bud Day...Yeah, I Heard McCain Tell The Cross In The Dirt Story In 1970/71
Top Headline Comments 08-21-08
University of Iowa "Tit for Tat" Professor Set to Join Charles Whitman Club?
That Stupid St. Maarten Airport Again
Mexican Gangs Kidnapping Americans
Clinton Whip Team Promises to Keep Her Delegates in Line; Obama Thinks It's Swell
French go "wobbly" over Afghan KIA
Shocka! Mayor Daley Refuses to Say U of I Should Release Obama/Ayers Records; Mounts Defense of His Terrorist Friend
Have I Mentioned This is the Funniest Site on the Web?
Jane Hamster of FireDogLake: If Lieberman Becomes President, He'll Round Up All of Ned Lamont's Bloggers and Put Them in Gitmo
McCain Camp Plays Ayers Card; Demands University of Illinois Stop Hiding Obama/Ayers Records
Raiders of the Lost Ark -- the Special Edition
Russia Threatens Poland With Measures "Beyond Diplomacy;" Rice Reminds Russia We Have A Treaty Guaranteeing Defenses "Beyond Diplomacy" as Well
Michael Goldfarb's Reckless Remarks Threaten the GOP Coalition
It Looks Like It's Bayh
Obama Whines Again That McCain Is Questioning His Patriotism; the MSM Heartily Agrees
GOP Convention Speakers List- No Clues On VP
Biden's "I'm Not The Guy" Remark And Lieberman News
Top Headline Comments 08-20-08
Voters seeing through Captain Bullshit's ™ bullshit
Top Ten Funniest Country Song Titles
Obama: Yes, I Voted Against the Born-Alive Provision, But I Only Voted Against It Because It Was One of Those Very Rare Pieces of Legislation That Actually Has Some Legal Effect, or Something
Keith Olbermann's Ugly Rant Against Condi Rice
Megan McArdle Hears Right? Plus: Scott McClellan-Level Campaign Blogger Michael Goldfarb Again Risks Splintering the GOP-RPG Coalition
It was a gimme Obama photoshop opportunity
Top Three Acts at Bob Saget Roast
Ugh: Laurence Fishburn Replacing William Peterson on CSI
LAT Poll Can Only Manage to Put Obama Up by 2 Among Registered (Not Likely) Voters
Oh, My: Killer Pleads Guilty to Murder in Exchange for Light Sentencing $41.70 in Fast Food, Incuding Buckets of Fried Chicken, Pizza, Calzones and Lasagna
Top Ten Other Purloined Passages McCain Swiped from Soltzhenitsyn's Book
Tom Maguire Demolishes Andrew Sullivan's "Sand-Crossing" of McCain
Is McCain Thinking Of Naming A Pro-Choice VP? UPDATE: Not Ridge?
Finally Some Progress
US oil demand down by 800,000bbl/day
Top Headline Comments 08-19-08
Stanley Kurtz: Obama was COB for Ayers organization
Idiot Kite Surfer Takes On Tropical Storm Fay
ABC's Mocking "Oh, Matt!!!" Post, Claiming Drudge Had Gotten His Story About Obama's VP Decision Wrong, is Vanished Down the Memory Hole
NYT: Obama's Finally Picked His VP Candidate
Court: Religious Doctors May Not Deny Infertility Treatments for Lesbians
Rick Warren Confirms Candidate Had Unfair Previous Warning About Question Before Appearance
Fellow POW: I Remember McCain Telling Me The Cross Story. While We Were Still In Prison.
Don't Look Now But Your Insanity Is Showing
Tony Stark: Batman's a Homo
The Glorious Deeds of the Russian Military
Top Headline Comments 08-18-08
Open Fay Thread
Apollo program engine fires again after 36 years
Musharraf to Resign
Obama Camp: Yeah He Was Lying About That Abortion Bill
This. Shall. Not. Stand.
Faith based gasoline pricing
It's Almost Like Something Unusual is Poised to Happen in Denver
Sunday Afternoon Stupid
Incredible: Obama So Hip That Twentysomethings Are Willing to Pose for Pictures Wearing His T-Shirts!
Ha, Ha, Ha: Obama's Campaign and the Media (But I Repeat Myself) Claims McCain Cheated
Biden's Got Juice? What?
Anti-McCain Ad From DU
I'm Walking on Sunshine. [dri]
The Return of the King, Hawaiian Style (genghis)
Obama Alllllmooooost Says Clarance Thomas Was Too Inexperienced To Be On The Supreme Court
Showdown At Saddleback! UPDATE: Almost A Big Slip By Obama
US To Pay Reparations To Libya For Reagan Era Military Actions
McCain May Change Position on ANWR (!)
At 50, has Madonna surpassed the Beatles?
Obama Releases New Logo CD!
Global investors didn't get the memo
Wile E. Coyote Wept
Quote of the Day
Nuance: Russians Shoot Up SUV Filled with Journalists; Left, Reporters Strangely Silent
Arctic Ice Refuses to Melt as Ordered by Global Warming Projections; In Fact, Ice is Thicker Than It Was Last Year
Asian Woman Arrested for Prostitution
Lefty Blogger: McCain a "Drama Queen on These Issues"
Oddball inventions that flopped in the marketplace
"An American Carol" Trailer
Georgia Signs Ceasefire; Russia...Keeps Closing In on Tbilisi
Shocker: Much-Publicized Bigfoot Press Conference Fails to Reveal Body of "Bigfoot" or any Evidence Whatsoever
Dave Nieuwert, or as I Call Him, Professor Science, Opines on Cynaide Canadian
There is a Bear in the Woods [dri]
Congratulations, MSM!: Russian Propagandist: "We have learnt from Western TV how to simplify the narrative "
"Abs We Can Believe In" Blogger Can't Understand Why McCain Campaign is Making Fun of Topless Obama Reporting
Leftists Shitting Themselves over Missile Shield Deal
McCain...Rolling In Campaign Cash
Top Headline Comments 08-15-08
Wife Swap Seeks Cornhole Fanatics!
Post-Modern Problems: How Do You Include the Inarguably "Diverse" Solzhenitsyn in Intro to Lit Classes While Making Sure Students Resist His "Non-Diverse" Message?
Barack Obama: You Know Who I Just Realized Isn't Such a Great Mayor After All? Kwame Kilpatrick
Just What We Needed: World's First Cyborg Has Rat-Brain
Cute Georgian Journalist Gets Winged By Sniper Fire During Report; Finishes Reporting
Nuanced Review
Random and Strange
Seattle Suburb Shuts Down Neighborhood Swingers' Club after Complaints of Excessive Noise, Backfat
Ernest Borgnine Reveals the Secret of His Longevity
Great Moments in College Debate
Undeniable Proof of Bigfoot's Existence
Top Headline Comments 08-14-08
Police Confirm Cyanide; Also Confirm Dead Man is Canadian
LA City Council Vote Unanimously That "Big Box Stores" Such as Home Depot Must Provide Shelters, Bathrooms, and Water for the Illegal Immigrants Day Laborers Illegally Loitering on Their Property
NFL Moron Picks UPDATED (AoSHQI full, added AoSHQII)
Ah, Yes: Georgian War Trutherism
And Now They Found Bigfoot!
Ed Asner, Lincoln Chafee Lend Support to Petition NYC to Repoen 9/11 Investigation "From Scratch," Suggesting Twoofer Conspiracy
Claim: New Ultra-Precise Airborn Advanced Tactical Laser Will Allow Pinpoint Hits With "Plausible Deniability"
Shocker: Colin Powell Will Endorse Obama, May Give Speech at Democratic Convention Update: Powell Issues Non-Denial Denial
McCain's Turn: It's Time to "Discuss" Bringing Georgia and Ukraine into NATO
Condi Rice Presser: Bush Expects Russia to Honor Cease-Fire; US Troops Will Lead Humanitarian Mission VERY UNDIPLOMATIC: "This is not 1968. "
No Moroncon This Week [someone]
Government May Shut Down Over Oil Fight
Court: UC Can Deny College Prep Credit For Christian Classes
Man of Unknown Religion Dies of Unknown Causes
Top Headline Comments 08-13-08
Ossetia War Update: Surprise! Russia Not Quite Done Yet
Nine Ten Twenty-Five A Lot of Militants Die in Pakistan from the Heartbreak of Psoriasis, Missile Attack, but Mostly Missile Attack
No Tasers Were Harmed in this Videotaped Incident (genghis)
Rielle Hunter's Sister: I'm Not Saying Edwards is the Baby's Father, But She Has Edwards' Eyes, Chin, and Lips, and Also, She's Edwards' Daughter
Texas Cop Videotapes Creature Which Must Certainly Be the Mythical Chupacabra
Barack Obama Asks Young White Woman to Write His Campaign Theme Song
Pic of Iowa U. Molester
Flashback: Network News Pushed "McCain Affair" Insinuations Immediately After NYT Published Them
Postdiction: Obama Claims He's Been Warning About the "Situation in Georgia For Months"
Bulwer-Lytton Award Winners, 2008
Iowa Professor Gave Female Students A's in Exchange for Sexual Favors
Amateur Racist Anti-Obama Ad
NYT gets cracking with the corrections!
Howard Kurtz Dismisses Media Bias as Cause of Edwards Embargo, Citing Media's Puprorted "Pouncing" on Clinton Story as Evidence of Non-Bias
Ewok-free Moroncon? (someone)
MSM Reporter Pushes Obama's "White Women" Complaint
Thank Obama...Russians Accept Cease Fire Agreement In Georgia
Top Headline Comments 08-12-08
PETA Pushes To Advertise On (yet unconstructed) Border Fence
Rasmussen Poll: 55% Say Media Bias More of a Problem Than Campaign Finance
Legacy Media: Editorial Guidelines for Selecting Stories
Another Racist Attack from McCain
Warp Speed Kinda-Sorta Possible, Maybe
Ossetia War Update: President Bush Press Conference
Still No Word on That "New Science" Proving Ivins' Guilt
Governor of Unknown Party Affiliation to Decide if Mayor of Unknown Party Affiliation Should Be Removed from Office
This Made Me Cry
Cold War II: The Reemerging Soviet Sphere of Influence
Russians Take Georgian City Of Gori
Retarded Groups Protest Tropic Thunder
Obama's VP Selection Imminent. Be The First To Know...Sign Up For TXT Message Updates.
CNN Asks: “Edwards Affair: Was Media Part of a ‘Conspiracy of Silence?’” (genghis)
Top Headline Comments 08-11-08
300+ illegal aliens registered to vote in Bexar County TX
Interview with the Valley Girl War Protester (genghis)
Russia: Georgian President Saakashvili "Must Go"
Barack Roll [dri]
George Clooney: You Know Who Would Make a Good Hero for My Next Movie? Bin Ladin's Driver/Missile Smuggler
AQ flees Saudi Arabia for Dubai
American Taken Prisoner By Russians In South Ossetia?
Puppy Cloning news finally AoS-worthy. [krakatoa]
"Accountable America" strikes the blogosphere [jdub]
2008 Democratic Party Platform Veers Far Left on Healthcare Updated: Not Far Left Enough For Clinton Supporters!
Ossetia War Update: Georgia Still Calling for Ceasefire, Russian Forces Close In
Shocker: Exxon Execs donated more to Obama than McCain
US Postal Service: I've got a Package for you. [krakatoa]
Obama And McCain On Georgia UPDATED: Obama Take Two
Rielle Hunter: Paternity Test? No Thanks
Hey, How About Some Open Blog?
Eeesh: Dirty Scandi Men Feminized, Miserable
What Your Dog Says About You
What If A Major Party Candidate For The Senate Held An Event And Only One Person Showed Up? Ask Al Franken, He Knows.
Reille Hunter's Sister: Yeah, I'm Going to Need You to Go Ahead and Take That Paternity Test, Honey
"It's Good to be the President"
Ossetia War Update: Georgia Makes Unilateral Cease-Fire, Russia Keeps Up Attack
Bernie Mac, Dead at 50
Possibly the Most Bizarre and Radical Land Use Ruling Ever (genghis)
Cool Facts about Fred Baron
"Son of a Mill Worker"
Superluxe Democratic Fundraiser: Yeah, I'm Such an Amazingly Awesome Buddy I Paid Rielle Hunter to Go Away and then Didn't Tell John About It
Lefty Blogger Digby: Hey, You Know What Story Needs Covering? McCain's Alleged Affair With Vicky Isemann
Can't Make Next Saturday's Moronpalooza
Olympics Open Thread
Former Edwards Blogger Amanda "Milky Load of God" Marcotte: Edwards' Affair Is Irrelevant. Let's Get Back to the Real Issues, Like John McCain's Divorce Bonus: David Shuster Goes Extra Mile for Edwards, Trying to Out-Cocksucker Him; Succeeds
Amanda Marcotte: "To be a successful politician, you have to have the cocky optimism and self-confidence that leads you to think that you can have affairs and get away with it."
Edwards Issues Statement
Reporter Keeps His Cool as Snake Slithers Into His Pants
Ossetia War Update: Georgia Recalls Troops From Iraq
David Schuster Invents Spin No One Could Have Seen Coming: Media is a Victim Here, Too; We Demand Apology!
Followup on the California Homeschooling Case
The Clinton Sex-Scandal Progression
Edwards Admits Affair Nuance: But Denies Child More Nuance: Oh, By the Way, I Didn't Love Her, So It's Cool BEST NUANCE EVER: I Didn't Pay Her Off, But "Possibly" My Friends Did Without Telling Me!
Even George McGovern Says Obama's Too Leftist on Unions
Top Ten Tom Matzzie Threats
Update: CBS Follows CNN's Lead in Editing Out Bush-Threat in Story; After Letting Story Rile Up the "Progressives" for a Few Hours, CNN Finally Re-Edits Story to Add Bush Threat Back In
That Goatsesque Photoshop You Wanted
Right Left Wing Fascism Alert. Group "To Warn" GOP Donors Over Contributions To Republican and Conservative Groups
Top Headline Comments 08-08-08
Russia Invades Georgia
Cause It Had to Be 'Shopped - [Liberrocky]
DNC Protesters Vow to Appeal Freedom Cage Ruling...In the Streets!
Obama is a Zero
Info on the FBI's "New Techniques"
Unsubstantiated Rumor: Bill Clinton To Speak at Denver Convention; This Does Nothing To End Obama-Clinton Rift
NPR: Yeah, Seems to Us It's Pretty Clear Bruce Ivins Sent Those Anthrax Letters Because He's a Pro-Lifer Plus: Anthrax Trutherism Debuts (?) on the Left
Silly Shit: Profanity Broken Down by Site, By Word
CNN Reports Man Arrested for Making Threats Against Obama; Edits Out Fact That Very Same Man Threatend to Put a Bullet in the Head of George W. Bush
"You Read it Here First: We Won the War"
Study: Liberal Blogs Ten Times More Foul-Mouthed than Conservative Blogs
AoSHQ Retains Crown as "Most Profane Conservative Blog": WE'RE #1! WE'RE #1! WE'RE #1!
Hey, How About an Open Thread?
Verdict Reached in Hamdan Sentencing: Time Served Plus Six Months
National Enquirer Editor Pretty Much Admits They're Timing Roll-Out of Edwards Story to Coincide With Democratic Convention
"From the get go, [the British] tried very hard to not be American. They succeeded."
Grim Miletsone, Part II: Iraq, US Close to Agreement on 2010 Goal for Withdrawal/Redeployment of Most Primary Front-Line US Combat Forces
Oh. Dear. God.: NYT Headline -- "500: Deadly US Milestone in Afghanistan"
European Mad Scientists Schedule Destruction of Earth
Brett Favre Traded to the Jets
The NY Times' Self Beclowning
Top Headline Comments 08-07-08
So Senator Obama, When Was The Last Time America Met Your High Standards?
You Know Who Loves McCain? All Those Democratic Senators Republicans Can't Stand
Free Speech Geekery: DNC "Freedom Cages" Constitutional
Alberta "Human Rights Commission" Drops Charges Against Ezra Levant For Publishing Mohamed Cartoons
Morons take Manhattan: Date Change?
Americans grow weary of hearing about Obama
Movie Stuff: Cthulhu, Joss Wheedon and Nathan Fillion's Blog Movie, and Zork
"You May Be a Racist"
Sorry About My Irregular Postings and Absences
Greyhound Begins Removing Now-Inoperative Advertisements
Hey Amateurs, Stand Back and We'll Show You How the Professionals Do It
Bill Clinton: African AIDS Epidemic due to CIA-Engineered Virus & Lack of Monogamy; but Mainly due to Lack of Monogamy.
FBI/DOJ Briefing on the Case Against Bruce Ivins Oh, PS: Ivins was a Registered, Real, Vote-in-Every-Primary Democrat ; Lefty Blogs Begin Doubting His Guilt Based on This
It's All Relative; McCain Now More Trusted Than Obama on Nine of Fourteen Issues
National Enquirer Releases Blurry Photo Said To Be Of John Edwards And His Love Child
Denver Issues Parade Permit for Clinton Supporters
Too Fat to Die
Top Headline Comments 08-06-08
BREAKING: Verdict Reached In First Gitmo War Crimes Trial Update: Convicted Update x2: Split Verdict?
Jose Medellin Executed
McCain: I Was Wrong to Compare Barack Obama to Paris Hilton; Paris Hilton is Actually More Sensible and Less Goofball Enviroleftist
Former Democratic Candidate Mike Gravel: "Find out where [Sami al-Arian's Prosecutor] lives... Find out where his kids go to school... They can't take the heat; deliver it to them."
Economy Teeters on Edge of Recession; Celebrities, Millionaires Hardest Hit
Let's Not Beat Up on Republicans for Being Losers
"Debate" Between Pelosi and "Moderate" Dems on Drilling "carefully gamed out in strategy sessions" in Order to Let Vulnerable Dems Appear Pro-Drilling, While Allowing the Election-Proof Pelosi to "Take the Heat"
"The Girl in the Window"
Inexperienced, Skinny Kid with a Funny Name Plays with Racial Fire, Gets Burned
Gateway Pundit Smacked Up by a Semi
Sadr's Latest Military Stroke Of Genius...Total Surrender
San Fran: The City With a Peculiar Fixation on Garbage
Jon Stewart on Obama's Racial Paranoia
Al Quaeda "sleeper" agent in custody?
New Democratic Party McCain Ad
Best Democratic Primary Evar, Part 1,015
Top Headline Comments 08-05-08
It's Official: Some Parents are Stupid as Hell
Congratulations, Greens
MIT discovers easy Hydrogen/Oxygen splitting from water
Why did the Karma cross the Road? [krakatoa]
Racist Who Originally Linked Obama And Paris Hilton Exposed! Andrea Mitchell and the NY Times Hit Hardest
Israel escorts Fatah aligned Gaza clan to west bank refuge
Manhattan Hobo Hunt Update [someone]
Anthrax Suspect Obsessed With Sorority?
Sick Day/Open Blog
White House: No Call To Bring Congress Back
"We Are Iraqis"
Stop Blaming the Boogie-Man; It's the Calories, Stupid
Williams: The Race Issue Isn't Going Away
On That New Rasmussen Poll: Don't Get Cocky
Top Headline Comments 08-04-08
Can President Bush Call Congress Back into Session?
Where's all that Obama Money Going?
Solzhenitsyn Dies at 89
Quote of the Day
Anthrax Mailer Hoped to Profit from His Own Patent on Anthrax Vaccine?
50 Hottest Movie Swordswomen
Rumor: NASA Briefed President on "Potential for Life" on Mars
Shut Your Mouth [dri]
Rumor: Jr. Assad's Hezbollah liaison dies from enui, bad botox treatment, and sniper bullets, but mostly sniper bullets
It's Old: Audio of Ian Fleming Interview of Raymond Chandler
WaPo: Obama's record "tissue thin" and "troubling"
Obama: That Dollar Bill Thing? Yeah, I Was Talking About My Being Black. Credulous And Fawning Media Hit Hardest. UPDATE: Not Everyone Got The Memo
We Are the Bump We've Been Waiting For [someone]
Sorry About the Outage
al-Zawahiri Wounded And In Need Of Medical Help Update: US Denies Credibility of Report Bill Roggio: "Suspect Sources;" Questions Timing of Pakistan Making This Claim Just as US Ratchets Up the Pressure Against the ISI
Is Gaza contributing to Obama?
Obama On Offshore Drilling: Uh, Um, Ah, Sure
As True Now As It Was Then: 1943 Guide to Handling Female Employees Filled With Sexism and Wisdom, But Mostly Wisdom
Obama: Why Would I Make a Complaint About Racism to White People, Given that White People Obviously Are Antipathetic to the Plight of Poor Downtrodden Blacks Like Myself?
(Racist) Gallup Poll: All Knotted Up at 44%
Can't Say He Didn't Warn You: Pro-Rape Professor Arrested for Rape
This Is Not the Iraq Obama Thought He Knew
"The One"
Politics Is Show Business For Ugly People, Though There Are A Few Notable Exceptions.
Apology from McCain's Campaign Blogger
Blasphemous Rumor: AQ2 Al-Zawahiri Killed by US Airstrike in Pakistan on July 28
Admission: Captain Bullshit's Sidekick David Axelrod Admits "Doesn't Look Like Other Presidents on Dollar Bills" Referred to Race, Among Other Things
A Little Political Theater On The Floor Of The House Of Representatives (UPDATED)
The news you've all been waiting for (Bumped) [someone]
Top Headline Comments 08-01-08
Suspect In 2001 Anthrax Attacks Kills Self Before Being Indicted
Hard is not hopeless Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day. This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit
Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Chuck Grassley
NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10
Senate floor vote comes next
Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize! -- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital
JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.
You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
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ShainS -- The Deep State Dies in Daylight AND Dharma [/b][/i][/s][/u] :
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"DEI strikes again, the fire captain was murdered b ..."
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Oooh! I'll give you such a pin ..."
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