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August 26, 2008
NYT Outs Swiss Agents Who Helped Thwart Iranian, Libyan Nuke Programs, and Undo AQ Khan Nuke-Trading Network
Wait, I'm sorry, what was Scooter Libby's crime again? "Outing" an already-out desk-jockey Double-0 Soccer Mom?
I guess when it comes to real agents -- and the NYT -- the rules are different.
The CIA recruited a family of Swiss engineers to help it thwart the Libyan and Iranian nuclear programs as well as an underground network of Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, The New York Times reported Monday.
The Swiss case against them has been hampered by the destruction of relevant documents, which Swiss officials have said was to prevent their falling into terrorist hands.
But the Times said the real reason for the destruction was pressure from the US Central Intelligence Agency, which feared that its ties with the Tinners would be exposed.
Over four years, the CIA paid the Tinners 10 million dollars, some of which was delivered to them in a suitcase stuffed with cash, the newspaper reported, citing unnamed officials.
In return the engineers delivered a flow of secret information that helped end Libya's nuclear weapons program, expose Iran's atomic efforts and undo Khan's nuclear supply network.
Friedrich Tinner began working with Khan in the mid-1970s, using his expertise in vacuum technology to help Khan develop atomic centrifuges, the Times said.
But in 2000, the CIA recruited his son, Urs Tinner, who eventually persuaded his father and younger brother to join him as moles.
As part of their services, the Swiss engineers helped the CIA sabotage atomic gear bound for Libya and Iran, the report said.
Thanks, NYT! Glad to know you always have our back!
Thanks to Arthur.
PS: Yes, I know, the NYT hasn't signed any papers declaring that they would reveal no secrets. And yet... they sure seem to reveal the nation's biggest secrets without any qualms whatsoever, don't they?
Newspapers got stuff like this all the time in the past... but a call from the President or the Director of the CIA would convince the paper not to run it. If a program's obviously in the national interest and seems perfectly legal, what is the national interest in exposing it?
There is no national interest served here. Only the New York Times' ego and business interests. And, of course, the liberal interests: The NYT has let it be known in no uncertain terms that there will be no secrets in the War on Terror so long as a Republican is president.
A bit of blackmail for the nation: Elect liberal Democrats as President or we will continue doing our level best to cripple American security.
Often times several papers have these stories. I'd love to read the WSJ or WaPo stating tomorrow -- "You know what? We had this, six months ago. Unlike the New York Times, however, we put the nation's security over some trivial journalistic egotism and didn't run it." And thus steal the NYT's dubious glory, and show them for the suckers of cock they are.