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August 04, 2008
"We Are Iraqis"
Once things started getting better in Iraq, one of the talking points on the left became, "Sure the ethno-sectarian violence is down, Baghdad has been ethnically cleansed for the most part and we've separated the rest by walls."
While data is not the plural of anecdote, that talking point isn't even flying with an MSM outlet like McClatchy.
BAGHDAD — For years, when she approached Iraqi Army checkpoints and produced an identification card for soldiers to study for clues about her sect, Nadia Hashim used a simple formula to signal the mostly Shiite Muslim force that she, too, is a Shiite.
"I am one of you," she'd say.
The soldiers would harass Sunnis, but they'd simply wave Hashim through.
Now her pat line gets her an official reproach.
When a relative used it recently, a soldier admonished the driver and the passengers. "'We are Iraqis, and you shouldn't say such a thing,' " recalled Hashim.
The article goes on to point out that everything is not perfect but the trends are certainly in the right direction. Most importantly, average Iraqis seem to have hope for a better future and don't seem eager to trade their better lives for a return to the abyss of sectarian violence.
I was at a bookstore today for the first time in awhile (thanks Amazon!). As I perused the current events shelf all I found, with a few notable exceptions, were titles bemoaning the failure in Iraq and how America was doomed because of our misbegotten adventure in Mesopotamia. I can only only hope that these authors got big advances because their books are as outdated as Obama's primary campaign positions are.
Via Instapundit. Click on the link and let him see what an Ace O' SpadesAlanche looks like!

posted by DrewM. at
02:33 PM
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