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August 08, 2008
Lefty Blogger Digby: Hey, You Know What Story Needs Covering? McCain's Alleged Affair With Vicky Isemann
He brings this up as if he's just responding to the Edwards reportage in a tit-for-tat manner, but in fact check down further into his blog and it's clear he's had this particular bee in his bonnet for a while now.
Wondering why Obama is appearing in all the "celebrity tabloids" while McCain is completely absent....
There must be some explanation as to why there have been no stories about Vicki Iseman, no drug stories about Cindy, no stories about McCain's legendary temper tantrums. Why?
Fair warning, though: He hardly has to demand the media take a second look into Vicky Isemann. Having covered for John Edwards for months only to see the story nevertheless forced into the media by the NE, the media will now dedicate some man-hours to sleuthing any McCain affairs. It's only "fair," of course. They have to Avenge Elizabeth. (Protect Elizabeth is so yesterday; now it's Avenge Elizabeth.)
Oh, just one more bit from the sub-atomic psychokinetic fissionist "digby."
Anthrax Trutherism, baby:
(Lying to the press about the anthrax killers and WMD in Iraq, well, not a problem.)
Who lied to the press about the "anthrax killers"? (Plural, note.)
I paged down to see what he might be talking about but I didn't see any more such intriguing speculations. I'm not sure if this is yet another passive-aggressive don't-hold-me-to-this-I'm-just-"airing-a-theory" cowardly conspiracy theorizing by a lefty blogger, or what.
But it certainly does seem to indicate the left of the blogosphere suspects much about the anthrax attacks that they're as of yet too chickenshit to commit to writing.
So they just toss it out there, vaguely, like that play about the Trystero in Crying of Lot 49.