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August 25, 2008
Big Thread Dishing on Soap Stars
I don't know much about this except what I'm told.
The post is about the firing of a woman at Soap Opera Weekly. Apparently, this woman is a... no, I don't want to say that, so I'll use a euphemism: She's a cunt.
A really, really horrible cunt.
So, hundreds of people who worked with her through the years (some driven out of their jobs by her) come out of the wordwork to comment about what a foul, rancid cunt this woman is.
And then, after a while, people just begin dishing shit about celebrites -- well, soap stars, mostly -- like who's gay, who gave who herpes, etc.
I'm linking this because I'm told this is a really big thing at the moment, and so much nasty gossip is being dropped about soap (and other) stars that "the networks are going to feel this."
Gotta link a blog post that might hurt people's careers, right?
2004 comments so far (yes, two thousand and four) and still going strong and libelous.
If you're a chick, I'm told, this thread is awesome.