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August 25, 2008
(Bumped to Top for Most of Night)
Stupid Democratic Convention Thread
We may do a live blog on this, too... not sure I can take four friggin' days of this nonsense.
Obama Responds to McCain Ayers Hit: I was only eight years old... when I chose to befriend and ally myself with an unrepentant terrorist.
Obama's Ad: How come McCain is talking about buildings being blown up when we should be talking about houses being foreclosed on? Distraction.
I mean, come on, what are the odds that Bill Ayers is going to put a bomb in your house or workplace? No greater than one in five -- at most.
From Hot Air, with more.
And More Unrelated Stuff: Older women with ambiguously short hair cuts say they're Hillary gals, and the way to vote for Hillary in 2012 is to vote for McCain in 2008.
Panic at the Disco: Hillary and Obama are negotiating a deal to cut short the roll call vote, to avoid embarrassing Obama. After letting a few states vote -- including a couple for Hillary -- New York would get to vote (for Hills), then Hillary will unexpectedly, spontaneously rise to call for an end to the roll call and the unanimous approval of Obama.
Hmm... will Hills do this? I wouldn't.
Maybe if Barack Obama just happens to coincidentally finally make his luxurious list of donors available to her, so she can solicit pay-downs of her campaign debt.