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August 21, 2008
Fire Melts Steel: Google It!
A fed study says yes, by gum, WTC 7 did collapse due to runaway fires and thermal expansion of key structural elements.
One surprise: Jet fuel apparently didn't contribute much to the collapse. At least not directly, in a fuel-splashes-over-to-WTC-7 sense.
You know what the Truther's theory is, right? They only imply this, but I believe what they're saying is that Flight 93 was actually supposed to hit WTC 7 -- but it crashed.*
So, alas, the government had a building wired with explosives but without a plane to hit it and "explain" the collapse... and, alas, either those bombs detonated due to fire, or the government decided to detonate the bombs to make sure they weren't found by firemen.
Or the guy who owned the property said "Pull it!" Or something.
I continue to be perplexed why Truthers believe the public wouldn't have been suitably angered by the mere fact off planes full of passengers smashing into the Twin Towers -- why they believe that it was really the collapse of the buildings (long after almost every victim of the disaster had already died, and almost (almost) every living soul in the buildings had been safely evacuated out) -- was really the crucial part of the Fake Pearl Harbor.
That, without the collapses, we would have all just said, "Eh, so Al Qaeda hit our buildings with planes with living hostages aboard and killed 3000 people in total. Big deal. The buildings are still standing, aren't they? Sure they'll have to be demolished due to being structurally compromised, but that will be our decision. Let's just chillax before making any hasty decisions or indulging in loose talk that might hurt Al Qaeda's feelings."
The fill-the-buildings-with-bombs theory only makes sense (in terms of government motivation) if it is postulated that the government believed that the hijackings, crashes, and mass-murders were not a strong enough drink to get us all drunkenly rambunctious for a Trans-Caspian Pipeline (or whatever); no, what we really all needed was the chaser of the collapsing towers. That, and only that, would get us hot for vengeance.
Because, otherwise? What fucking sense does it make to take the huge risk of filling buildings inhabited by tens of thousands of workers all day every day with enough explosives to put a battleship into low orbit?
Anyway. I'm sure this new finding from the US government, which by the way murdered 3000 people as a goof, will finally settle the issue.
* Actually, it didn't crash; it safely landed in Cleveland all passengers aboard were evacuated off, spirited to prison island, and then murdered, and then the plane was sent back into the air with a remote-control pilot and lots of already-dead corpses as "passengers," but then it somehow disappeared, and a crash that never actually happened was faked, or... something.
I don't know. They change their stories on this a lot, and their stories never make much sense in the first place.