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August 31, 2008
Hurricane Gustav Update with Linkishness (genghis)
I spent some time this morning (all of 10 seconds on Google) hunting down Brendan Loy’s blog regarding this storm. You may recall that he had some excellent and comprehensive coverage during Katrina three years ago (and even got a little famous from it) on his blog “Irish Trojan.” That blog no longer exists, but he’s split it up into two separate ones.
The one we’re concerned with for this post is called Weather Nerd. He’s got a fairly comprehensive set of links there along with a couple of updates which seem a little more hopeful concerning NOLA’s impending doom.
I’m trying to track down my other favorite blog from Katrina which was done by the head of security of an ISP in downtown NOLA, in a high-rise bulding, during the worst of the storm and its aftermath. If anyone can remember the name of that firm, whether they still even exist and are doing the same thing this time, please stick it in the comments so I can update this. That blog read like a thriller at the time.
Mr. Loy’s other, more general blog is called Ash Blog Durbatuluk, subtitled “One Blog to Rule Them All.” He’s an attorney, so maybe that’ll keep Gabe busy for a while. If you decide to visit, try not to act like the baboons you usually are and shit all over the furniture.
Update #1 In the comments, Brass has been following Bayou Renaissance Man which looks like another good link. Keep posting them and I'll add to the list as they come in.
Update #2 Here's some more good links:
Dr. Jeff Master's WunderBlog at Weather Underground. Thanks to MesaBlue (WU is generally my go-to site for all things weather related)
NOLA.com which also did a killer job of reporting during Katrina. Thanks to SlaveDog (I didn't know Laura's pets were allowed to comment...go figure).
John Doh reminds me that the ISP firm that did the hairy-ass liveblogging during Katrina was "Interdictor" (which is also a class of Sith Cruisers from Star Wars...who knew?) It doesn't appear they're liveblogging this time. They might still have the old archives from Katrina on their site which is here. Good reading.
Update #3 More more more!
National Hurricane Center's site (NOAA) courtesy of Dave (but not the one who seems to be cursed to live in Texas)
Ridin' Gustav which appears to be a live barblog from NOLA. You can also chat with him on Yahoo if you're so inclined. Thanks to Arthur .
And from tmi3rd, a retired shrimp boat deckhand (I love the old coot), comes some local live teevee coverage in the form of WWLTV and KPCLTV. Thanks, tmi...you stay safe ol' timer!
Flashback: As I'm watching (well, sort of ignoring) current coverage on FNC, I see that Shepard Smith is currently stationed in NOLA, ready to take action again. Can Shep rise to the occasion again, along with his fellow soldiers Coop and Scar? Or have we asked too much of them? Is it fair to ask them to put their outrage on the line again, after so little time? Only three years have passed and I question whether or not the mental scars have healed, but again, they've been called to serve, uh...something.
I ask you to revisit the story of these brave men as documented by Howard Kurtz a mere three years ago.
May God help them in their trials and tribulations to come over the next few days. None of us, sitting in the comforts of our homes tonight, can possibly understand the depth of feelings and outrage and lack of make-up departments they are about to go through on these unforgiving assignments.

posted by xgenghisx at
03:56 PM
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