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August 04, 2008
Where's all that Obama Money Going?
One cannot go against the Word of God.
Put this on the front page accidentally while trying to put it in the headlines, and can't delete it. Oh well, it's worth another mention:
Obama’s section of the plane rivals that of any first class. Recently the front cabin of the Boeing 757 was retrofitted to install four individual chairs that resemble La-Z-Boys. They are free-standing and made of plush leather with pockets on the sides. There is also a booth which seats four for a meeting or a meal.
His chair has his name and campaign logo embroidered on the back top -- “Obama ‘08” on one line and “President” underneath. To one side is a small table stacked with newspapers ready for the candidate’s arrival. The table of the booth is always covered in snacks and cheese and is where Obama spends most of his time during flights meeting with staff and sitting for the occasional interview.
As Robert McCain notes, he's spending money on useless crap like this while
blowing a 9-point lead in the polls. Hey, as far as I'm concerned, every cent Obama spends to satisfy his ego is one less cent he can spend on advertisements or voter registration drives. Spend away, King of "O-Force One." Spend away. (H/t:
Hot Air's Headlines)

posted by Slublog at
10:24 AM
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