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August 02, 2008
We Are the Bump We've Been Waiting For [someone]
OK, due to the can't-bump-on-new-broken-blogging-thingy fiasco yesterday, there wasn't much response to the update on the Moronfest post. A couple of you emailed asking who else would show up, though. What I'm wondering is: is there somebody y'all want to meet, or somebody you want to avoid?
Anyway, there's going to be a NYC event. August 14 or 16, probably. Out of towners welcome -- and please email me right away (blog dot someone at gmail dot com) so I can try to make the timing work. Old post and comments here, but you might as well use this thread now to announce, debate, etc. Anyone have an opinion on Thursday vs. Saturday? Are mesablue, alexthechick, and/or WickedPinto actually going to show? Do Ewoks sweat when drunk?
Anyone else who's definitely in should probably email me as well, so I can get a better sense of the head count.

posted by xgenghisx at
08:35 AM
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