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Cutting The Cord And Email Security
Moron Meet-Ups
Overnight Open Thread (Maetenloch)
Pro Bowl (And Gramnys) Thread
Weird: Obama Bowing Again
RNC Adopts "Core Values" Resolution...and ABC News Asks Steele if He Plans to Run for President
Gibbsy: "Oh, Yeah, We're For Sure Gonna Kill KSM"
Spiro Agnew: Prophet [OregonMuse]
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Elmore "Rip" Torn, Bank Ninja
Obama's Bounce: Zero
Advice for Governor Palin [OregonMuse]
50 Worst Movies Ever?
Overnight Open Thread - TGIF Edition (Mætenloch)
Nancy Pelosi Stopped One Useful CIA Operation in 2004. So, Um, If Waterboarding Was So Bad, How Come She Couldn't Stop That?
Obama, Post-Partisan Blah-Blah-Blah
WSJ: Rumors Fly That Crist May Switch Parties
Even Jon Stewart Ripping on Chris "I Forgot He Was Black for an Hour" Matthews
Osama Bin Ladin, Barack Obama Find Common Ground... On Global Warming
Oh My: Maybe That John Edwards Sex Tape Is Real
O'Keefe: Government Concedes I Wasn't Wiretapping or Interfering With Telephones
HHS Actively Hid Paid Shill Jonathan Gruber's Relationship With Administration
Too Late, SEIU
Scott Brown, Barack Obama Are Blood Relatives, Say Geneaologists
Obama At House Republican Retreat
BREAKING: Scott Roeder Convicted of First-Degree Murder for Killing of Abortionist George Tiller
Cal. Legislature to Consider Bill to Protect Clergy from Being Forced to Perform Gay Marriages
Economy Grows At 5.7% Rate During 4th Quarter
Top Headline Comments 1-29-10
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
How To Put Together A TV News Package
Report: Obama Folds...Looks To Move Terror Trials Out Of NYC
Obama To Ill 9/11 Rescue And Clean Up Workers: Screw You
Scott Brown on Leno Tonight
Obama Voted for, or Signed Into Law, Every Blessed Penny of 2009's Spending
The Science Is Settled, A Continuing Series: Disappearing Rain Forest Edition
Somehow Objective Reporter David Shuster Gets Into Shouting Match With Declared Partisan Andrew Breitbart
Obama Delivers Response to Own SOTU
J.D. Salinger, RIP
Feinstein Offers Obama a Smart Way Out on KSM
Chris "Rara Avis" Buckley: Watching Obama, I Was Beating My Dick Like It Owed Me Money
Bloomberg Reverses: Don't Try KSM in NYC; Try Him At a Secure Location Like a Military Base
State of the Union: Crittenden's Take
One Of The 3 US Automakers Turned A Profit
Obama's State Of The Union: Iraq
Polls: Campbell Within Four Points of Boxer; Tommy Thompson Leads Feingold
Obama's State Of The Union: I'm Awesome But You And That Bush Guy Suck
Top Headlines
SOTU Speech Analysis (from a Guy Who Didn't Watch The Speech)
Wow...Alito Says "Not True" As Obama Attacks Citizens United Decision
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Live Blog: Obama's Big Stupid Unprecedented SOTU/STFU
Live Blog Thread (Please Read!)
Jawa's Theory on O'Keefe: He Wanted to Discover if Landrieu Had Shut Off Her Phones to Prevent Her Office From Receiving Calls From Angry Constituents Close But Wrong; Real Intent Revealed (?)
State Of The Union Warm Up Thread
Undead: Nelson Says Sure, I'll Use Reconciliation to Pass Health Care
O'Keefe Wasn't Wiretapping At All?
Clearing Up My Mess: No, I Don't Have the Votes to Pass the Senate Bill, Says Spending Bitch Nancy
CNN (Not Rasmussen) Poll: Sixty-Nine Percent Say Dump the Dems' Bill and Start the F' Over, or Scrap It Entirely
CNBC Breaking: Pelosi Has the Votes to Pass ObamaCare? Key Caveat: Assuming, Hypoethetically, Changes to the Senate Bill Retract: Pelosi Says She Didn't Say That
Hillary Clinton: I Would Rather Be a Great One-Term Sec. of State than a Mediocre Two-Term One. In Fact, I'd Just Rather Be a One-Termer, Period. For Some Reason I Want to Be Free in 2012.
Gov. Haley Barbour: Yup, GOP's Chances in 2010 Better Than in 1994
Hayworth: Produce the Birth Certificate
Fox News: Anti-Incumbent, Obstructionist Troublemakers, Time Travelers
The state of ClimateGate today, Jan 27 2010. [krakatoa]
Barone: This Isn't 1994, It's Worse Than That -- Like Watergate
Idiots: Oregon Voters Approve Income And Business Tax Hikes
More SOTU Prep
Et Tu, ObamaGirl? ObamaGirl Says President Doing... "Okay"
Preparing for the SOTU
WaPo: Obama's First Year Accomplishment...the Easter Egg Roll
Top Headline Comments 1-27-10
Health Care: It's Not Just Resting, It's Dead
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
It's Spending Freeze Mania!
Two Americas: One America In Which John Edwards Will Pay For His Illegitimate Daughter's $5000 Dental Bill, and the America We Actually Live In
Number of Subscribers for Newsday's Online-Only Content? Take a Guess (Guess Low)
Democratic Senate Campaign Committee Officially Out Of Ideas, Suggests Turning Campaigns Into Blog Comment Fights
Profiles In Kossack Courage: "Ellie Light" Didn't Want to Expose His Real Name to World for Fear of Rightwing Reprisals, So He Instead Offered Up His Wife's Name
Obama's Approval Skyrockets up to 50%/49%
James O'Keefe Arrested for Attempting to Bug Senator Mary Landrieu's Offices?
Rasmussen Generic Congressional: 46% to 37%, Republican Advantage
Just in Time for Valentine's Day: Pudding T-Shirts
Blanche Lincoln: I Will Oppose Attempts to Pass Health Care Through Reconcilliation
Revealed: Ellie Light is a Nurse Named Barbara Brooks
GOP “Purity Test”
More bad news for Obama - Pew: 60% of public following Haiti news "very closely"
Rubio Catches Crist In Florida Senate Race
Top Headline Comments 1-26-10
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Obama: Hey, Now That I've Jacked Up Spending To Crazy Levels How About We Freeze A Very Small Percentage Of Spending? UPDATE: Obama Was Against A Spending Freeze Before He Was For It
Obama: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall. Who's Teh Most Awesomest Of Them All?
WTF? They're going to exhume DaVinci to do a facial reconstruction
Oh Goody, finally Oliver Stone will reveal the "Secret History of the United States" (chad)
Have No Fear! Captain Bullshit Is Here!
Any guesses what this Manhattan DA does with his spare time
Politico: Bush Bashing Ain't What It Used To Be
Open Blog Day
"unexpected" - December home sales "plunge" 17%
Beau Biden Won't Run For His Dad's Old Senate Seat In Delaware
Top Headline Comments 1-25-10
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
ObamaCare: Not So Dead?
McCain: Campaign Finance Reform is Dead
RCP Piece: Why I Regretted Voting for Obama*
White House Can't Keep Its Lies Straight
Federal contractors owe over $5B in delinquent taxes
Global Warming Street Theatre, or "Seasons Don't Fear ManBearPig, Nor Do The Wind, The Sun or The Rain"
DOJ Will Appeal Blackwater Ruling
Conference Championships Thread
Overnight Open Thread - Guns and Kittehs Edition (Mætenloch)
Another day, another IPCC lie exposed
Small Miracles
Photoblogging: Charleston At War?
AP On Obama's State of the Union Address: Of Course He Gets It, He's Totally With You And Stuff
Pope Tells Priests: Go Forth and Blog
Gallup asks "Do you think violent conflict between the Muslim and Western worlds can be avoided or not?"
J.D. Hayworth Announces Challenge to McCain
Faux-Populist President Still Slamming Supreme Court
AmSpec Fisks Newsweek's Hit Job on the March for Life
Oh My: NYT Profiles Charles Johnson
Overnight Open Thread - TGIF Edition (Mætenloch)
National Academy of Sciences making up crazy shit : up to 100 people a year killed by space rocks
More Music to Interrogate By
Planes With Frickin' Lasers!
Jilted Lover Takes Expensive Revenge on Obama Advisor
Obama's Town Hall In Ohio
Obama: Hey, It Turns Out That 3000 Years of Warfare in the Middle East Wasn't Going to End Just Because You Elected an Unprecedented, Historic Guy Made of Pure Awesome. Sorry, My Bad, I Thought They Would.
Politico Notices: Hey, There Seems to be Some Light-to-Moderate Astroturfing Going on for Obama
The Left’s Freaked Out Reaction To Citizens United v. FEC
OMG: Washington Post's Spin On Brown's Arrival In DC Is More Blatant Than Daily Kos'
Isolated Incident: Little Rock Military-Recruiting-Center Gunman Claims Al Qaeda/AP Ties
Like I Said: It's a Bona Fide Craze, Like the Hula Hoop, But With Pudding, and Jock-Knockers
Outrageous Outrage: Scott Brown's Wife Made a Music Video for a Boston-Based Band in the Eighties, In Which She Wore a (Please Sit Down) Bikini
The Democratic Perversion of Democracy
John Cleese Is Finally Funny Again!
Top Headline Comments 1-22-10
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Reconciliation Still on the Table
Air America Off The Air - Actually Almost Nobody Hardest Hit
Obama - "Here's an idea. Since Brown won in Mass. let's destroy Wall Street" (chad)
So You Want A Better Party? [someone]
Open Blog
Chuck Schumer Calls for Congressional Hearings on "un-American" Supreme Court Decision
Cool Facts About Rielle Hunter
Report: Dems Are Going the Reconciliation Route Oops: Did Pelosi's Later Statement Trump This Report?
The Browning of America: Blunt Edges Carnahan in Missouri
Sell Me On Patrick Hughes!
Dippin': The Craze That's Sweeping The Nation
Rasmussen: Toomey Easily Ahead of Both Specter and Sestak
Pelosi: House Does Not Have The Votes To Pass Senate Health Care Bill
Ron Paul: The CIA staged a silent coup and is running everything
Another Massachusetts Candidate
Supreme Court Overturns Ban On Corporate Political Speech And Part Of McCain-Feingold
Top Headline Comments 1-21-10
Unemployment spikes
Question I Ponder As I Go To Sleep
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Oh, Dear: Kos' Polling Firm Also Puts Out Claim That Brown Victory Is Really Proof That What America's Hankering For Is More Sweet, Sweet Socialism
Barbara Boxer: "Every state is now in play"
VDH: I'm Not Entirely Sure I Like the Cut of This Fellow's Jib Crease of This Fellow's Trousers
Director Of National Intelligence: We Didn't Put The Christmas Day Bomber In Our High Value Interrogation Program Because, Uh, We Don't Have One.
You, Howard Dean, Are Insane If You're Spinning This As Some Kind of Proof America Wants a More Socialist Health Care Plan, Says... Chris Matthews
Steny Hoyer: Hey, You Know Who's Pretty Stupid and Incompetent? The Woman Who Has the Job I Want, Nancy Pelosi
MKH: Yeah, Maybe If You Hadn't Dismissed Your Critics as Redneck Racists and Would-Be Terrorists For Nine Months and Instead Took Their Concerns Seriously, This Wouldn't Have Snuck Up On You, and Maybe Wouldn't Have Happened At All
Dingy Harry's So Confident About His Abortion of a Bill He's Talking in Non Sequiturs
Obama Sternly Warns Congress: Don't Just Jam Health Care Through Against the People's Will
MA Senate Election Starting To Get Through At White House?
Message Maybe Recieved, By Some?
Director Of National Intelligence: You Know, Giving The Christmas Bomber A Lawyer Was A Mistake
Message Not Received
Obama's TSA Nominee Withdraws
Remember when... [someone]
In People's Republic of MA, you don't get vaccine, vaccine gets YOU!
Top Headline Comments 1-29-10
Happy Anniversary Mr. President!
Hannah F'n Giles
I Told You Ninnies He Was Going to Win
Palin's Statement
Dipping Time Is Here: 11:11 PM
Jimmy Carter Part II: Democrats Moving Away Sprinting from Obama
Overnight Open Thread - Dipping Edition (Mætenloch)
Cool Facts About Scott Brown
"Tonight the Independent Voice of Massachusettes Massachusetts Has Spoken"
For No Reason Except Glee
Quick Report UPDATED Coakley Concedes
Accept the Pudding, Norah O'Donnel
Reason's Michael Moynihan
Scott Brown's Younger Brother Bruce: My Prediction Is "Shake and Bake, and You Can Quote Me"
Interview with Zo
Brown's Web-Guy Kurt Lieudhardt: Interview
Lenny Clarke: I Predict a "Good Win"
Bayh: If Democrats Go Forward, It Could be a "Catastrophe"
Oh, My: Frank Luntz Having Trouble Filling His Post-Election Focus-Groups With Coakley Voters: ">I never dreamed I’d see Democrats in Massachusetts embarrassed to admit they’re Democrats"
Hey, Maybe This Has Something to Do With Something Else: Obama Approval Down to 48% in MSDNC Poll; Handling of Health Care at Lowest Level Ever
Unmitigated Ball derdash: Coakley Hires Franken Recount Shyster, Claiming Vote Fraud or Something
What a Pair : DNC Staffer Hits Coakley Even Harder Than They Hit FoxNews and Rasmussen Update: Coaklely Pollster Celinda Lake Gets Teste
Sad-Sack Dems Mull "Nuclear Option" of Budget Reconcilliation
Tea Leaves? One of Boston Areas Few Republican-Majority Towns Sees Turnout Approaching Seventy Five Percent
Coakley Advisor's Memo on Likely Loss: Obama's Agenda Doomed Us
RNC: 100% as Evil But Only 50% as Stupid -- GOP Shifted Money Into Massachusett[e]s Quietly To GOTV While Not Painting a Red Target on Brown's Back
Good Omen: Boston Globe Reports Coakley Win 8 Hours Before Polls Close
A Tale of Two Governors
Claim: Early Exit Polls Show Close Race, But With Brown Edging Coakley
Polls and Such - And Turnout High
Keith Olbermann Endorses... Scott Brown ?
Headed to Brown HQ for Election Results!
Bill Clinton's Turn Of Phrase
Tweeting the Prop 8 Trial
Top Headline Comments 1-19-10
BBC considers dropping Met Office for weather predictions due to poor quality and being overpriced
Vote Bomb
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Pics from Scott Brown Election Eve Rally in Wrentham [someone]
House Dems Pushing To Accept Senate Health Care Bill?
Hey, Check it Out, Conservatives Have Discovered the Internet or Something
Do You Remember Where You Were When You Heard That Scott "Five-Lots" Brown Owned a Time-Share? Insider Advantage: Nine ; Coakley In "Freefall"
Seriously, Have You Heard? Brown Has an Outside Chance of Pulling This Out
Stolen Valor Alert
Did You Hear? Brown Might Win This Thing
Top Headlin Comments 1-18-10
Coakley volunteers energize Brown voters
Brown Calls For Volunteer Lawyers
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
On the Ground in Worcester
The Day in Scott Brown News [someone]
"Voodoo Science" 1- Global Warming Hysteria- 0
The Later Playoff Game Today Post
Sunday Playoff Thread
Bay Area Moron Meetup
Open Thread -- Global Warming Edition
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Brown "surge" extends to InTrade -- now at 54 56.8 , surged 10 in previous day trading
Saturday NFL playoff thread [someone]
Saturday Haiku Thingy
Overnight Open Thread - TGIF Edition (Mætenloch)
Brown internal polling: up by 11 (!?!)
No. Freaking. Way. Coackley Calls Curt Schilling "Another Yankee Fan"
Bleg: Go On Up to San Fran?
Obama Declares MA Senate Race a Referendum on His Presidency
Coakley Trailing in Coakley Polls Too: 47-44
CNN: GOP Leads in Generic Congressional, 48-45
Obama Coming to Massachusetts
Tea Partiers Taking Over the GOP, Precinct by Precinct
Head of Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula Killed by Catholic Working in Emergency Room and Drone-Strike but Mostly Drone-Strike
More Tone Deafness By Democrats In MA Senate Race: You Know What Symbolizes Greed? The World Trade Center
New Poll: Harry Reid Getting Killed In Reelection Bid By Just About Everyone Including Other Democrats
Danny Glover: Global Warming Caused the Haiti Earthquake
Audio: I, Martha Coakely, Running for Senate in Catholic Massachustt[e]s, Declare That Catholics Shouldn't Be Working In Emergency Rooms
AP Story in Boston Globe: "potential disaster for President Barack Obama and his Democratic political agenda"
Customer Service In The Age Of YouTube
Top Headline Comments 1-15-10
Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll Finds Martha Coakley Up By Fifteen Wait, Did I Say Coakley? I Meant Brown
Martha Coakley: yea, I will deny someone a life saving heart transplant for political reasons
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Coakley: Catholics Shouldn't Work in the Emergency Room
CNN: Live Rescue of Little Girl Trapped in Rubble
Brown Campaign Has Brought In a Million Dollars Each Day This Week
The Pizza Putsch: Ben Nelson Driven From Pizza Joint By Angry, Booing Constituents
Coakley's Own Internal Poll Shows Two Point Lead; Democrat Confides, "This One May Be Too Far to Recover"
"The outcome of these fights will probably rest on one vote in the U.S. Senate:" Obama Cuts Campaign Ad For, Um, Scott Brown
An Even Worse Story on Coakley: Let Guy Off For Raping His 23-Month -Old Niece With Hot Curling Iron
Newton MA: hey, we want those released Gitmo detainees
SCOTT BROWN'S CAMPAIGN IN CRISIS Coakley Pushes Deadly HuffPo HitJob on Brown; Shock Expose Reveals Property Ownership, Time-Share
Obama and Unions Reach Agreement on Unions' Objection to "Cadillac Plan" Surtax: Hey, Let's Just Exempt the Unions!
MichellO's Plastic Turkey Moment
Oh, My: Worcester Police Reject Prosecutor Coakley; Unions Endorse Republican Brown
On Pat Robertson's Childish Santa Claus Conception of Christianity
Fun Web Ad
Coakley's Such a Law-and-Order Gal She Vigourously Locks Up the Innocent, Just to Make an Example Out of 'Em
Obama Takes Aim at Banks Again
Scott Ritter Searches for Weapons of Mass Destruction in 15-Year-Old Girl's Panties
Top Headline Comments 1-14-10
Worst Candidate Evar? Coakley Badmouths Fenway Fans
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Follow-up on the CPAC/GOProud Story
GruberGate Fraud Ripped by Jane Hamsher (?) on Huffington Post (???)
Jay Leno: Hey, Since Conan's Getting So Much Sympathy, You Know What? I Might Walk Too
Beck. Palin. Apocalypse.
John Edwards: "Why Didn't You Come To Me Like a F*cking Man and Tell Me to Stop F*cking Another Mistress?!?!"
Earthquake In Haiti
Martha Coakley Apparently Blind
Scott Brown on Howie Carr Right Now
RNC Agitating To Get Steele to Quit?
Rangel: Health Care Negotiations Face "Serious Problems;" No Bill Until February
More Important: Stewart Fails to Land a Blow on John Yoo; Apologizes to the Netroots All of the Late-Night Jokes About the Late-Night Draaaama
A Bit More on the Tiller Murder Trial
Quninppiac: 45/45 Approve/Disapprove; 47/41 on Failure/Success; 37/35 on Whether It's Better Obama Won, or Would Be Better if McCain Had Won
Ace of Spades HQ Quarterly Report: We Have Personally Saved or Created 970,000 Jobs
They Felt Called.
Top Headline Comments 1-13-10
Wouldn't It Be Better to Stop Obamacare Now and Argue About Property Taxes A Little Later?
Miep Gies, Helped To Hide Anne Frank, Dies At Age 100
Oh, Dear: Obama Changes "Saved or Created" Accounting to "Saved or Created... By Someone Else Entirely"
Sam Palmisano's speech in London
Overnight Open Thread - Boring Tuesday Edition (Mætenloch)
Coakley's Inspiring Message: "If I Don't Win, 2010 Is Going to be Hell for the Democrats" Plus -- Waterloo!!! Coakley Staffer Knocks Down Weekly Standard Reporter
DSCC Pours $570 K into Mass; SEIU Kicks in $685,000
Palin on O'Reilly
Severe Earthquake Strikes Haiti
National Federation of Independent Business: fear of government policy initiatives supressing job creation
Unemployment Will Peak at 10.5% This Year, Say Forecasters; US Chamber of Commerce Warns of Double-Dip Due to Democratic Policies
New Rasmussen: Coakley's Lead is Down to Two
Steel Worker Union Guy: Yeah, Coakley's Campaign Paid Me Fifty Bucks to Stand Here Holding a Coakley Sign, But I'm Voting for Brown
Too Funny for the Sidebar: Joe Biden's Ad Campaign for Hennessey Cognac
Ben Nelson Shakes His Tin Cup Again: Not "100 Percent Certain" He Will Vote for Health Care Bill
Conan O'Brien to NBC: Drop Dead
Culture Clash: CNN Anchorette Wants to Know Why Truck Dealer's Motto Is "God, Guns, Guts, and American Pick-Up Trucks," and Why He's Giving Away a Free AK-47 With Every Truck
Cook Report: 8-9 Dem Senate Seats in Play in 2010 (and This Doesn't Count Scott Brown's Bid)
Shoo In: North Dakota Governor John Hoeven Announces He's Running for Byron Dorgan's Abandoned Senate Seat
Oh, My: CNN Poll Finds 48% of America Categorize Obama's Presidency Thusfar as a "Failure" Oh, My Part II: CBSNews Finds Obama at Lowest Approval Ever at 46%
Boston TV Political Analyst: Scott Brown Threw Martha Coakley Up on a Pinball Machine and Treated Her Like Jodie Foster in The Accused
Coakley cracks down on hardened MA criminals
At the Moron Meet-Up...
Believe It Or Not, Freddie/Fannie Scandal Worse Than You Thought: It's Fraud on a Massive Scale
Flashback: Obama and Flacks Smash Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton for Racial Commments
How Did I Miss This? Scott Brown Posed Semi-Nude for Cosmo As College Student at BC
As Brown Raises $1.3 Million from Citizens 'Round the Country, Coakley Calls In Big Money From... Health Care/Pharma Lobbyists
Special Elections Today
Scott Brown: With All Due Respect, It's Not the Kennedy Seat, It's the People's Seat Coakley: No Taliban Left in Afghanistan So We Can Pull Out 'n Stuff
Top Headline Comments 1-12-10
Chicoms: Countries Should Not Develop Missile-Defense Systems
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Defendant Allowed To Put On Defense That Killing Abortionist Was Justified
Brown money bomb busts $430K $469K $501K $522K $750K $918K $984K $1M $1.1M
The state of ClimateGate today, Jan 11 2010. [krakatoa]
Moron Meetup (New Posts Below )
Open Blog
Fareed Zakaria: Would You People Please Stop Worrying So Much About Terrorism!
Rasmussen: 64% Say This Is the Worst Winter in Years; 50% Say Global Warming Not Man-Caused Disaster
Presser: Reid Names African-Americans He's Worked With and Supported, All Having a Rich Diversity of Skin Tones and Negro Accent Levels
You Know, David Brooks Is Sort of an Elitist Crypto-Fascist Douchebag
DNC Head Tim Kaine: Reid Was Totally Praising Obama, Because Saying Someone is "Light Skinned" and Has "No Negro Dialect" Is Like the Highest Compliment to a Black Person
Palin Signs on With FoxNews, as Contributor
Would-Be TSA Head: Can't Have a "War" on Terror; Effort to Stop Terror Doomed; and Stopping Terror Should Be No Higher a Priority Than Global Warming and Education BONUS! He Takes Some Terrorists Seriously!
Report: Hasan Promoted, Given Positive Evaluations, Even as His Superiors Voiced Concerns Over His Competence and Stability
Obama's So-Called "Stimulus" Bill Didn't Do A Bit Of Good, Says Right Wing Kooks At The Associated Press
World's First Sex Robot... Is a Truther
Top Headline Comments 1-11-10
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Update on the Newark Airport Security Breach (Mætenloch)
Chavez Takes a Page From the Rahm Emanuel "Crisis" Playbook
Priorities: Check Out Speed of Obama's Reaction in Harry Reid Contretemps Vs. Christmas Panty-Bomber
Former Senator and Member of 9/11 Commission Slade Gorton: Panty-Bomber Was "Singing Like a Canary" Until Read His Miranda Rights
Yeah, That Globe Poll Looks Wrong
NYT Notes Growing Perception That Obama is a "Wimp" Equal to Jimmy Carter
Michael Steele: Harry Reid Should Step Down for Light-Skinned Negro Remarks
Playoffs Thread
Predictable: 60 Minutes Will Hit Sarah Palin Tonight
Anti-Flaming Skull: Boston Globe Poll Has Coakley Up 15 In MA Senate Race
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Game Change, The Greatest Political Book in 20 Years?
More Dippin': Brown 63-31 Over Coakley With Independents
Double WHOA: Bill Clinton on Obama: "A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Getting Us Coffee"
NFL Playoff Wild Card Round
Its a winter "wonderland" Florida
Whoa: Reid Said Obama Could Win Because He's "Light-skinned" With "No Negro Dialect"
Scott Brown Links
Overnight Open Thread - TGIF (Mætenloch)
No Surprise: Judge Tosses Out Bulk of Evidence Against Terrorist/Former Gitmo Detainee Now On Trial in Civilian Court
Has Anybody Seen A Lefty Pundit Praise Obama For His Performance Yesterday?
AP: Despite the Dismal Jobs Report, There Still Is Good Hope For Optimi-- You Know What? This Is Just Awful and We Can't Spin It Otherwise
NPR Sorta Apologizes for Acknowledges Tea Bag Cartoon and Claims (Ha-ha) it Doesn't Reflect Their Values
Democratic Alligned Polling Firm: MA Senate "Has Become A Losable Race For Demcorats"
I Love It When A Remake Comes Together: A-Team Trailer Now Online
Steele Cancels TV Appearance As He's Summoned to "Emergency Meeting" at RNC HQ Republican Leaders: We Were Stunned By Michael Steele's Announcement He Had a Book At All
Brain-In-A-Bag Friday
"President Obama is leading an extreme left-wing crusade to bankrupt America,'' Says Extreme Rightwing Nutter Michelle Bachman in Campaign Ad
Obama: As Part of My Bold New Strategy For Combating Terror, I Hereby Order Intelligence Agencies to Do Something They Should Have Already Been Doing and Were Doing Under Bush-- Following Up on Terrorist Tips
Unemployment Holds at 10.0%, But That's Not the Whole Story
Top Headline Comments 1-8-10
Boston Globe: that Martha Coakley is kind of a slippery crapweasle who doesn't want you MA voters to know too much about her and you might just want to consider what that implies
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
BCS Championship Thread
Two Strikes: CBS Report Says Dots Not Connected in Ft. Hood/Hasan Case, Either; "It reads like a dress rehearsal for the Detroit bomber case"
Awesome: Gitmo Detainees Might Fight Extradition to Illinios, Because Gitmo Is Nicer
What The Obama Administration Was Most Shocked By In The Christmas Day Attack
"The Buck Stops With Me"
Deep Red State Filled With Tea Party Going, Inbred Hicks Rejects Same Sex Marriage
Obama Terrorism Statement UPDATE: "We are war. We are at war with al Qaeda" UPDATE x2: US Gov't Had Enough Information To Have Potentially Stopped Attack
Howard Stern Sidekick Artie Lang in Bloody Suicide Attempt
Cook Report Moves Massachusetts Senate Race from "Solid Democratic" to "Leans Democratic"
Crochety Old Pinko Jack Cafferty: Hey, Obama Just Flat-Out Lied About Broadcasting Health Care Negotiations; "Just Another Lie Told for Public Expediency;" "Not Even a Token Effort Keep Campaign Promises"
Oh My: Geithner Told AIG to Lie to Public About "Backdoor Bailout" of Big Banks and Investment Houses Through AIG
Administration Seems to Be Settling on Fall Guy for Christmas Bombing Lapse, and, Shocker of Shockers, It's a Bush Appointee
Sarah Palin to Address National Tea Party Convention
Michael Steele: How Would I Grade Myself As GOP Chair? A "Solid B"
Remember When Obama Said He Wouldn't Raise Taxes On Those Making Less Than $250K? Let Me Be Perfectly Clear, He Lied
Gallup: Number of Self-identified Dems Falling Rasmussen: GOP Has Nine Point Advantage on a Generic Ballot
Top Headline Comments 1-7-10
That Attack On The CIA In Afghanistan? Looking Worse And Worse
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Andrew Sullivan: You Know, I'm Thinking We Should Invade Israel
Adam Carolla Breaks Down the 'Hot Chicks with Douchebags' Phenomenon [dri]
Proof Fox News Isn't A "Real News Orgainization": Right Wing FNC Hack Wooed By GOP To Run For Senate
America Rising: An Open Video Letter to Democratic Politicians
Yglesias: Dodd showed "a ton of integrity" in stepping down
House Republican Whip Says Over 35 Democrats Have Potential To Bail On Health Care Vote
Seven Taliban Killed in One Day by Tonsil-Hunting Insurance Companies and One British Sniper, But Mostly One British Sniper
Candidate Obama: I Vow I'll Televise the Health Care Negotiations President Obama: On Second Thought, American Idol is Starting Again, and I Don't Want to Bother You
Top Headline Comments 1-6-10
Lady Gaga
Black Tuesday for Dems: Dorgan, Ritter...Dodd?
Major General Michael Flynn: CIA clueless in Afghanistan
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Federal Reserve: Give us your tired, your poor, your $1.2T in dubious mortgage backed securities
Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Retiring This Year To Spend Time With His Family And Avoid Getting His Ass Kicked But Mostly To Avoid Getting His Ass Kicked
Week 17 Pick Results: The Finish
Awesomely Awful: Fred Phelps' Lunatic Church Parodizes Lady Gaga, Self
Keith Olbermann: You Know What? The CIA Must Have Withheld Information About the Panty-Bomber from Obama in Order to Embarrass Him
NYC Moron Meetup Monday?
Administration: Hey, On Second Thought? Now That We Really Think About It? Yeah... Maybe We Won't Continue Freeing Terrorists to Yemen
Michael Yon Handcuffed By Sea-Tac Cops For... Refusing to State How Much Money He Makes?
David Brooks: People Disagree With Me Because They're Jealous of How Awesome I Am
Moussaoui Conviction Upheld But....
Another Obama Promise Ready to Expire?
Rasmussen: Scott Brown Within Nine in MA-Senate
Steele: I Don't Know if the GOP Is Ready to Lead (But It Doesn't Matter, As We're Not Going to Win Either House of Congress Anyway)
Henry Blodget: Don't worry, be happy, no "double-dip" recession has ever happened before
Iran Pleased That US Has No Deadline To Start Talks
Top Headline Comments 1-5-10
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Video: Las Vegas Courthouse Shooting
After 60 Years of Frustration and Embarrassment, Scientists Say They Can Prove the G-Spot Doesn't Exist
The state of ClimateGate today, Jan 4 2010. [krakatoa]
Public Doubting Competence, and Growing Incensed with Spin of, Obama Administration, Says Noted Conservative... Bob Schieffer
Jordanian Doctor Responsible For Suicide Bomb Attack On CIA Base In Afghanistan
The looming EuroZone debt crisis
Economists: Chances of a Robust Recovery over the Whole Next Decade ? Somewhere Between Grim and None
NPR Teaches You How to Speak "Tea Bag"
US Institutes Profiling At Overseas Airports
Top Headline Comments 1-4-10
Andrew Sullivan, Political Tweaker : Commenting on an Official White House Picture of Obama is Now Racist, Or Something
Obama's Secret Santa Gift to the American Taxpayer: Unlimited Liability for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae Losses
White House: We're Totally Still Sending Gitmo Terrorists Back to Yemen So They Can "Escape" From Prison and Murder Us, Because It's the Right Thing to Do or Something
Comment Problems
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
NFL Sunday Night Football: Jets v. Bengals
Preposterous products for people with more money than brains
US Embassy in Yemen fails to get memo about "human caused disasters", uses politically incorrect "T" word
Captain Awesome's Counter-Terrorism Honcho: Hey, Let's Offer Panty-Bomber Abdul a Sweet Deal if He Talks!
Good Lord: "I think it is unfair and, frankly, political to take pot shots at the president as we respond to this failure in our systems that we've got to get fixed." -- Sen. Claire McCaskill Obama's Counter-Terrorism Advisor: No "Smoking Gun"
Could Scott Brown Win MA-Senate?
Associated Press openly scoffs at Democrat's "jobs bill"
Movie Review: Up In The Air [moviegique]
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Mohammed Cartoonist attacked by Ax-Wielding Muslim [krakatoa]
Ben Nelson Asks SC Attorney General to "Call Off the Dogs"
Top Ten Conservative Movies of the Decade
Charles Johnson Pushes "I Win" Button On Patterico
YOUEEs At it Again in France
The Bush "era of secrecy" is over, the Obama "era of freaking weird labyrinthine secrecy" begins
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Tom Hayden: "It's time to strip the Obama sticker off my car."
Rush: I'm Ready for Round 6 Video Added; Also Praises American Health Care System
Shock: Puddle-Headed Liberal Joan Walsh of Salon Finds Criticism of Obama "Traitorous"
NHL Winter Classic: Flyers v. Bruins
Taliban Attack On CIA Base Called "Devastating"
Bowl Games Open Thread
Previewing ObamaCare; Mayo Clinic Stops Accepting Medicare Patients
Top Headline Comments 1-1-10
Federal Judge Cites Prosecution Mistakes, Tosses Charges Against Blackwater Guards Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day. This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit
Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Chuck Grassley
NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10
Senate floor vote comes next
Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize! -- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital
JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.
You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
Recent Comments
ShainS -- The Deep State Dies in Daylight AND Dharma [/b][/i][/s][/u] :
"The stab-happy wife is now missing, and is suspect ..."
Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon :
"DEI strikes again, the fire captain was murdered b ..."
Chelsea Clinton :
"The Left has run out of ideas. Harris, Buttijudge, ..."
one hour sober :
"Delta Adds A Little Hanging Tennis Ball To End Of ..."
Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar :
"I liked the story well enough but figured the whol ..."
News You Can Use :
"Looks like she needed the company a protective dyk ..."
Paco :
"[i]264 Another is the Mazda Miata, once known as ..."
Lady in Black[/i][/b][/u] :
"Not the Bee
California school dis ..."
Stinky Davis. :
""I'll harm you!"
Oooh! I'll give you such a pin ..."
Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon :
"Perhaps I am the only one who finds an 11-year sen ..."
Josephistan :
"Because I think I would be hesitant to get involve ..."
Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison :
"261 Harris, Buttijudge, Neewsome, AOC their best c ..."
Bloggers in Arms
Some Humorous Asides