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Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch) »
January 02, 2010
Mohammed Cartoonist attacked by Ax-Wielding Muslim [krakatoa]
File this under dog bites man.
He and his 5-year-old grand-daughter escaped to a safe-room and minutes later the police arrived.
The fervent Islamist threatened the police with his axe and was shot twice (non-fatally).
He is pleading innocence, saying he just intended to scare the 74 year old man.
Obviously Westergaard is at fault here. Maybe a nice apology will get Islamic fundamentalists to call off the medieval hit-men. It's worked so well for Obama so far.
UPDATE: I didn't think to include a link to the famous cartoons. Thanks to IreneFingIrene & others for reminding me.

posted by xgenghisx at
07:25 PM
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