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January 02, 2010
Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch)
Welcome to another edition of CatSaturday. Not to worry dog lovers, we'll have some cute puppehs coming soon.
The 30 Most Important Kittehs of 2009
Including teh awesome kitteh.
Democrats to Run Against George Bush, Wall Street fatcats in 2010
Well I guess it worked once before which puts it in the top tier of Democrat strategies.
Berkeley High School to Cut Science Labs for Being 'Too White'
Next to be cut for being 'too white': going to college, getting a job.
The Singular y'all: a Yankee-ism?
Okay I grew up in the south and I can't think of any examples of where y'all was used where a plural audience wasn't at least implied. Interestingly from the article it seems like the singular y'all appears in areas where there are a lot of non-southerners and may act as a cultural signal.
What Celebrities Will Look Like in 2020
Celebrity Update: Lindsay Lohan Single Again, Back to Men, Usual Vices
And she's looking better nowadays - who would guess that she's actually only 37 in Hollywood years.
Tonight's post brought to you by good luck touches:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:00 PM
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