« Accept the Pudding, Norah O'Donnel |
January 19, 2010
Quick Report UPDATED Coakley Concedes

For those of you not watching but tracking on the intertubes, DrewM tells me the nets are croaking at Brown HQ. Ace is posting via Blackberry right now.
Since the Globe's web servers are also dancing the watusi across the office, here's another results tracking link. 65% of precincts reporting, Brown 53%, Coakley 46%.
Me, I'm home, just grilled a steak, and I have my own celebration planned shortly. *looks longingly at that big bowl of guacamole dip*
Oh yeah.
UPDATE: AP calls it for Brown. Coakley makes the phone call. Pudding is room temperature.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:17 PM
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