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January 19, 2010
Bill Clinton's Turn Of Phrase
Cuffy uses his powerful news-sniffin' snout to turn up this truffle for us:
Former President Bill Clinton urged House Democrats last week to do a better job of telling voters how the legislation would help them, such as expanding coverage to the uninsured and establishing networks to offer more insurance options.
"Put the corn where the hogs can get it," Clinton said, using a colorful phrase for making something clear and accessible, according to an aide who took notes at the speech.
Because the problem with the health care legislation is that you cousin-humpin' waterheads just don't get it. All them fancy words need to be pre-chewed and spit into your mouths by mama bird.
Was that too 'colorful?'
Maybe you Morons can come up with a better phrase than Bill Clinton's or mine.

posted by Laura. at
10:06 AM
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