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Obama Sternly Warns Congress: Don't Just Jam Health Care Through Against the People's Will »
January 20, 2010
MA Senate Election Starting To Get Through At White House?
Major Garrett from FNC interviewed David Axelrod and it sounds like they are coming to grips with reality.
Axelrod said the White House doesn't want any Senate action on health care until Brown is seated.
"I think it would be inappropriate," Axelrod said. "I think the people of Massachusetts would consider it inappropriate, and that's something we won't do."
Late Tuesday, Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., called on the Senate to stop all health care legislation until Brown is seated. Axelrod's was the first signal that the White House agreed.
So no back door deal to jam this through in the next week or two and definitely nothing for Obama to sign at the State of the Union (which was talked about as a bit of theater at one point).
I don't want to say it but what the hell...it's dead. They will have to reconstruct the whole thing now and no one is going to have the stomach to deal with it. There's too many moving parts that were essentially irreconcilable before and in this political climate, it's now impossible.
Nearly every House Democrat and a bunch in the Senate are going to be going into survival mode for the next 10 months. Shoving this pile of shit across the finish line is not part of their new plan.
Not sure what the official signal for Waterloo is going to be but it's time to get the band warmed up.

posted by DrewM. at
02:50 PM
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