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Overnight Open Thread (Mætenloch) »
January 01, 2010
Tom Hayden: "It's time to strip the Obama sticker off my car."
I'd have to say Hayden is a walking embodiment of the 1960's "red diaper doper babys". Redder than Chairman Mao, thicker than a neutron star, and totally sworn to "the cause".
It's time to strip the Obama sticker off my car. Obama's escalation in Afghanistan is the last in a string of disappointments. His flip-flopping acceptance of the military coup in Honduras has squandered the trust of Latin America. His Wall Street bailout leaves the poor, the unemployed, minorities and college students on their own. And now comes the Afghanistan-Pakistan decision to escalate the stalemate, which risks his domestic agenda, his Democratic base, and possibly even his presidency...
See, I'll wade into these fetid festering fever swamps of the hard left so you gentle readers don't have to. I'm that kinda guy. I'm willing to take one for the team. Now will someone get a fire hose stat and start rinsing off my HazMat suit...pretty please with sugar on top. Its getting stuffy in here.
If you're looking for a nice one-stop shopping list of who all the major hard left players are, its hard to beat the list on the right side of this site. Of course they think the only way democrats can avoid losing in 2010 is to continue lurching to the left.
Yea guys. Go with that.
[UPDATE] I forgot to add that it is painfully obvious now that Hayden must be some sort of racist hater and closeted member of StormFront or Aryan Nation.