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January 11, 2010
The state of ClimateGate today, Jan 11 2010. [krakatoa]
(A series of daily-ish semi-weekly-ish * roundups of the day's Climate news and commentary.)
* The furor is at a low-ebb after Copenhagen, and my own attention this past week has been taken by mundane things like my paying job, so these wrap-ups are going to be less frequent unless something big happens.
This is by no means a comprehensive recap. The stories come from a variety of sources, and I highly recommend exploring the linked sites for more breaking news.
(after the break...)
Police in UK are still investigating the climategate email "hacking". The going has been slow, so they've called in a crack unit from the National Domestic Extremism Team. Apparently in the UK, 1984 wasn't a warning, so much as a set of guidelines.
In case you haven't noticed, it's damn cold out there. And white. Juice-boxes hardest hit.
One IPCC scientist seems to think we are in for decades of cold.
The Gore-effect weather aside, leading Cricket aficionado and UN Climate Chief Pachauri seems to have fallen out of favor with his local papers. Seems Indians aren't fond of hypocrisy.
His conflicts of interest are old news to those paying attention, but then, nobody has accused the Press of paying attention for quite some time.
Sciencytist who, to great Copenhagen fanfare, predicted 6 foot rise in sea-level has been derided as "simplistic and unsatisfactory."
We deniers are all about laying the defamatory smackdowns. Wait a sec... The Met Office said it?
Damn. That's going to leave a mark.
h/t tbr
Chiefio catches GISS simply making records up, begging the obvious question: just how far can the appeal to authority fallacy go before people start looking out the windows?
Ice Breakers on the Potomac.
h/t Climate Depot
Michael Mann found fudging other numbers for Phil Jones. Is that a Hockey Stick in your pocket, or are you just trying to fill out a resume?
Global Warming killing Manatees. Wait, no. That's not right. It may be time to coin a new acronym.
I'm torn between the following two:
ACG - Anthropogenic Climate Change. Seems fairly sciency & stuff, but it lacks punch. Which leaves me leaning towards the second.
WDI - 'dubyadeeI - Whitey Did It. I think this might best capture the fundamental thrust of the Sciencytific Communnities "Consensus."
Feel free to come up with better acronyms in the comments.