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January 04, 2010
After 60 Years of Frustration and Embarrassment, Scientists Say They Can Prove the G-Spot Doesn't Exist
Now if only they'd work on debunking the pernicious Myth of the Clitoris.
You can call off the search, chaps the G-spot may not exist after all.
Researchers who studied 1,800 women have found no evidence of the female erogenous zone.
They believe that it may be a figment of women's imagination, encouraged by magazines and sex therapists.
They add that the 'myth' has made many men and women feel inadequate about their sex lives.
The G-spot is supposed to be a small area of the female body where nerve endings are concentrated. If activated by a sexual partner, it is supposed to give supreme sexual pleasure.
Sex therapists have made careers out of telling women they can boost their G-spot through diet or exercise.
But the study of British women at King's College London has cast doubt on the science behind it.
Co-author Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology, said: 'Women may argue that having a G-spot is due to diet or exercise, but in fact it is virtually impossible to find real traits.
'This is by far the biggest study ever carried out and it shows fairly conclusively that the idea of a G-spot is subjective.'
Yeah, I never really bothered looking for it at all, because I'm selfish and incompetent in bed.
So I win.
Temple of Jennifer.