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January 13, 2010
They Felt Called.
Servicemen Understand Service Better Than Your Average Politician
Who serves in an all-volunteer military? For the most part, people who felt innately called to duty. What they think about service when their tours are over will vary, of course.
But original character is durable; these are the kinds of folks who step up. And they tend to have the same basic idea of the United States that you do, and love it, and want to preserve it.
It is inevitable at this time in history that some would come home after their military ventures, look around, and say, "Oh look, more asses to kick. Excellent."
Iraq Veterans For Congress Political Action Committee
Iraq Veterans for Congress PAC, or IVC, is a federally registered political action committee supporting the congressional campaigns of conservative Republican Iraq Veterans.
We look for conservative Republican veterans who are determined to become a voice for our troops, military families, and hardworking patriotic Americans who believe that our country, our Constitution and our way of life are worth fighting for.
We are fast building on our success from 2008, our first year of operation, when Iraq Veterans for Congress (IVC) helped elect two rock-solid conservatives and battle-tested Iraq Veterans:
Congressmen Mike Coffman (R-CO) and Duncan Hunter Jr. (R-CA).
Now our sights are set on building on these victories in 2010.
And we’re targeting those Liberal Democrats who are the biggest threat to America’s safety and security.
IVC has grown from just a handful to over twenty candidates, and they're still adding more.
These guys chose to give up their own freedom for a while, to preserve ours.
Now they want to serve again, in the political arena. And you know that their idea of what a public servant is, is wildly different from that of the molly-coddled lefty elitist pricks who currently infest office.
Please show these vets some love and help support their campaigns by supporting this very worthy PAC.

posted by Laura. at
10:39 AM
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