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January 27, 2010
Preparing for the SOTU
Tonight, in his first official State of the Union, President Barack Obama is going to explain "why he thinks the American people are angry and frustrated."
Hilarity sure to ensue.
Let's face it - this is likely going to be a tedious speech (as most SOTUs are) in which Obama outlines new and interesting ways to spend our money, but we here at the AOSHQ are here to help you get through it. First, there will be live-blogging with the usual suspects at the helm. No word on whether special guest stars such as Peggy Noonan, Chris Matthews will show up.
Since it's a good bet that at least 99.4% of you will be in possession of an alcoholic beverage of some sort, various writers are offering various games that, if the rules are followed, are sure to make you regret playing. Seriously, don't play these. It's not like they're just handing out replacement livers.
The Huffington Post - don't let the website keep you away. This one is pretty funny.
The San Francisco Chronicle - Funny, but this one requires actual physical activity at times, so it's not exactly Moron Nation-friendly.
S.E. Cupp - The most moron-friendly of the bunch.
For those who are not drinking-inclined, how about a game of bingo? I've created this one (pdf), and Nom de Plume was nice enough to send us the one available below the jump, which was great since I was too lazy to create multiple cards.

We hope this is enough to help you endure listening to Obama attempt populism for an hour.

posted by Slublog at
10:00 AM
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