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January 27, 2010
WaPo: Obama's First Year Accomplishment...the Easter Egg Roll
The President is damned with faint praise in the Washington Post's slideshow of his first year in office (at present available here, though that will change):
Since January 2009, Obama has signed an economic stimulus bill, pushed Congress to pass health-care reform, traveled overseas and upheld traditions like the White House Easter Egg roll and a State Dinner.
Did you catch that? His Big Five are the spendulus, a healthcare bill that may never pass, some travel, an easter egg hunt and a state dinner that got crashed by a couple of utter fools. Ouch.
The same caption has been attached to WaPo articles here and here.
To be fair, he also got Justice Sotomayor confirmed, but that victory really should be laid at the feet of the Senate Republicans who for the first six weeks after her nomination couldn't stop hiding from the "Wise Latina" for fear they'd look bad on TV talking about how unacceptable her race- and gender-bias is on the Supreme Court.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:30 AM
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