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January 26, 2010

Revealed: Ellie Light is a Nurse Named Barbara Brooks

Apparently no collusion with Axelrod and Co.

The Plain Dealer reports, and I've also confirmed parts of this, that the mysterious pro-Obama letter-writer is, in fact, a nurse named Barbara Brooks from Kern County, Calif...

And so if this wasn't a grand conspiracy, what did it mean?

It means that for two straight years Obama and his zealots have waged a massive propaganda war on the world to convince us all that Obama was inevitable and then, after having been elected, was massively popular. All of this was done to demoralize his opposition, and to delegitimze opposition as "fringe." And also to discourage his opposition from voicing that opposition in the first place, because if you're convinced that you're all alone in opposing Obama, you tend to shut up about it.

This is why Glenn Becks' "You Are Not Alone" campaign/exhortation caught on so big. The opposition needed to hear just this as a tonic for the endless "You Are Alone" messaging from Obama, his campaign staff, his more frothy supporters, and the media. (The last two in that list have a "but I repeat myself" character.)

Throughout Obama's Long Fall from the summer of the Tea Parties, this PR technique has been employed again and again. Obama's supporters don't need marching orders from Organizing For America; they don't need to be told the how the PR campaign is supposed to work. It's pretty obvious how it's supposed to work. His frothiest supporters know full well everything about this guy is creating the air of inevitability/invincibility/well-nigh universal support. From the fake Presidential seal to the fake White House colonnade at his nomination acceptance speech to the vicious delegitimization of the Tea Partiers as insane racists (just a few isolated nuts, as they say) to the ridiculous assault on FoxNews to the War on Scott Rasmussen for daring to report poll numbers demonstrating that the public was increasingly aware their Boy Emperor Has No Clothes -- it's pretty obvious what the game plan is here, and his supporters don't need to coordinate with David Axelrod to play a useful role in executing it.

But it's all ridiculous. It began as tactically sound (I secretly gave Obama props for his balls and savvy for the faux trappings of the presidency before a single vote had been cast), but then became both dishonest and dismissive, then truly objectionable as ordinary Americans were attacked mercilessly for daring to exercise their birthright of political agitation.

Now it has become downright risible and ridiculous. Obama's got 45% support, and something like 45-55% of the country opposes him, depending on the poll, depending on the week.

And yet they are still trying to sell the meme that that 55% who opposes him is "fringe" and "just a few isolated nuts and malcontents."

The 55% Fringe.

Although, I notice, some of the media is refusing to carry water for them on that point any more. Chris Matthews, Butterball Pudgebunny, did as much as anyone to deligitimize the Tea Party Movement as some fringey racist band of survivalist losers, spoke somewhat respectfully of them on his show yesterday, asking, without any denigrating or sneering, how the Democrats could coopt/appease "the Tea Party Movement," acknowledging it as a real and legitimate political force.

But some, of course, will stick to their old methods. Flood newspapers with 47 virtually-identical letters, just like the annoying Ron Paul Zealots used to do, cynically believing people to be both 1) stupid and 2) shallow enough to join a bandwagon just because the illusion of a bandwagon had been created.

What does it mean, Ben Smith? It means that Obama cultivated a cult, and that many of his cultists have not gotten word yet that the God Who Walks Among Us is in fact the God Who Failed.

Thanks to AHFF Geoff.

Sorry About Yesterday/Today: I got really run-down and have one of those flus or whatnot where you get a headful of liquid and you get a little dizzy when you just turn your head.

digg this
posted by Ace at 02:08 PM

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