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January 14, 2010
An Even Worse Story on Coakley: Let Guy Off For Raping His 23-Month-Old Niece With Hot Curling Iron
Guy was a cop.
Seems that Coakley does as the machine asks her.
I can't think of any other explanation except that someone made a big withdrawal from the Favor Bank.
Well, either that or outright bribery.
Can anyone else explain?
In October 2005, a Somerville police officer living in Melrose raped his 23-month-old niece with a hot object, most likely a curling iron.
Keith Winfield, then 31, told police he was alone with the toddler that day and made additional statements that would ultimately be used to convict him.
But in the aftermath of the crime, a Middlesex County grand jury overseen by Martha Coakley, then the district attorney, investigated without taking action.
It was only after the toddler’s mother filed applications for criminal complaints that Coakley won grand jury indictments charging rape and assault and battery.
Even then, nearly 10 months after the crime, Coakley’s office recommended that Winfield be released on personal recognizance, with no cash bail. He remained free until December 2007, when Coakley’s successor as district attorney won a conviction and two life terms.
Coakley, now the Democratic candidate for US Senate, has made much of her record prosecuting crimes against children, and says her office handled this investigation appropriately. But the case stands out as one in which she drew criticism for not being aggressive enough. Indeed, the case gave rise to Coakley’s last competitive election.
Whoops: I wrote the niece was 23-years-old. Of course she was 23 months old. Brain fart.