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January 29, 2010
Obama At House Republican Retreat
On FNC now.
Right now, Obama is giving a speech but there's going to be a Q&A with House Republicans asking questions. Originally one the speech was supposed to be aired but last night the administration asked to televise the whole thing. Depending on who is asking the questions it could be interesting.
Wow, Obama just said, "I am not an ideologue" in response to why he went with big spending stimulus instead of the House across the board tax cut proposal.
No, Joe Wilson didn't shout out "You Lie!". Awesome self control in the face of that kind of provocation.
I love his "I'm not an ideologue, just a technocrat working with what the experts tell me" shtick. Such horse shit.
I have to admit this will likely play well for him, unless someone can lay a glove on him. He's walking the line between fighting back which will help with the nutroots and appearing post-partisan by showing up which some independents love (some are just fed up with him too). Conservatives obviously will loathe him because, well, it's all the same old crap.
That and the whole lying through his teeth thing as Paul Ryan just pointed out helps.
West Virgina congresswoman now going after Cap and Trade. Prepare to be dazzled by Green Jobs bullshit.
Wow...Jason Chaffetz of Colorado....You know Mr. President you lie. A lot. Done out of sadness not anger. Very well played.

posted by DrewM. at
12:23 PM
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