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January 20, 2010
Director Of National Intelligence: We Didn't Put The Christmas Day Bomber In Our High Value Interrogation Program Because, Uh, We Don't Have One.
The layers of stupidity and incompetence run pretty deep here, so stay with me for a moment (and maybe grab an adult beverage first, you're gonna need it).
Earlier today Denis Blair, Director of National Intelligence testified at a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing into the Christmas Day Bomb plot that the bomber should have been placed in the administration's interrogation program for high-value suspects but wasn't.
"That unit was created exactly for this purpose," Blair told the Senate Homeland Security Committee. “We did not invoke the HIG in this case. We should have. Frankly, we were thinking more of overseas people. And, duh ... the decision was made on the scene."
Tonight via Keep America Safe we find out that the DNI Blair has changed his story.
My remarks today before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs have been misconstrued. The FBI interrogated Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab when they took him into custody. They received important intelligence at that time, drawing on the FBI's expertise in interrogation that will be available in the HIG once it is fully operational.
Excuse me? We don't currently have an operational program to interrogate individuals deemed to be of high value? Did Blair not know that this morning? Did he lie? Is he the most incompetent man on the face of the Earth?
Well, it can't be the last one so long as Barack Obama has a job but what about the rest?
How in the world did we go from, "yeah, we should have used that program" to "Program? What program? We don't have a program." in less than 12 hours?
This is the one year anniversary of Obama's inauguration and he and his administration still hasn't replaced the Bush era program they dismantled? Oh but they are so very tough on 'lone extremists'.
Aside from failing to connect the dots to prevent attacks and get as much intelligence from terrorists they capture, the Obama administration is doing a bang up job on national security.

posted by DrewM. at
07:34 PM
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