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Cook Report: 8-9 Dem Senate Seats in Play in 2010 (and This Doesn't Count Scott Brown's Bid) »
January 12, 2010
Shoo In: North Dakota Governor John Hoeven Announces He's Running for Byron Dorgan's Abandoned Senate Seat
+1 GOP.
He probably would have won against Dorgan anyway. This should cinch it.
The thing is, all these -- what do you call them? -- these mountain states up northaways elect a huge number of Democratic Senators, despite being very, very red.
Why? I keep being told by locals it's due to farm subsidies -- egg subsidies are big. The Democrats promise more.
I don't know how to change this or how the hell we can convince these red-staters to stop electing these goddamn liberals-posing-as-centrists-except-on-crucial votes. Over egg subsidies? Jesus! Look at the bigger picture, guys!
And if takes bribing you for your so-sacred egg subsidies, fine, we'll bribe you. But stop voting for blue state liberals in red states.