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January 20, 2010
Remember when... [someone]
So I put up the first Scott Brown post here a month ago. It was greeted with, uh, skepticism.
Umm..you want we should actually give money to a Republican senate candidate in Massa-two-shits??
Yeah, seriously. Of course, some commenters
were prescient:
There were 500K votes for democrats in the primary and about 140,000 for Brown. Democrats had 4 people running for the seat, Brown was virtually uncontested. I think he has a chance, I think many many people in the state are pissed off and they are pissed off at the incumbents, which she is identified as I'd say.
A couple of days later, Ace himself started "
[g]rasping at straws" by posting on Brown. There was actually
some optimism this time!
Don't count Brown out. Don't believe the polls. This is winnable. Believe.
Just an amusing pastime for this very happy morning while Ace recovers from his dip-induced catatonia. Thanks to all the morons who helped make this happen.
[OregonMuse]Update: Let the correction of the record begin! Read this article: "President Bush deserves our respect, not our betrayal." Realize that the man who wrote these words was one of John Kerry's legal flacks in 2004. Now check out his website. I used to think that it was going to take at least a generation to set the Bush record straight, and to appreciate his accomplishments. Happily, I may have to revise my estimate downwards.

posted by xgenghisx at
11:27 AM
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